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chronicles of the canongate-第3节

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 to the Highlands to raise men; he visited Colonel Whitefoord at his own house; and spent two happy days with him and his Whig friends; without thinking on either side of the civil war which was then raging。

When the battle of Culloden put an end to the hopes of Charles Edward; Invernahyle; wounded and unable to move; was borne from the field by the faithful zeal of his retainers。  But as he had been a distinguished Jacobite; his family and property were exposed to the system of vindictive destruction too generally carried into execution through the country of the insurgents。  It was now Colonel Whitefoord's turn to exert himself; and he wearied all the authorities; civil and military; with his solicitations for pardon to the saver of his life; or at least for a protection for his wife and family。  His applications were for a long time unsuccessful。  〃I was found with the mark of the Beast upon me in every list;〃 was Invernahyle's expression。  At length Colonel Whitefoord applied to the Duke of Cumberland; and urged his suit with every argument which he could think of; being still repulsed; he took his commission from his bosom; and having said something of his own and his family's exertions in the cause of the House of Hanover; begged to resign his situation in their service; since he could not be permitted to show his gratitude to the person to whom he owed his life。  The duke; struck with his earnestness; desired him to take up his commission; and granted the protection required for the family of Invernahyle。

The chieftain himself lay concealed in a cave near his own house; before which a small body of regular soldiers were encamped。  He could hear their muster…roll called every morning; and their drums beat to quarters at night; and not a change of the sentinels escaped him。  As it was suspected that he was lurking somewhere on the property; his family were closely watched; and compelled to use the utmost precaution in supplying him with food。  One of his daughters; a child of eight or ten years old; was employed as the agent least likely to be suspected。  She was an instance; among others; that a time of danger and difficulty creates a premature sharpness of intellect。  She made herself acquainted among the soldiers; till she became so familiar to them that her motions escaped their notice; and her practice was to stroll away into the neighbourhood of the cave; and leave what slender supply of food she carried for that purpose under some remarkable stone; or the root of some tree; where her father might find it as he crept by night from his lurking…place。  Times became milder; and my excellent friend was relieved from proscription by the Act of Indemnity。  Such is the interesting story which I have rather injured than improved by the manner in which it is told in Waverley。

This incident; with several other circumstances illustrating the Tales in question; was communicated by me to my late lamented friend; William Erskine (a Scottish judge; by the title of Lord Kinedder); who afterwards reviewed with far too much partiality the Tales of my Landlord; for the Quarterly Review of January 1817。  'Lord Kinedder died in August 1822。 EHEU!  (Aug。 1831。)' In the same article are contained other illustrations of the Novels; with which I supplied my accomplished friend; who took the trouble to write the review。  The reader who is desirous of such information will find the original of Meg Merrilies; and; I believe; of one or two other personages of the same cast of character; in the article referred to。

I may also mention that the tragic and savage circumstances which are represented as preceding the birth of Allan MacAulay in the Legend of Montrose; really happened in the family of Stewart of Ardvoirlich。  The wager about the candlesticks; whose place was supplied by Highland torch…bearers; was laid and won by one of the MacDonalds of Keppoch。

There can be but little amusement in winnowing out the few grains of truth which are contained in this mass of empty fiction。  I may; however; before dismissing the subject; allude to the various localities which have been affixed to some of the scenery introduced into these Novels; by which; for example; Wolf's Hope is identified with Fast Castle in Berwickshire; Tillietudlem with Draphane in Clydesdale; and the valley in the Monastery; called Glendearg; with the dale of the river Allan; above Lord Somerville's villa; near Melrose。  I can only say that; in these and other instances; I had no purpose of describing any particular local spot; and the resemblance must therefore be of that general kind which necessarily exists between scenes of the same character。  The iron…bound coast of Scotland affords upon its headlands and promontories fifty such castles as Wolf's Hope; every county has a valley more or less resembling Glendearg; and if castles like Tillietudlem; or mansions like the Baron of Bradwardine's; are now less frequently to be met with; it is owing to the rage of indiscriminate destruction; which has removed or ruined so many monuments of antiquity; when they were not protected by their inaccessible situation。  'I would particularly intimate the Kaim of Uric; on the eastern coast of Scotland; as having suggested an idea for the tower called Wolf's Crag; which the public more generally identified with the ancient tower of Fast Castle。'

The scraps of poetry which have been in most cases tacked to the beginning of chapters in these Novels are sometimes quoted either from reading or from memory; but; in the general case; are pure invention。  I found it too troublesome to turn to the collection of the British Poets to discover apposite mottoes; and; in the situation of the theatrical mechanist; who; when the white paper which represented his shower of snow was exhausted; continued the storm by snowing brown; I drew on my memory as long as I could; and when that failed; eked it out with invention。  I believe that in some cases; where actual names are affixed to the supposed quotations; it would be to little purpose to seek them in the works of the authors referred to。  In some cases I have been entertained when Dr。 Watts and other graver authors have been ransacked in vain for stanzas for which the novelist alone was responsible。

And now the reader may expect me; while in the confessional; to explain the motives why I have so long persisted in disclaiming the works of which I am now writing。  To this it would be difficult to give any other reply; save that of Corporal Nymit was the author's humour or caprice for the time。  I hope it will not be construed into ingratitude to the public; to whose indulgence I have owed my SANG…FROID much more than to any merit of my own; if I confess that I am; and have been; more indifferent to success or to failure as an author; than may be the case with others; who feel more strongly the passion for literary fame; probably because they are justly conscious of a better title to it。  It was not until I had attained the age of thirty years that I made any serious attempt at distinguishing myself as an author; and at that period men's hopes; desires; and wishes have usually acquired something of a decisive character; and are not eagerly and easily diverted into a new channel。  When I made the discoveryfor to me it was onethat by amusing myself with composition; which I felt a delightful occupation; I could also give pleasure to others; and became aware that literary pursuits were likely to engage in future a considerable portion of my time; I felt some alarm that I might acquire those habits of jealousy and fretfulness which have lessened; and even degraded; the character even of great authors; and rendered them; by their petty squabbles and mutual irritability; the laughing… stock of the people of the world。  I resolved; therefore; in this respect to guard my breastperhaps an unfriendly critic may add; my browwith triple brass; 'Not altogether impossible; when it is considered that I have been at the bar since 1792。  (Aug。 1831。)' and as much as possible to avoid resting my thoughts and wishes upon literary success; lest I should endanger my own peace of mind and tranquillity by literary failure。  It would argue either stupid apathy or ridiculous affectation to say that I have been insensible to the public applause; when I have been honoured with its testimonies; and still more highly do I prize the invaluable friendships which some temporary popularity has enabled me to form among those of my contemporaries most distinguished by talents and genius; and which I venture to hope now rest upon a basis more firm than the circumstances which gave rise to them。  Yet; feeling all these advantages as a man ought to do; and must do; I may say; with truth and confidence; that I have; I think; tasted of the intoxicating cup with moderation; and that I have never; either in conversation or correspondence; encouraged discussions respecting my own literary pursuits。  On the contrary; I have usually found such topics; even when introduced from motives most flattering to myself; Rather embarrassing and disagreeable。

I have now frankly told my motives for concealment; so far as I am conscious of having any; and the public will forgive the egotism of the detail; 

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