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弌傍 andreas hofer 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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;Come in察Anthony Wild察you are welcome察─said the young innkeeper
shaking hands with Hofer's servant。

;Thank you察but I must first fetch my horse which I tied to a pole
somewhere down the street。 I rode very fast察and must first attend
to the Horse察afterward I will request you to let me have some

And Hofer's servant hastened down the street。 The innkeeper and the
friar entered the house and stepped into the large bar´room。 Two men
came to meet them there。

One of them察a man about forty´five years old察dressed in the simple
costume of the Tyrolese察and of a tall察powerful form察was Peter
Mayer察known throughout the Tyrol as one of the most ardent and
faithful patriots察and a man of extraordinary intrepidity察firmness
and energy。

The other察a young man of scarcely twenty´two察slender yet well
built察and far´famed for his fine appearance察boldness察and wealth
was Peter Kemnater察the most faithful and devoted friend of the
fine´looking and patriotic young innkeeper察Martin Schenk。

The two men shook hands with the new´comers and bowed to them察but
their faces were gloomy察and not the faintest gleam of a smile
illuminated them。

;Have you come hither察Father Joachim Haspinger察only to join in the
peace´prayers拭─asked Peter Mayer in his laconic style察fixing his
dark察piercing eyes on the friar's face。

;No察Peter Mayer察─said the Capuchin察gravely察 I have come hither
because I wanted to see you three察and because I have to say many
things to you。 But previously let me read what our pious and
patriotic brother Andreas Hofer has written to me。;

;You have a letter from Andreas Hofer ─exclaimed Mayer and

;Here it is察─said the friar察drawing it from his belt。 ;Now give me
a moment's time to read the letter察and then we will confer upon the
matter that brought us here。;

He stepped to the window and unfolded the letter。 While he was
reading it察the three men looked at him with rapt suspense察seeking
to read in his features the impression produced by Andreas Hofer's
words on the heart of the brave Capuchin。 Indeed察the friar's
features brightened more and more察his forehead and face colored
and a smile illuminated his hard features。

;Listen察men察─he exclaimed triumphantly察waving the paper as though
it were a flag察 listen to what Andreas writes to me ─And the friar
read in a clarion voice

;Dear brother Red´beard Beloved Father Joachim Haspinger此You know
brother察that all has been in vain察the Austrians are evacuating the
country察and the emperor察or rather not the emperor察but his
ministers and secretaries察stipulated in the armistice concluded
with Bonaparte察that the French and Bavarians should re´enter the
Tyrol and recommence the infamous old system。 But I think察even
though the emperor has abandoned us察God Almighty will not do so
and even though the Austrian soldiers are crossing our frontiers
our mountains and glaciers remain to us察God placed them there to
protect our frontiers察and He gave us strong arms and good rifles
and keen eyes to discern the enemy and hit him。 We are the
inhabitants of the Tyrol察and the Austrian soldiers are not察hence
it is incumbent on us to protect our frontiers察and prevent the
enemy from invading our territory。 If you are of my opinion察gather
about you as many brave sharpshooters as you can察call out the
Landsturm where it is possible察tell the other commanders to do the
same察and advance察if possible察at once toward the Brenner察where I
hope you will meet me or hear further news from me。 Joseph
Speckbacher did not leave the country either察he is enlisting
sharpshooters and calling out the Landsturm in his district。 It is
the Lord's will that the Tyrol be henceforth protected only by the
Tyrolese。 Bear this in mind察and go to work。Your faithful Andreas
Hofer察at present not knowing where he is。; Footnote此Andreas Hofer
signed all his letters and orders in this strange manner while he
was concealed in his cave。

;Well察─asked the friar察exultingly察 do you think that Andreas
Hofer is right察and that we ought not to allow the enemy to re´enter
the country拭

;I think he is察─said Peter Kemnater察joyously。 ;I think it will be
glorious for us to expel the French and Bavarians once more from our

;Or察if they have already crossed them察drive them ignominiously
from the country察─added Peter Mayer。

;I have passed察during the last few days察through the whole of
Puster valley察─said Martin Schenk。 ;Everywhere I found the men
determined to die察rifle in hand察on the field of battle察rather
than stay peaceably at home and bend their necks before the enemy。
'It is a misfortune' said the men察'that the Austrians are
abandoning us at this critical juncture察but it would be a greater
misfortune still for us to abandon ourselves and consent to
surrender at discretion。';

;And I say it is no misfortune at all that the Austrians have left
us察─cried the Capuchin察vehemently。 ;The cause of the fatherland
has not suffered much by the retreat of the Austrians。 Who assisted
us at the battle of Mount Isel拭Who helped us to drive the enemy
twice from the country拭Not an Austrian did We accomplished all
that was great and glorious in the short and decisive struggle。 Let
us not complain察then察that no one stands by us now察and that we
know that no one will help us but God and we ourselves。 But we must
not plunge blindly and furiously into the struggle察on the contrary
we must consider whether we are able to defeat the enemy。 The French
and Bavarians are sending large forces on all sides to the poor
Tyrol。 I cannot conceal from you that the enterprise which we are
going to undertake察and to which Andreas Hofer invites us察is a
dangerous one。 Let me tell you that that miserable assassin and
ruffian Lefebre察whom they call the Duke of Dantsic察is approaching
from the north with twenty´five thousand men察and is already close
to Innspruck。 General Deroi察too察is coming察he intends to march
through the whole Vintschgau察and force his way over the Gerlos
Mountains to the district of Innspruck。 Rusca's wild legions are
already near Lienz察General Pery is moving up from the south with
his Italian troops察and the exasperated Bavarians察under Generals
Wreden and Arco察are already at Salzburg。 In short察more than fifty
thousand men are coming up from all sides to trample the poor Tyrol
under foot。 They are veteran soldiers察they have got artillery and
better arms than we察and are superior to us in numbers察equipments
and strength。 Consider察therefore察whether you are willing to
undertake the heavy task nevertheless察consider that you risk your
property察your blood察and your lives察and that察if you should be so
unfortunate as to fall into the enemy's hands察he would perhaps
punish you as criminals and rebels。 It is true察you are ready to
risk your property察your blood察and your lives察for the fatherland
and the liberty of the Tyrol察but then you have also duties to your
families察your parents察your brides察you have a duty to yourselves
that of not endangering your lives recklessly。 It is true察even
though the enemy should punish you as rebels察you would die the
beautiful death of martyrs for your fatherland察and the halo of your
virtue and love of country will immortalize your names察but you must
consider察also察whether your death will be useful to the country
and whether you will not shed your blood in vain。 Ask your hearts
my friends察whether they will be courageous and strong enough to
brave cheerfully whatever reverses and calamities may befall us察and
whether they really will risk death察imprisonment察and the scaffold
without flinching and trembling拭That is what I wished to say to you
before concerting measures with you and sending an answer to Andreas
Hofer。 Consider it all察my friends察and then speak。;

;We are to ask our hearts if they will not flinch and tremble拭─said
Peter Mayer察almost contemptuously。 ;When the enemy returned to the
Tyrol last May察he burned down eight houses which belonged to me
and for some time I did not know but that my wife and children had
perished in the conflagration。 Did you see me trembledid you hear
me complain at that time拭Did I not stand up cheerfully in the
battle on Mount Isel察without weeping or murmuring察and bearing in
mind only that I was fighting for liberty察the fatherland察and the
emperor拭It was not until we had gained the victory察and obtained
our freedom察that I went home to mourn and weep on the smoking ruins
of my houses。 But I found my wife and my children alive and well察a
friend had concealed them and taken care of them察and after thanking
God for our victory察I thanked Him for preserving my wife and
children察and only now察when we were happy and free察did I shed
tears。 But since the enemy is re´entering the country察and fresh
misfortunes are to befall us察my tears are dried again察my heart is
full of courage and constancy察and I believe we must risk all
because otherwise every thing that we have done hitherto will be in
vain。 I love my wife dearly察but察if she came now to dissuade me
from taking part in the struggle察and if I felt that my hea

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