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merton of the movies-及51准

弌傍 merton of the movies 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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;It's all jake察─Baird assured him。 ;Don't feel worried。 Of course we'll trick the bit where you hit the saddle察the camera'll look out for that。;

One detail only troubled Merton。 After doing the leap from the high window察and before doing its finish where he reached the saddle察Baird directed certain changes in his costume。 He was again to don the false mustache察to put his hat on察and also a heavy jacket lined with sheep's wool worn by one of the cowboys in the dance´hall。 Merton was pleased to believe he had caught the manager napping here。 ;But Mr。 Baird察if I leap from the window without the hat or mustache or jacket and land on my horse in them察wouldn't it look as if I had put them on as I was falling拭

Baird was instantly overcome with confusion。 ;Now察that's so I swear I never thought of that察Merton。 I'm glad you spoke about it in time。 You sure have shown me up as a director。 You see I wanted you to disguise yourself againI'll tell you察get the things on察and after we shoot you lighting in the saddle we'll retake the window scene。 That'll fix it。;

Not until long afterward察on a certain dread night when the earth was to rock beneath him察did he recall that Baird had never retaken that window scene。 At present the young actor was too engrossed by the details of his daring leap to remember small things。 The leap was achieved at last。 He was in the saddle after a twenty´foot drop。 He gathered up the reins察the horse beneath him coughed plaintively察and Merton rode him out of the picture。 Baird took a load off his mind as to this bit of riding。

;Will you want me to gallop拭─he asked察recalling the unhappy experience with Dexter。

;No察just walk him beyond the camera line。 The camera'll trick it up all right。; So察safely察confidently察he had ridden his steed beyond the lens range at a curious shuffling amble察and his work at the Come All Ye Dance Hall was done。

Then came some adventurous days in the open。 In motor cars the company of artists was transported to a sunny nook in the foothills beyond the city察and here in the wild察rough察open spaces察the drama of mother´love察sacrifice察and thrills was further unfolded。

First to be done here was the continuation of the hero's escape from the dance´hall。 Upon his faithful horse he ambled along a quiet road until he reached the shelter of an oak tree。 Here he halted at the roadside。

;You know the detective is following you察─explained Baird察 and you're going to get him。 Take your nag over a little so the tree won't mask him too much。 That's it。 Now察you look back察lean forward in the saddle察listen You hear him coming。 Your face setslook as grim as you can。 That's the stuffthe real Buck Benson stuff when they're after him。 That's fine。 Now you get an idea。 Unlash your rope察let the noose out察give it a couple of whirls to see is everything all right。 That's itonly you still look grimnot so worried about whether the rope is going to act right。 We'll attend to that。 When the detective comes in sight give about three good whirls and let her fly。 Try it once。 Good Now coil her up again and go through the whole thing。 Never mind about whether you're going to get him or not。 Remember察Buck Benson never misses。 We'll have a later shot that shows the rope falling over his head。;

Thereupon the grim´faced Benson察strong察silent man of the open察while the cameras ground察waited the coming of one who hounded him for a crime of which he was innocent。 His iron face was relentless。 He leaned forward察listening。 He uncoiled the rope察expertly ran out the noose察and grimly waited。 Far up the road appeared the detective on a galloping horse。 Benson twirled the rope as he sat in his saddle。 It left his hand察to sail gracefully in the general direction of his pursuer。

;Cut ─called Baird。 ;That was bully。 Now you got him。 Ride out into the road。 You're dragging him off his horse察see拭Keep on up the road察you're still dragging the hound。 Look back over your shoulder and light your face up just a littlethat's it察use Benson's other expression。 You got it fine。 You're treating the skunk rough察but look what he was doing to you察trying to pinch you for something you never did。 That's finego ahead。 Don't look back any more。;

Merton was chiefly troubled at this moment by the thought that someone would have to double for him in the actual casting of the rope that would settle upon the detective's shoulders。 Well察he must practise roping。 Perhaps察by the next picture。 he could do this stuff himself。 It was exciting work察though sometimes tedious。 It had required almost an entire morning to enact this one simple scene察with the numerous close´ups that Baird demanded。

The afternoon was taken up largely in becoming accustomed to a pair of old Spanish spurs that Baird now provided him with。 Baird said they were very rare old spurs which he had obtained at a fancy price from an impoverished Spanish family who had treasured them as heirlooms。 He said he was sure that Buck Benson in all his vast collection did not possess a pair of spurs like these。 He would doubtless察after seeing them worn by Merton Gill in this picture察have a pair made like them。

The distinguishing feature of these spurs was their size。 They were enormous察and their rowels extended a good twelve inches from Merton's heels after he had donned them。

;They may bother you a little at first察─said Baird察 but you'll get used to them察and they're worth a little trouble because they'll stand out。;

The first effort to walk in them proved bothersome indeed察for it was made over ground covered with a low´growing vine and the spurs caught in this。 Baird was very earnest in supervising this progress察and even demanded the presence of two cameras to record it。

;Of course I'm not using this stuff察─he said察 but I want to make a careful study of it。 These are genuine hidalgo spurs。 Mighty few men in this line of parts could get away with them。 I bet Benson himself would have a lot of trouble。 Now察try it once more。;

Merton tried once more察stumbling as the spurs caught in the undergrowth。 The cameras closely recorded his efforts察and Baird applauded them。 ;You're getting itkeep on。 That's better。 Now try to run a few stepsgo right toward that left´hand camera。;

He ran the few steps察but fell headlong。 He picked himself up察an expression of chagrin on his face。

;Never mind察─urged Baird。 ;Try it again。 We must get this right。; He tried again to run察was again thrown。 But he was determined to please the manager察and he earnestly continued his efforts。 Benson himself would see the picture and probably marvel that a new man should have mastered察apparently with ease察a pair of genuine hidalgos。

;Maybe we better try smoother ground察─Baird at last suggested after repeated falls had shown that the undergrowth was difficult。 So the cameras were moved on to the front of a ranche house now in use for the drama察and the spur lessons continued。 But on smooth ground it appeared that the spurs were still troublesome。 After the first mishap here Merton discovered the cause。 The long shanks were curved inward so that in walking their ends clashed。 He pointed this out to Baird察who was amazed at the discovery。

;Well察well察that's so They're bound to interfere。 I never knew that about hidalgo spurs before。;

;We might straighten them察─suggested the actor。

;No察no察─Baird insisted察 I wouldn't dare try that。 They cost too much money察and it might break 'em。 I tell you what you do察stand up and try this此just toe in a little when you walkthat'll bring the points apart。 Therethat's it察that's fine。;

The cameras were again recording so that Baird could later make his study of the difficulties to be mastered by the wearer of genuine hidalgos。 By toeing in Merton now succeeded in walking without disaster察though he could not feel that he was taking the free stride of men out there in the open spaces。

;Now try running。; directed Baird察and he tried running察but again the spurs caught and he was thrown full in the eyes of the grinding camera。 He had forgotten to toe in。 But he would not give up。 His face was set in Buck Benson grimness。 Each time he picked himself up and earnestly resumed the effort。 The rowels were now catching in the long hair of his chaps。

He worked on察directed and cheered by the patient Baird察while the two camera men察with curiously strained faces察recorded his failures。 Baird had given strict orders that other members of the company should remain at a distance during the spur lessons察but now he seemed to believe that a few other people might encourage the learner。 Merton was directed to run to his old mother who察bucket at her side and mop in hand察knelt on the ground at a little distance。 He was also directed to run toward the Montague girl察now in frontier attire of fringed buckskin。 He made earnest efforts to keep his feet during these essays察but the spurs still proved treacherous。

;Just pick yourself up and go on察─ordered Baird察and had the cameras secure close shots of Merton picking himself up and going carefully on察toeing in now察to embrace his weeping old mother and the breathless girl who had awaited him with open arms。

He was tired that night察but the actual contu

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