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merton of the movies-及29准

弌傍 merton of the movies 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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This would be the story。 Probably the sheik would now arrange with the old gentleman in the sun´hat to guide the party over the desert察and would betray them in order to get the beautiful girl into his power。 Of course there would be a kick for the audience when the young fellow proved to be a gentleman in the deserted tomb for a whole nightany moving´picture audience would expect him under these propitious circumstances to be quite otherwise察if the girl were as beautiful as this one。 But there would surely be a greater kick when the sheik found them in the tomb and bore the girl off on his camel察after a fight in which the gentleman was momentarily worsted。 But the girl would be rescued in time。 And probably the piece would be called Desert Passion。

He wished he could know the ending of the story。 Indeed he sincerely wished he could work in it to the end察not alone because he was curious about the fate of the young girl in the bad sheik's power。 Undoubtedly the sheik would not prove to be a gentleman察but Merton would like to work to the end of the story because he had no place to sleep and but little assurance of wholesome food。 Yet this察it appeared察was not to be。 Already word had run among the extra people。 Those hired to´day were to be used for to´day only。 Tomorrow the desert drama would unfold without them。

Still察he had a day's pay coming。 This time察though察it would be but five dollarshis dress suit had not been needed。 And five dollars would appease Mrs。 Patterson for another week。 Yet what would be the good of sleeping if he had nothing to eat拭He was hungry now。 Thin soup察ever so plenteously spiced with catsup察was inadequate provender for a working artist。 He knew察even as he sat there cross´ legged察an apparently self´supporting and care´free Bedouin察that this ensuing five dollars would never be seen by Mrs。 Patterson。

There were a few more shots of the cafe's interior during which one of the inmates carefully permitted his halfconsumed cigarette to go out。 After that a few more shots of the lively street which察it was now learned察was a street in Cairo。 Earnest efforts were made by the throngs in these scenes to give the murderous camel plenty of head room。 Some close´ups were taken of the European tourists while they bargained with a native merchant for hammered brassware and rare shawls。

The bad sheik was caught near the group bending an evil glare upon the beauteous English girl察and once the camera turned while she faced him with a little shiver of apprehension。 Later the sheik was caught bargaining for a camel train with the innocent´looking old gentleman in the sun´hat。 Undoubtedly the sheik was about to lead them into the desert for no good purpose。 A dreadful fate seemed in store for the girl察but she must be left to face it without the support of Merton Gill。

The lately hired extras were now dismissed。 They trooped back to the dressing room to doff their flowing robes and remove the Bedouin make´up。 Merton Gill went from the dressing room to the little window through which he had received his robe and his slip was returned to him signed by the assistant director。 It had now become a paper of value察even to Mrs。 Patterson察but she was never to know this察for its owner went down the street to another window and relinquished it for a five´dollar bill。

The bill was adorned with a portrait of Benjamin Harrison smugly radiating prosperity from every hair in his beard。 He was clearly one who had never gone hungry nor betrayed the confidence of a society woman counting upon her room rent strictly in advance。 The portrait of this successful man was borne swiftly to the cafeteria where its present owner lavishly heaped a tray with excellent food and hastened with it to a table。 He ate with but slight regard for his surroundings。 Beulah Baxter herself might have occupied a neighbouring table without coming to his notice at once。 He was very hungry。 The catsup´laden soup had proved to be little more than an appetizer。

In his first ardour he forgot his plight。 It was not until later in the meal that the accusing face of Mrs。 Patterson came between him and the last of his stew which he secured with blotters of bread。 Even then he ignored the woman。 He had other things to think of。 He had to think of where he should sleep that night。 But for once he had eaten enough察his optimism was again enthroned。

Sleeping察after all察was not like eating。 There were more ways to manage it。 The law of sleep would in time enforce itself察while eating did nothing of the sort。 You might sleep for nothing察but someone had to be paid if you ate。 He cheerfully paid eighty cents for his repast。 The catsup as an appetizer had been ruinous。

It was late in the afternoon when he left the cafeteria and the cheerful activities of the lot were drawing to a close。 Extra people from the various stages were hurrying to the big dressing room察whence they would presently stream察slips in hand察toward the cashier's window。 Belated principals came in from their work to resume their choice street garments and be driven off in choice motor cars。

Merton Gill in deep thought traversed the street between the big stages and the dressing rooms。 Still in deep thought he retraced his steps察and at the front office turned off to the right on a road that led to the deserted street of the Western town。 His head bowed in thought he went down this silent thoroughfare察his footsteps echoing along the way lined by the closed shops。 The Happy Days Saloon and JoeBuy or Sell察the pool´room and the restaurant察alike slept for want of custom。 He felt again the eeriness of this desertion察and hurried on past the silent places。

Emerging from the lower end of this street he came upon a log cabin where activity still survived。 He joined the group before its door。 Inside two cameras were recording some drama of the rude frontier。 Over glowing coals in the stone fireplace a beautiful young girl prepared food in a long´handled frying pan。 At a table in the room's centre two bearded miners seemed to be appraising a buckskin pouch of nuggets察pouring them from hand to hand。 A candle stuck in a bottle flickered beside them。 They were honest察kindly faced miners察roughly dressed and heavily bearded察but it could be seen that they had hearts of gold。 The beautiful young girl察who wore a simple dress of blue calico察and whose hair hung about her fair face in curls of a radiant buff察now served them food and poured steaming coffee from a large pot。

The miners seemed loth to eat察being excited by the gold nuggets。 They must have struck it rich that day察Merton Gill divined察and now with wealth untold they would be planning to send the girl East to school。 They both patted her affectionately察keeping from her the great surprise they had in store。

The girl was arch with them察and prettily kissed each upon his bald head。 Merton at once saw that she would be the daughter of neither察she would be their ward。 And perhaps they weren't planning to send her to school。 Perhaps they were going to send her to fashionable relatives in the East察where she would unwittingly become the rival of her beautiful but cold´hearted cousin for the hand of a rich young stock´broker察and be ill´treated and long for the old miners who would get word of it and buy some fine clothes from JoeBuy or Sell察and go East to the consternation of the rich relatives and see that their little mountain flower was treated right。

As he identified this photo´play he studied the interior of the cabin察the rough table at which the three now ate察the makeshift chairs察the rifle over the fireplace察the picks and shovels察the shelf along the wall with its crude dishes察the calico curtain screening off what would be the dressing room of the little mountain flower。 It was a home´like room察for all its roughness。 Along one wall were two bunks察one above the other察well supplied with blankets。

The director察after a final shot of one of the miners being scalded by his coffee which he drank from a saucer察had said察 All right察boys We'll have the fight first thing in the morning。;

Merton Gill passed on。 He didn't quite know what the fight would be about。 Surely the two miners wouldn't fight。 Perhaps another miner of loose character would come along and try to jump their claim察or attempt some dirty work with the little girl。 Something like that。 He carried with him the picture of the homey little ulterior察the fireplace with its cooking utensils察the two bunks with their ample stock of blanketsthe crude door closed with a wooden bar and a leather latch´string察which hung trustfully outside。

In other circumstanceschiefly those in which Merton Gill had now been the prominent figure in the film world he meant one day to becomehe would on this night have undoubtedly won public attention for his mysterious disappearance。 The modest room in the Patterson home察to which for three months he had unfailingly come after the first picture show察on this night went untenanted。 The guardian at the Holden gate would have testified that he had not passed out that way察and the way through the offices had been closed at five察subsequent to which hour several witnesses could have sworn to seeing him still on the lot

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