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merton of the movies-及11准

弌傍 merton of the movies 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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n。 So they had noisily pretended to obtain the picture books and then quietly tiptoed out into the backyard察which was not so stuffy as the parlour。

Detecting the meritorious doings in the Gashwiler barnyard察they perched in a row on the alley fence and had been excited spectators from the moment that Merton had mounted his horse。

In shrill but friendly voices they had piped察 Oh察Merton Gill's a cowboy察Merton Gill's a cowboy Oh察looka the cowboy on the big horse 

For of course they were motion´picture experts and would know a cowboy when they saw one。 Wide´eyed察they followed the perilous antics of Dexter as he issued from the alley gate察and they screamed with childish delight when the spurs had recalled to his memory that far´off dreadful day with the busy bees。 They now balanced precariously on the alley fence察the better to trace Merton's flight through the dust cloud。 ;Merton's in a runaway察Merton's in a runaway察Merton's in a runaway ─they shrieked察but with none of the sympathy that would have become them。 They appeared to rejoice in Merton's plight。 ;Merton's in a runaway察─they joyously chanted。

Suddenly they ceased察frozen with a new and splendid wonder察for their descriptive phrase was now inexact。 Merton was no longer in a runaway。 But only for a moment did they hesitate before taking up the new chant。

;Looky察looky。 He's throwed Merton right off into the dirt。 He's throwed Merton right off into the dirt。 Oh察looky Merton Gill right down there in the dirt 

Again they had become exact。 Merton was right down there in the dirt察and a frantic察flashing´heeled Dexter was vanishing up the alley at the head of a cloud of dust。 The friendly Ransom tots leaped from the fence to the alley察forgetting on her bed of pain the mother who supposed them to be engrossed with picture books in the library。 With one accord they ran toward the prostrate horseman察Calvin ahead and Elsie a close second察holding the hand of little Woodrow。

They were presently able to observe that the fleeing Dexter had narrowly escaped running down a motor car inopportunely turning at that moment into the alley。 The gallant animal swerved in time察leaving the car's driver and his wife aghast at their slight margin of safety。 Dexter vanished to the right up shaded Spruce Street on a Sabbath evening as the first call to evening worship pealed from a neighbouring church tower。

His late rider had erected himself and was beating dust from the new chaps and the front of the new shirt。 He picked up the ideal hat and dusted that。 Underneath all the flurry of this adventure he was still the artist。 He had been set afoot in the desert by a treacherous horse察he must find a water hole or perish with thirst。 He replaced the hat察and it was then he observed the motor car bearing down the alley upon him。

;My good gosh ─he muttered。

The Gashwilers had returned a full two hours before their accustomed time。 The car halted beside him and his employer leaned out a warmly hostile face。

;What's this mean拭─he demanded。

The time was not one to tell Gashwiler what he thought of him。 Not only was there a lady present察but he felt himself at a disadvantage。 The lady saved him from an instant necessity for words。

;That was our new clothesline察I recognized it at once。; The woman seemed to pride herself on this paltry feat。

;What's this mean拭─again demanded Gashwiler。 He was now a man of one idea。

Again was Merton Gill saved from the need of instant speech察though not in a way he would have chosen to be saved。 The three Ransom children ran up察breathless察shouting。

;Oh察Merton察here's your pistol。 I found it right in the road there。; ;We found your pistol right in the dirt there。 I saw it first。; ;You did not察I saw it first。 Merton察will you let me shoot it off察Merton拭I found your pistol察didn't I察Merton拭Didn't I find it right in the road there拭─The friendly tots did little step dances while they were thus vocal。

;Be quiet察children察─commanded Merton察finding a voice。 But they were not to be quelled by mere tones。

;He throwed Merton right off into the dirt察didn't he察Merton拭Merton察didn't he throw you right off into the dirt察Merton拭Did he hurt you察Merton拭─ Merton察will you let me shoot it off just once just once察and I'll never ask again拭─ He didn't either find it first察Merton。; ;He throwed you off right into the dirtdidn't he throw you right off into the dirt察Merton拭

With a harsher show of authority察or perhaps merely because he was beardedso unreasoning are the inhibitions of the youngGashwiler stilled the tumult。 The dancing died。 ;What's this mean拭─he repeated。

;We nearly had an accident察─said the lady。

;What's this mean拭

An answer of sorts could no longer be delayed。

;Well察I thought I'd give Dexter a little exercise察so I saddled him up and was going to ride him around the block察whenwhen these kids here yelled and scared him so he ran away。;

;Oh察what a story ─shouted the tots in unison。 ;What a bad story You'll go to the bad place察─intoned little Elsie。

;I swear察I don't know what's gettin' into you察─declared Gashwiler。 ;Don't that horse get exercise enough during the week拭Don't he like his day of rest拭How'd you like me to saddle you up and ride you round the block拭I guess you'd like that pretty well察wouldn't you拭─Gashwiler fancied himself in this bit of sarcasm察brutal though it was。 He toyed with it。 ;Next Sunday I'll saddle you up and ride you round the blocksee how you like that察young man。;

;It was our clothesline察─said the lady。 ;I could tell it right off。;

With a womanish tenacity she had fastened to a minor inconsequence of the outrage。 Gashwiler became practical。

;Well察I must say察it's a pretty how´de´do察That horse'll make straight back for the farm察we won't have any delivery horse to´ morrow。 Sue察you get out察I'll go down the road a piece and see if I can head him off。;

;He turned the other way察─said Merton。

;Well察he's bound to head around for the farm。 I'll go up the road and you hurry out the way he went。 Mebbe you can catch him before he gets out of town。;

Mrs。 Gashwiler descended from the car。

;You better have that clothesline back by seven o'clock to´morrow morning察─she warned the offender。

;Yes察ma'am察I will。;

This was not spoken in a Buck Benson manner。

;And say;Gashwiler paused in turning the car;what you doing in that outlandish rig察anyhow拭Must think you're one o' them Wild West cowboys or something。 Huh ─This last carried a sneer that stung。

;Well察I guess I can pick out my own clothes if I want to。;

;Fine things to call clothes察I must say。 Well察go see if you can pick out that horse if you're such a good picker´out。;

Again Gashwiler was pleased with himself。 He could play venomously with words。

;Yes察sir察─said Merton察and plodded on up the alley察followed at a respectful distance by the Ransom kiddies察who at once resumed their vocal exercises。

;He throwed you off right into the dirt察didn't he察Merton拭Mer´tun察didn't he throw you off right into the dirt拭

If it were inevitable he wished that they would come closer。 He would even have taken little Woodrow by the hand。 But they kept far enough back of him to require that their voices should be raised。 Incessantly the pitiless rain fell upon him;Mer´tun察he throwed you off right into the dirt察didn't he察Merton拭

He turned out of the alley up Spruce Street。 The Ransom children lawlessly followed察forgetting their good home察their poor察sick mother and the rules she had laid down for their Sabbath recreation。 At every moment the shrill cry reached his burning ears察 Mer´tun察didn't he throw you off拭─The kiddies appeared to believe that Merton had not heard them察but they were patient。 Presently he would hear and reassure them that he had察indeed察been thrown off right into the dirt。

Now he began to meet or pass early churchgoers who would gaze at him in wonder or in frank criticism。 He left the sidewalk and sought the centre of the road察pretending that out there he could better search for a valuable lost horse。 The Ransom children were at first in two minds about following him察but they soon found it more interesting to stay on the sidewalk。 They could pause to acquaint the churchgoers with a matter of common interest。 ;He throwed Merton off right into the dirt。;

If the people they addressed appeared to be doubting this察or to find it not specific enough察they would call ahead to Merton to confirm their simple tale。 With rapt察shining faces察they spread the glad news察though hurrying always to keep pace with the figure in the road。

Spruce Street was vacant of Dexter察but up Elm Street察slowly cropping the wayside herbage as he went察was undoubtedly Merton's good old pal。 He quickened his pace。 Dexter seemed to divine his coming and broke into a kittenish gallop until he reached the Methodist Church。 Here察appearing to believe that he had again eluded pursuit察he stopped to graze on a carefully tended square of grass before the sacred edifice。 He was at once shooed by two scandalized old ladies察but paid them no attention。 They might perhaps even have tickled him察for this was the best grass he had found since leaving home。 Other c

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