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弌傍 andreas hofer 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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were still traversing the country察and calling upon the peasants to
repair to Father Red´beard's camp near Brixen察and their appeals
were readily complied with。 The brave peasants of Rodeneck
Weitenthal察and Schoneck察led by their courageous pastor察George
Schoneck察came into camp察and so did Anthony Wallner with the four
hundred men who had followed him from the Puster valley。

Father Haspinger received these brave men exultingly察and folded
their leader察Anthony Wallner察tenderly to his heart。

;You have fought again like a hero察─he exclaimed察patting his
cheeks affectionately察 the whole Tyrol is extolling your exploits
at the murderous battle of Taxenbach察and they are telling wonderful
stories about the surpassing heroism and bravery you displayed on
that occasion。;

;It is true察we fought bravely察─said Anthony Wallner察sighing察 but
it did not do much good察for the enemy was ten to one察and we were
finally unable to check his advance。 But we followed him察and will
now unite with you察reverend father察in order to expel him once more
from the country。 I believe there will be another battle on Mount
Isel察for the enemy is always intent on forcing his way to
Innspruck察believing that the whole Tyrol is subjugated so soon as
the capital has fallen into his hands。 We must strive察therefore察to
meet him there once more察for you know the old prophecy察saying that
Mount Isel will be a lucky place for the Tyrolese。;

;I do know it察─said the friar察 and if it please God we will verify
it。 The freedom of the Tyrol is buried on Mount Isel near Innspruck
and we will disinter the golden treasure there and cause it to shed
its lustre once more on our mountains and valleys。 You shall help me
to do it察Anthony Wallner察you and your famous sharpshooters of
Windisch´Matrey。 But previously I think察my friend察we shall have
something to do here察for our scouts have returned with the news
that the enemy is approaching。 His column is headed by Saxon and
Bavarian troops under the French general察Royer察his forces are
followed by the main army under the commander´in´chief察Marshal
Lefebvre察or as he proudly call himself察the Duke of Dantsic。
General Royer has got already as far as Sterzing察and if we do not
interfere the Saxons will soon reach Brixen。;

;But we will interfere察─cried Anthony Wallner察 we will not allow
them to advance to Brixen察and I will occupy immediately with my
sharpshooters the mountain´passes on the route of the enemy。 We will
receive the Duke of Dantsic with fireworks which will sadden his

;Do so察dear Anthony察─exclaimed Haspinger察joyfully。 ;I myself will
first go to Brixen and teach the members of the municipality better
manners。 Their terror and anguish have rendered them quite eloquent
and they have dissuaded many hundred peasants察who were passing
through Brixen to join my command察from so doing察and induced them
to return to their homes。 I shall speak a serious word with those
gentlemen察and teach them a little patriotism。;

Haspinger nodded kindly to Anthony Wallner察and calling ten of his
best sharpshooters to him repaired to the city hall of Brixen察where
the members of the municipality were assembled。 He made them a
furious speech察which察however察did not impress the gentlemen as
forcibly as the threats which he added to it。 He swore that察if the
members of the municipality would not have the tocsin sounded
immediately and send out mounted messengers to call out the peasants
and send them to him察he would cause every one of them to be hanged
or shot in the morning And this oath was effectual enough察for the
terrified gentlemen knew full well that Father Haspinger had the
power and the will to fulfil his oaths。 Hence察the tocsin was
sounded察mounted messengers were Neat out in all directions察and on
the following morning upward of two thousand able´bodied men arrived
at Haspinger's camp。 Footnote此 Gallery of Heroes此Andreas Hofer察
p。 110。

;All right察─said the friar察 if Andreas Hofer and Speckbacher join
us with their forces察I believe we shall succeed察and St。 Cassian
will have understood our prayers。;

While Anthony Wallner and his sharpshooters occupied the mountain´
gorges this side of Brixen on the road to Mittewald察Joseph
Speckbacher and his men had penetrated far beyond Mittewald toward
Sterzing察and had learned that the Saxons察under General Royer察were
resting at Sterzing with the intention of advancing in the morning
through the wild valley of the Eisach toward Brixen。

;Well察if the Saxons are resting we must work in order to prepare
eternal repose for them察─said Joseph Speckbacher察gayly。 ;Now come
my brave lads察we must take the Saxons between two fires。 They are
miserable scoundrels and traitors。 Ah察they do not shrink from
serving the rapacious conqueror Bonaparte察and turning their arms
against their German countrymen察merely because the French emperor
orders them to do so察and because we refuse to submit to the foreign
yoke。 and are determined to preserve our German tongue and our
German rights How disgraceful it is that Germans should attack
Germans at the bidding of the foreign oppressor Therefore察we will
punish the Saxons and Bavarians in the name of God and the Holy
Virgin。 We will let them advance down the defile察and attack them
only after they are in it。 They cannot retrace their steps察for we
are behind them察nor can they advance very far察for Father Red´beard
will meet them in front。 Now come and let us make festive
preparations察as it behooves those who are expecting distinguished
guests。 We will erect a few triumphal arches to them察and show them
how avalanches roll down our mountains。 Ah察we will build up for
them artificial ruins which will excite their sincere admiration 

;Yes察yes察we will ─shouted the peasants察who went to work察singing
and laughing。 In the first place察they erected ;triumphal arches; to
the enemy察that is to say察they obstructed the road by raising a
number of abatis察besmeared with pitch the wooden railing of the
bridge built across the Eisach near the village of Pleis察loosened
the planks of the bridge察and began to build ;avalanches。; They
felled a considerable number of tall larches察tied ropes to both
ends of them察lowered them half´way down the precipitous side of the
mountain察and fastened the ropes above to the strong branches of
trees firmly rooted in the soil of the crest。 Then they threw huge
masses of rock and heaps of rubbish on these hanging scaffolds察and
after the ;avalanches; had thus been completed察they withdrew
cautiously and rapidly into the mountain´gorges。 Only Zoppel察Joseph
Speckbacher's servant察and an old peasant remained near the
;avalanches。; They stood on both sides of the ropes察hatchet in
hand察casting fiery glances into the defile on the bank of the
Eisach察and between overhanging wood´clad precipices。

Profound silence reigned all around察only from time to time a
rustling noise was heard in the shrubbery察the flashing barrel of a
rifle was then seen察and it seemed as though the fleet´footed
chamois appeared on the heights above。 But they were Tyrolese
sharpshooters who had climbed up to the watch´towers of their
natural fortresses to espy the enemy and on his appearance to
welcome him with the bullets of their rifles。

Profound silence reigned all around察and the two men were still
standing察hatchet in hand察by the side of the ropes holding the
artificial avalanches。

All at once a loud察shrill whistle resounded in front of the
entrance to the defile察it was repeated all around the gloomy gorge。

;That is the signal that the enemy has passed the inn am Sack and is
entering the defile of the Eisach察─murmured Zoppel察examining once
more the edge of his hatchet with his hand。 Then he looked down
attentively into the depth察where only a footpath meandered close
along the bank of the foaming Eisach。

A few soldiers were now seen entering the defile yonder察where the
road projected between two jutting rocks forming the background of
the gorge。

The form of a Tyrolese sharpshooter appeared at the same moment on
the top of the precipitous rock。 He stepped close to the edge of the
rock察allowed the soldiers察who looked around slowly and
distrustfully察to advance a few steps察and then raised his rifle。 He
fired察one of the soldiers fell immediately to the ground察and the
Tyrolese sharpshooter reloaded his rifle。 He fired again察and laid
another soldier prostrate。

The two reports had accelerated the march of the enemy。 The soldiers
entered the defile with a hasty step察in order to advance察they had
to remove the two soldiers who were writhing in the agony of death
and obstructing the narrow path察and throw them into the waters of
the Eisach察which received with a wild roar the two corpses察the
first victims of the reopening struggle。

Meanwhile the Tyrolese sharpshooter on the height above had reloaded
his rifle and shot another soldier。 On seeing this察he uttered a
loud Jodler察made a leap of joy察and nodded laughingly to the enemy
who cast threatening glances on him。 But he did not see that one of
the officers below called four soldiers to him察pointed hi

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