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merton of the movies-及42准

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ht he was someone。 Well察I keep running across him and pretty soon I notice he's up against it。 He still thinks he's someone察and is very up´stage if you start to kid him the least bit察but the signs are there察all right。 He's up against it good and hard。

;All last week he got to looking worse and worse。 But he still had his stage presence。 Say察yesterday he looked like the juvenile lead of a busted road show that has walked in from Albany and was just standing around on Broadway wondering who he'd consent to sign up with for forty weekssee what I mean拭hungry but proud。 He was over on the Baxter set last night while I was doing the water stuff察and you'd ought to see him freeze me when I suggested a sandwich and a cup o' coffee。 It was grand。

;Well察this morning I'm back for a bar pin of Baxter's I'd lost察and there he is again察no overcoat察shivering his teeth loose察and all in。 So I fell for him。 Took him up for some coffee and eggs察staked him to his room rent察and sent him off to get cleaned and barbered。 But before he went he cut loose and told me his history from the cradle to Hollywood。

;I'd 'a' given something good if you'd been at the next table。 I guess he got kind of jagged on the food察see拭He'd tell me anything that run in his mind察and most of it was good。 You'll say so。 I'll get him to do it for you sometime。 Of all the funny nuts that make this lot Well察take my word for it察that's all I ask。 And listen here察JeffI'm down to cases。 There's something about this kid察like when I tell you I'd always look at him twice。 And it's something rich that I won't let out for a minute or two。 But here's what you and me do察right quick

;The kid was in that cabaret and gambling´house stuff they shot last week for The Blight of Broadway察and this something that makes you look at him must of struck Henshaw the way it did me察for he let him stay right at the edge of the dance floor and took a lot of close´ ups of him looking tired to death of the gay night life。 Well察you call up the Victor folks and ask can you get a look at that stuff because you're thinking of giving a part to one of the extras that worked in it。 Maybe we can get into the projection room right away and you'll see what I mean。 Then I won't have to tell you the richest thing about it。 Now she took a long breath;will you拭

Baird had listened with mild interest to the recital察occasionally seeming not to listen while he altered the script before him。 But he took the telephone receiver from its hook and said briefly to the girl此 You win。 Hello Give me the Victor office。 Hello Mr。 Baird speaking;

The two were presently in the dark projection room watching the scenes the girl had told of。

;They haven't started cutting yet察─she said delightedly。 ;All his close´ups will be in。 Goody There's the lad´get him拭Ain't he the actin'est thing you ever saw拭Now wait´you'll see others。;

Baird watched the film absorbedly。 Three times it was run for the sole purpose of exposing to this small audience Merton Gill's notion of being consumed with ennui among pleasures that had palled。 In the gambling´hall bit it could be observed that he thought not too well of cigarettes。 ;He screens well察too察─remarked the girl。 ;Of course I couldn't be sure of that。;

;He screens all right察─agreed Baird。

;Well察what do you think拭

;I think he looks like the first plume on a hearse。;

;He looks all of that察but try again。 Who does he remind you of拭Catch this next one in the gambling hellget the profile and the eyebrows and the chinthere 

;Why; Baird chuckled。 ;I'm a Swede if he don't look like;

;You got it ─the girl broke in excitedly。 ;I knew you would。 I didn't at first察this morning察because he was so hungry and needed a shave察and he darned near had me bawling when he couldn't hold his cup o' coffee except with two hands。 But what d'you thinkpretty soon he tells me himself that he looks a great deal like Harold Parmalee and wouldn't mind playing parts like Parmalee察though he prefers Western stuff。 Wouldn't that get you拭

The film was run again so that Baird could study the Gill face in the light of this new knowledge。

;He does察he does察he certainly doesif he don't look like a No。 9 company of Parmalee I'll eat that film。 Say察Flips察you did find something。;

;Oh察I knew it察didn't I tell you so拭

;But察listendoes he know he's funny拭

;Not in a thousand years He doesn't know anything's funny察near as I can make him。;

They were out in the light again察walking slowly back to the Buckeye offices。

;Get this察─said Baird seriously。 ;You may think I'm kidding察but only yesterday I was trying to think if I couldn't dig up some guy that looked more like Parmalee than Parmalee himself doesjust enough more to get the laugh察see拭And you spring this lad on me。 All he needs is the eyebrows worked up a little bit。 But how about himwill he handle拭Because if he will I'll use him in the new five´reeler。;

;Will he handle拭─Miss Montague echoed the words with deep emphasis。 ;Leave him to me。 He's got to handle。 I already got twenty´five bucks invested in his screen career。 And察Jeff察he'll be easy to work察except he don't know he's funny。 If he found out he was察it might queer himsee what I mean拭He's one of that kindyou can tell it。 How will you use him拭He could never do Buckeye stuff。;

;Sure not。 But ain't I told you拭In this new piece Jack is stage struck and gets a job as valet to a ham that's just about Parmalee's type察and we show Parmalee acting in the screen察but all straight stuff察you understand。 Unless he's a wise guy he'll go all through the piece and never get on that it's funny。 See察his part's dead straight and serious in a regular drama察and the less he thinks he's funny the bigger scream he'll be。 He's got to be Harold Parmalee acting right out察all over the set察as serious as the lumbagoget what I mean拭

;I got you察─said the girl察 and you'll get him to´morrow morning。 I told him to be over with his stills。 And he'll be serious all the time察make no mistake there。 He's no wise guy。 And one thing察Jeff察he's as innocent as a cupcustard察so you'll have to keep that bunch of Buckeye roughnecks from riding him。 I can tell you that much。 Once they started kidding him察it would be all off。;

;And察besides; She hesitated briefly。 ;Somehow I don't want him kidded。 I'm pretty hard´boiled察but he sort of made me feel like a fifty´year´old mother watching her only boy go out into the rough world。 See拭

;I'll watch out for that察─said Baird。



Merton Gill awoke to the comforting realization that he was between sheets instead of blankets察and that this morning he need not obscurely leave his room by means of a window。 As he dressed察however察certain misgivings察to which he had been immune the day before察gnawed into his optimism。 He was sober now。 The sheer intoxication of food after fasting察of friendly concern after so long a period when no one had spoken him kindly or otherwise察had evaporated。 He felt the depression following success。

He had been rescued from death by starvation察but had anything more than this come about拭Had he not fed upon the charity of a strange girl察taking her money without seeing ways to discharge the debt拭How could he ever discharge it拭Probably before this she had begun to think of him as a cheat。 She had asked him to come to the lot察but had been vague as to the purpose。 Probably his ordeal of struggle and sacrifice was not yet over。 At any rate察he must find a job that would let him pay back the borrowed twenty´five dollars。

He would meet her as she had requested察assure her of his honest intentions察and then seek for work。 He would try all the emporiums in Hollywood。 They were numerous and some one of them would need the services of an experienced assistant。 This plan of endeavour crystallized as he made his way to the Holden lot。 He had brought his package of stills察but only because the girl had insisted on seeing them。

The Countess made nothing of letting him in。 She had missed him察she said察for what seemed like months察and was glad to hear that he now had something definite in view察because the picture game was mighty uncertain and it was only the lucky few nowadays that could see something definite。 He did not confide to her that the definite something now within his view would demand his presence at some distance from her friendly self。

He approached the entrance to Stage Five with head bent in calculation察and not until he heard her voice did he glance up to observe that the Montague girl was dancing from pleasure察it would seem察at merely beholding him。 She seized both his hands in her strong grasp and revolved him at the centre of a circle she danced。 Then she held him off while her eyes took in the details of his restoration。

;Well察well察well That shows what a few ham and eggs and sleep will do。 Kid察you gross a million at this minute。 New suit察new shoes察snappy cravat right from the Men's Quality Shop察and all shaved and combed slick and everything Sayand I was afraid maybe you wouldn't show。;

He regarded her earnestly。 ;Oh察I would have come back察all right察I'd never forget that twenty´five dollars I owe yo

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