andreas hofer-及91准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
intensely察that I believe he would lose his crown and empire sooner
than ally himself with me in a cordial manner察even though he should
derive the greatest advantages therefrom。 Do you think察for
instance察that the Emperor Francis察if I wished to become his son´
in´law察would give me the hand of his daughter察even though I should
relinquish half the war contribution察and restore to him all the
provinces occupied by my armies';
;What拭Did Napoleon really say that拭─asked the emperor察with
unusual察almost joyful vivacity。 ;But察─he added察gloomily察 this is
nothing but one of Napoleon's dreams。 He has a wife察and the Empress
Josephine is so young and gay yet that she does not think of dying。;
;But the Emperor Napoleon察I have been told察thinks a great deal of
getting a divorce from her。;
;The pope察whom he keeps imprisoned察will never grant it to him察
exclaimed the emperor。
;I think he will not even apply to him for it察your majesty。 The
Emperor Napoleon never had his union with the Empress Josephine
consecrated by the Church察and the dissolution of a civil marriage
does not require the pope's consent。 The emperor can dissolve it by
virtue of his own authority。;
;That is a very convenient arrangement for M。 Bonaparte察─said
Francis察smiling。 ;Well察go now察count察and repose。 I am very
content with your services察and I think I shall be so hereafter
also。 Adieu。 I shall send for you again。;
He nodded kindly to the count察and stood still smilingly at his
writing´table in the middle of the cabinet察until the door of the
anteroom closed behind Count Bubna。 But thereupon his face assumed a
gloomy察bitter expression察and he lifted up his clinched fist with a
menacing gesture。
;My brothers ─he cried察in an angry voice察 always my brothers
They are always eager to push me aside。 I am always to be kept in
the shade察that their light may shine more brightly。 Ah察we shall
see who is Emperor of Austria察and to whom the Tyrol belongs察we
shall see who is the master察and who has to obey。 As yet I am
emperor察as yet I have to decide on war and peace。 And I will
decide。 I will humiliate them and compel them to be obedient察these
boastful archdukes察who always preach war and are worsted in every
battle Oh察they are stirring up rebellion察and stretching out their
hands for my property But one stroke of my pen will shatter their
crowns察stifle their rebellion察and reduce them to submissiveness。 I
will make peace with Napoleon察and the seditious Tyrol shall be
quieted without being bestowed upon the Archduke John。 I would
rather have it restored to Bavaria than that it should be conferred
on my brother。 That would be a just retribution for the seditious
peasants察they have set a bad example察and should be punished for
it。 I do not want any conspirators among my subjects。 Let Bavaria
see how she will get along with the rebellious Tyrolese I shall
withdraw my hand from them。 I want peace。 I will remain Emperor of
Austria despite all my brothers
The imperial palace at Innspruck was still the residence of
Sandwirth Andreas Hofer察commander´in´chief of the Tyrol察and
lieutenant of the Emperor Francis。 He had lived there since the 15th
of August察but as simply察quietly察and modestly as he had lived when
he was a horse´dealer and innkeeper察so he lived now when he was
ruler of the Tyrol察and the emperor's lieutenant。 Instead of
occupying the large state apartments of the imperial palace察as his
friends had often asked him to do察Andreas had selected the plainest
and humblest rooms for his quarters察and his style of living was as
simple and modest as his dwelling´place。 Vainly his suite tried to
persuade him to hold levees and receive guests at his festive table。
Andreas rejected all such suggestions with proud and withal humble
;Do you think I took this arduous task upon myself to play the
aristocratic gentleman察and revel in luxury拭─he replied to those
who asked him to adopt such a course。 ;I did not become the
emperor's lieutenant to display vain and empty splendor察but to
serve my dear Tyrol and preserve it to the emperor。 I am only a
simple peasant察and do not want to live like a prince。 I am
accustomed to have bread察butter察and cheese for breakfast察and I do
not know why I should change this now察merely because I am no longer
at home with my dear wife察but here at Innspruck at the emperor's
palace。 I am also accustomed to dine very plainly察and am therefore
opposed to any expensive repasts being got up for me here。 I do not
like the meats prepared by the cooks of the aristocracy察and while I
do not want anything but bread察butter察cheese察and wine察I shall
send to Niederkircher's tavern for my dinner。 But it must never cost
more than half a florin。 I will invite guests察for I like to have
merry people about me察but the guests must not come for the sake of
the repast察but for that of our pleasant conversation。 I shall send
to Niederkircher for the dinner of all my guests察and he must send
enough察lest any of them should remain hungry。 But there must never
be more than six guests察for it would be too bad if I察who intend to
preserve the Tyrol to the emperor察were to cost him a great deal of
money here。 In order to prevent mistake察Niederkircher must send in
his bill every morning for me to examine察the financial secretary
shall pay it every week察and send me the receipt。; Footnote此The
expenses of Hofer and his whole suite察during their six weeks'
sojourn in the city of Innspruck察cost the public exchequer only
five hundred florins。
Andreas Hofer remained in these days of his splendor as active
industrious察and simple as he always had been。 The welfare of his
beloved country engrossed all his thoughts察and he was desirous of
devoting his whole strength to it。 He issued a number of useful and
liberal decrees察which察it is true察Ennemoser察Doeninger察Kolb察or
other friends of his had drawn up察but which he had approved and
Andreas Hofer gave public audiences every morning like a real
prince察and the sentinels placed in front of the imperial palace and
at the door of the commander´in´chief had received stringent orders
not to refuse admittance to the audience´room to any one察but allow
all to come in察how poorly soever they might be dressed。 Andreas
listened to every one with kind patience and cordial sympathy察and
always took care to help console the distressed察make peace察and
conciliate察and every one who needed comfort and assistance hastened
to apply to the always helpful commander´in´chief。
To´day again many persons were in the audience´room察waiting
impatiently for the moment when the door should open察and when
Andreas Hofer should make his appearance on the threshold察greet all
with a pleasant nod of his head察and then beckon to him who was
nearest to the door to enter his cabinet。
But the hour fixed for the audience had struck long ago察and the
commander´in´chief察who was usually so punctual and conscientious
had not yet opened the door of his audience´room。 He had already
been half an hour in his cabinet察and Doeninger sat at the desk
ready to write down the names of all applicants for audience察and
add a brief statement of their wishes and petitions。 But Andreas was
still pacing the room察his hands behind his back察and although he
had already laid his hand twice on the door´knob察he had stepped
back as if in terror察and continued striding up and down。
;Commander´in´chief察─said Doeninger察after a long pause察during
which he had watched Hofer's irresolute bearing smilingly察 there is
something that disquiets you察is there not拭
;Yes察Cajetan察─sighed Andreas。 ;As you have found it out察I will no
longer deny that there is something that disquiets me。;
;And what is it察commander´in´chief拭Will you not communicate it to
your faithful and discreet Cajetan拭
;Yes察I will察my dear Cajetan察─said Hofer。 ;I am afraid I did
something very stupid yesterday察and I am ashamed of it。;
;Ah察you allude to the lawsuit which you decided yesterday察
exclaimed Doeninger。
;You see察no sooner did I say that I did something very stupid察than
you at once knew what I meant察what I did must察therefore察have been
very stupid indeed。 Yes察I alluded to the lawsuit察Cajetan察for I am
afraid I did not decide it察but made it only more complicated。;
;On the whole察there was nothing to be decided察─said Doeninger
dryly。 ;The lawsuit was already decided察the supreme court had given
judgment in favor of the plaintiff and awarded to him the sum of one
thousand florins察which was at issue察and sentenced the defendant to
pay that sum and the costs。 But the defendant;
;It was no man察Cajetan察─interrupted Andreas察 it was a woman察and
that was the worst of it。 I cannot bear to see women weep。 They know
so well how to touch my heart by their tears and lamentations察that
I long to help them。 Lord Jesus察how that woman察the defendant in
the lawsuit察wept And was it the poor woman's fault察Cajetan察that
her deceased husband was head over ears in debt察that he borrowed
one thousand florins from a friend察and meanly a