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merton of the movies-及14准

弌傍 merton of the movies 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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n察and my different capabilities察and what I can do and everything。

I had a long talk to´day with the lady out in front that hires the actors察and she was very friendly察but said it might be quite some time察because only two companies on the lot were shooting to´day察and she said if Gashwiler had promised to keep my old job for me to be sure and not forget his address察and it was laughable that she should say such a thing察because I would not be liable to forget his address when I lived there so long。 She must have thought I was very forgetful察to forget that address。

There is some great scenery around this place察including many of the Rocky Mtns。 etc。 that make it look beautiful察and the city of Los Angeles is bigger than Peoria。 I am quite some distance out of the centre of town察and I have a nice furnished room about a mile from the Holden studios察where I will be hired after a few more companies get to shooting on the lot。 There is an electric iron in the kitchen where one can press their clothes。 And my furnished room is in the house of a Los Angeles society woman and her husband who came here from Iowa。 Their little house with flowers in front of it is called a bungalow。 The husband察Mr。 Patterson察had a farm in Iowa察six miles out from Cedar Falls察and he cares little for society察but the wife goes into society all the time察as there is hardly a day just now that some society does not have its picnic察and one day it will be the Kansas Society picnic and the next day it will be the Michigan Society having a picnic察or some other state察and of course the Iowa Society that has the biggest picnic of all察and Mr。 Patterson says his wife can go to all these society functions if she wants察but he does not care much for society察and he is thinking of buying a half interest in a good soft´drink place just to pass the time away察as he says after the busy life he has led he needs something to keep him busy察but his wife thinks only of society。

I take my meals out at different places察especially at drug stores。 I guess you would be surprised to see these drug stores where you can go in and sit at the soda counter and order your coffee and sandwiches and custard pie and eat them right there in the drug store察but there are other places察too察like cafeterias察where you put your dishes on a tray and carry it to your own table。 It is all quite different from Simsbury察and I have seen oranges growing on the trees察and there are palm trees察and it does not snow here察but the grass is green and the flowers bloom right through the winter察which makes it very attractive with the Rocky Mtns。 standing up in the distance察etc。

Well察Tessie察you must excuse this long letter from your old friend察and write me if any company has accepted Passion's Perils and I might have a chance to act in that some day察and I will let you know when my first picture is released and the title of it so you can watch out for it when it comes to the Bijou Palace。 I often think of the old town察and would like to have a chat with you and my other old friends察but I am not homesick察only sometimes I would like to be back there察as there are not many people to chat with here and one would almost be lonesome sometimes if they could not be at the studio。 But I must remember that work and struggle and sacrifice are necessary to give the public something better and finer and become a good screen actor。 So no more at present察from your old friend察and address Clifford Armytage at above number察as I am going by my stage name察though the lady at the Holden lot said she liked my old name better and called me that察and it sounded pretty good察as I have not got used to the stage name yet。

He felt better after this chat with his old friend察and the following morning he pressed a suit in the Patterson kitchen and resumed his vigil outside the gate。 But now from time to time察at least twice a day察he could break the monotony of this by a call at the little window。

Sometimes the woman beyond it would be engrossed with the telephone and would merely look at him to shake her head。 At others察the telephone being still察she would engage him in friendly talk。 She seemed to like him as an occasional caller察but she remained smilingly skeptical about his immediate success in the pictures。 Again and again she urged him not to forget the address of Giggenholder or Gooshswamp or whoever it might be that was holding a good job for him。 He never failed to remind her that the name was Gashwiler察and that he could not possibly forget the address because he had lived at Simsbury a long time。 This always seemed to brighten the woman's day。 It puzzled him to note that for some reason his earnest assurance pleased her。

As the days of waiting passed he began to distinguish individuals among the people who went through the little outer room or sat patiently around its walls on the hard bench察waiting like himself for more companies to start shooting。 Among the important´looking men that passed through would be actors that were now reaping the reward of their struggle and sacrifice察actors whom he thrilled to recognize as old screen friends。 These would saunter in with an air of fine leisure察and their manner of careless but elegant dress would be keenly noted by Merton。 Then there were directors。 These were often less scrupulously attired and seemed always to be solving knotty problems。 They passed hurriedly on察brows drawn in perplexity。 They were very busy persons。 Those on the bench regarded them with deep respect and stiffened to attention as they passed察but they were never observed by these great ones。

The waiting ones were of all ages察mostly women察with but a sprinkling of men。 Many of the women were young or youngish察and of rare beauty察so Merton Gill thought。 Others were elderly or old察and a few would be accompanied by children察often so young that they must be held on laps。 They察too察waited with round eyes and in perfect decorum for a chance to act。 Sometimes the little window would be pushed open and a woman beckoned from the bench。 Some of them greeted the casting director as an old friend and were still gay when told that there was nothing to´day。 Others seemed to dread being told this察and would wait on without daring an inquiry。 Sometimes there would be a little flurry of actual business。 Four society women would be needed for a bridge table at 830 the next morning on Stage Number Five。 The casting director seemed to know the wardrobe of each of the waiters察and would select the four quickly。 The gowns must be smartit was at the country house of a rich New Yorkerand jewels and furs were not to be forgotten。 There might be two days' work。 The four fortunate ladies would depart with cheerful smiles。 The remaining waiters settled on the bench察hoping against hope for another call。

Among the waiting´room hopefuls Merton had come to know by sight the Montague family。 This consisted of a handsome elderly gentleman of most impressive manner察his wife察a portly woman of middle age察also possessing an impressive manner察and a daughter。 Mr。 Montague always removed his hat in the waiting room察uncovering an abundant cluster of iron´gray curls above a noble brow。 About him there seemed ever to linger a faint spicy aroma of strong drink察and he would talk freely to those sharing the bench with him。 His voice was full and rich in tone察and his speech察deliberate and precise察more than hinted that he had once been an ornament of the speaking stage。 His wife察also察was friendly of manner察and spoke in a deep contralto somewhat roughened by wear but still notable。

The daughter Merton did not like。 She was not unattractive in appearance察though her features were far off the screen´heroine model察her nose being too short察her mouth too large察her cheekbones too prominent察and her chin too square。 Indeed察she resembled too closely her father察who察as a man察could carry such things more becomingly。 She was a slangy chit察much too free and easy in her ways察Merton considered察and revealing a self´confidence that amounted almost to impudence。 Further察her cheeks were brown察her brief nose freckled察and she did not take the pains with her face that most of the beautiful young women who waited there had so obviously taken。 She was a harum´scarum baggage with no proper respect for any one察he decided察especially after the day she had so rudely accosted one of the passing directors。 He was a more than usually absorbed director察and with drawn brows would have gone unseeing through the waiting room when the girl hailed him。

;Oh察Mr。 Henshaw察one moment please 

He glanced up in some annoyance察pausing with his hand to the door that led on to his proper realm。

;Oh察it's you察Miss Montague Well察what is it拭I'm very察very busy。;

;Well察it's something I wanted to ask you。; She quickly crossed the room to stand by him察tenderly flecking a bit of dust from his coat sleeve as she began察 Say察listen察Mr。 Henshaw此Do you think beauty is a curse to a poor girl拭

Mr。 Henshaw scowled down into the eyes so confidingly lifted to his。

;That's something you won't ever have to worry about察─he snapped察and was gone察his brows again drawn in perplexity over his work。

;You're not angry wit

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