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take him to one of these and not to tell his wife。
We inquired of a policeman and found that there really were such
places察and we took him into one。
The first thing we saw were two little boys doing tricks on a
horizontal bar。
Our friend was about to repeat his customary programme of flying and
cursing察but we restrained him。 We assured him that he would really
see a grown´up person if he waited a bit察so he sat out the boys and
also their little sister on a bicycle and waited for the next item。
It turned out to be an infant phenomenon who sang and danced in
fourteen different costumes察and we once more fled。
Our friend said he could not go home in the state he was then察he felt
sure he should kill the twins if he did。 He pondered for awhile察and
then he thought he would go and hear some music。 He said he thought a
little music would soothe and ennoble himmake him feel more like a
Christian than he did at that precise moment。
We were near St。 James' Hall察so we went in there。
The hall was densely crowded察and we had great difficulty in forcing
our way to our seats。 We reached them at length察and then turned our
eyes toward the orchestra。
;The marvelous boy pianistonly ten years old ─was giving a recital。
Then our friend rose and said he thought be would give it up and go
We asked him if he would like to try any other place of amusement察but
he said ;No。; He said that when you came to think of it察it seemed a
waste of money for a man with eleven children of his own to go about
to places of entertainment nowadays。
Oh察they are funny The comic lovers' mission in life is to serve as
a sort of ;relief; to the misery caused the audience by the other
characters in the play察and all that is wanted now is something that
will be a relief to the comic lovers。
They have nothing to do with the play察but they come on immediately
after anything very sad has happened and make love。 This is why we
watch sad scenes on the stage with such patience。 We are not eager
for them to be got over。 Maybe they are very uninteresting scenes察as
well as sad ones察and they make us yawn察but we have no desire to see
them hurried through。 The longer they take the better pleased we are
we know that when they are finished the comic lovers will come on。
They are always very rude to each other察the comic lovers。 Everybody
is more or less rude and insulting to every body else on the stage
they call it repartee there We tried the effect of a little stage
;repartee; once upon some people in real life察and we wished we hadn't
afterward。 It was too subtle for them。 They summoned us before a
magistrate for ;using language calculated to cause a breach of the
peace。; We were fined 2 pounds and costs
They are more lenient to ;wit and humor; on the stage察and know how to
encourage the art of vituperation。 But the comic lovers carry the
practice almost to excess。 They are more than rudethey are abusive。
They insult each other from morning to night。 What their married life
will be like we shudder to think
In the various slanging matches and bullyragging competitions which
form their courtship it is always the maiden that is most successful。
Against her merry flow of invective and her girlish wealth of
offensive personalities the insolence and abuse of her boyish adorer
cannot stand for one moment。
To give an idea of how the comic lovers woo察we perhaps cannot do
better than subjoin the following brief example
_SCENE此 Main thoroughfare in populous district of London。 Time
Noon。 Not a soul to be seen anywhere。_
_Enter comic loveress R。察walking in the middle of the road。_
_Enter comic lover L。察also walking in the middle of the road。_
_They neither see the other until they bump against each other in
the center。_
HE。 Why察Jane Who'd a' thought o' meeting you here
SHE。 You evidently didn'tstoopid
HE。 Halloo got out o' bed the wrong side again拭 I say察Jane察if you
go on like that you'll never get a man to marry you。
SHE。 So I thought when I engaged myself to you。
HE。 Oh come察Jane察don't be hard。
SHE。 Well察one of us must be hard。 You're soft enough。
HE。 Yes察I shouldn't want to marry you if I weren't。 Ha ha ha
SHE。 Oh察you gibbering idiot 。_Said archly。_
HE。 So glad I am。 We shall make a capital match _attempts to kiss
SHE _slipping away_。 Yes察and you'll find I'm a match that can
strike _fetches him a violent blow over the side if the head_。
HE _holding his jawin a literal sense察we mean_。 I can't help
feeling smitten by her。
SHE。 Yes察I'm a bit of a spanker察ain't I
HE。 Spanker。 I call you a regular stunner。 You've nearly made me
SHE _laughing playfully_。 No察nature did that for you察Joe察long
HE。 Ah察well察you've made me smart enough now察you boss´eyed old cow
SHE。 Cow am I拭 Ah察I suppose that's what makes me so fond of a
calf察you German sausage on legs You
HE。 Go along。 Your mother brought you up on sour milk。
SHE。 Yah They weaned you on thistles察didn't they
And so on察with such like badinage do they hang about in the middle of
that road察showering derision and contumely upon each other for full
ten minutes察when察with one culminating burst of mutual abuse察they go
off together fighting and the street is left once more deserted。
It is very curious察by the bye察how deserted all public places become
whenever a stage character is about。 It would seem as though ordinary
citizens sought to avoid them。 We have known a couple of stage
villains to have Waterloo Bridge察Lancaster Place察and a bit of the
Strand entirely to themselves for nearly a quarter of an hour on a
summer's afternoon while they plotted a most diabolical outrage。
As for Trafalgar Square察the hero always chooses that spot when he
wants to get away from the busy crowd and commune in solitude with his
own bitter thoughts察and the good old lawyer leaves his office and
goes there to discuss any very delicate business over which he
particularly does not wish to be disturbed。
And they all make speeches there to an extent sufficient to have
turned the hair of the late lamented Sir Charles Warren White with
horror。 But it is all right察because there is nobody near to hear
them。 As far as the eye can reach察not a living thing is to be seen。
Northumberland Avenue察the Strand察and St。 Martin's Lane are simply a
wilderness。 The only sign of life about is a 'bus at the top of
Whitehall察and it appears to be blocked。
How it has managed to get blocked we cannot say。 It has the whole
road to itself察and is察in fact察itself the only traffic for miles
round。 Yet there it sticks for hours。 The police make no attempt to
move it on and the passengers seem quite contented。
The Thames Embankment is an even still more lonesome and desolate
part。 Wounded stage spirits fly from the haunts of men and察leaving
the hard察cold world far察far behind them察go and die in peace on the
Thames Embankment。 And other wanderers察finding their skeletons
afterward察bury them there and put up rude crosses over the graves to
mark the spot。
The comic lovers are often very young察and when people on the stage
are young they _are_ young。 He is supposed to be about sixteen and
she is fifteen。 But they both talk as if they were not more than
In real life ;boys; of sixteen know a thing or two察we have generally
found。 The average ;boy; of sixteen nowadays usually smokes cavendish
and does a little on the Stock Exchange or makes a book察and as for
love he has quite got over it by that age。 On the stage察however
the new´born babe is not in it for innocence with the boy lover of
So察too察with the maiden。 Most girls of fifteen off the stage察so our
experience goes察know as much as there is any actual necessity for
them to know察Mr。 Gilbert notwithstanding察but when we see a young
lady of fifteen on the stage we wonder where her cradle is。
The comic lovers do not have the facilities for love´making that the
hero and heroine do。 The hero and heroine have big rooms to make love
in察with a fire and plenty of easy´chairs察so that they can sit about
in picturesque attitudes and do it comfortably。 Or if they want to do
it out of doors they have a ruined abbey察with a big stone seat in the
center察and moonlight。
The comic lovers察on the other hand察have to do it standing up all the
time察in busy streets察or in cheerless´looking and curiously narrow
rooms in which there is no furniture whatever and no fire。
And there is always a tremendous row going on in the house when the
comic lovers are making love。 Somebody always seems to be putting up
pictures in the next room察and putting them up boisterously察too察so
that the comic lovers have to shout at each other。
They are so clean。 We have seen peasantry off the stage察and it has
presented an untidyoccasionally a disreputable and
unwashedappearance察but the stage peasant seems to spend all his
wages on soap and hair´oil。
They are always round t