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will see that the whole blame for the loss of the battle will be
laid at our door察and we shall be charged with undue tardiness。 This
pretended tardiness will be welcome to many a one。 A scapegoat is
needed察and I shall have to be this scapegoat ─。Footnote此The
archduke's own words。See Hormayr's work on ;The Campaign of 1809察
p。 286。

The Archduke John was not mistaken察he had predicted his fate。 He
was really to be the scapegoat for the loss of the battle。 In the
proclamation which the Archduke Charles issued to his army a few
days afterward at Znaym察and in which he informed it that he had
concluded an armistice with the Emperor Napoleon察he deplored that
owing to the too late arrival of the Archduke John察the battle had
not been won察despite the admirable bravery which the troops had
displayed at Wagram察and that the generalissimo had been compelled
thereby to retreat。

The Archduke John did not defend himself。 He lifted his tearful eyes
to heaven and sighed此 Another battle lost察and this battle decides
the fate of Austria Now Prussia will not ally herself with us察for
we did not strike the second blow which the king demanded察and she
will look on quietly while Austria is being humiliated O God察God
protect Austria Protect Germany save us from utter ruin 



The guests of Anthony Steeger察the innkeeper of Lienz察had been
greatly excited to´day察they had talked察debated察lamented察and
sworn a great deal。 In accordance with the request of Andreas Hofer
the most influential leaders of the Tyrolese had met there and drawn
up察as Hofer proposed察a petition to the Emperor Francis察who was
now in Hungary at one of the palaces belonging to the Prince of
Lichtenstein。 The disastrous tidings of the battle of Wagram had
been followed a few days afterward by news fully as disheartening。
The Archduke Charles had concluded an armistice with the Emperor
Napoleon at Znaym察on the 12th of July察1809。 By this armistice
hostilities were to be suspended till the 20th of August察but in the
mean time the Austrians were to evacuate the Tyrol察Styria察and
Carinthia entirely察and restore to the Bavarians and French the
fortified cities which they had occupied。

These calamitous terms of the armistice had induced Andreas Hofer to
summon some of his friends to Lienz察and draw up with them a
petition to the emperor察in which they implored him with touching
humility to have mercy upon them in their distress察and not to
forsake his faithful Tyrol。 They stated that they had been told that
the Austrian troops察in accordance with the stipulations of the
armistice察were to evacuate the Tyrol察but this did not confer upon
the French and Bavarians the right of occupying the Tyrol。 They
besought the emperor to prevent this察and not to permit the enemy to
occupy the country。

Such were the contents of the petition which Andreas Hofer and the
other leaders of the Tyrolese had signed to´day at the inn of
Anthony Steeger察at Lienz察and which Jacob Sieberer was to convey as
the last cry of the despairing Tyrol to the headquarters of the
emperor at Totis察while Eisenstecken was to deliver a copy of the
petition to General Buol察commander´in´chief of the Austrian troops。

Night had now come察the friends and comrades had long since left
Anthony Steeger's house察and Andreas Hofer alone remained with him
to talk with his faithful friend about the disastrous change in
their affairs察and the gloomy prospects of the future。

;I cannot believe that all is as they say察─said Andreas Hofer察with
a sigh。 ;The emperor promised us solemnly never to give up or
forsake again his faithful Tyrol察and it would be high´treason to
suppose that the emperor will not honestly redeem his pledges。 No
no察I tell you察Anthony察the emperor and our dear Archduke John
certainly do not intend to abandon us察only the Austrian generals
are opposed to the continuance of the war察and long to get away from
our mountains察because they are afraid of Bonaparte察and think he
would punish them if they should stay here any longer and refuse to
deliver the province to his tender mercies。;

;I am likewise loth to believe that the Emperor Francis would
forsake us察─said Anthony Steeger察nodding his head approvingly。
;For the emperor loves us察and will not allow us to fall into the
hands of the infidel Bonaparte察who has just committed another
outrage by arresting the Holy Father in Rome and dragging him away
from his capital。;

;Well察the Holy Father excommunicated him for this outrage察─cried
Andreas Hofer察with flashing eyes察 he called down the wrath of God
and man on the head of the Anti´christ察and rendered it incumbent on
every pious Christian to wage war against the criminal who laid his
ruthless hands even upon the holy Church察and trampled under foot
him whom the Almighty has anointed。 Anthony Steeger察let me tell
you察I will not allow the French to return to our country察and never
will I permit the Austrians to evacuate the Tyrol。;

;And how will you prevent them from so doing拭─asked Anthony
Steeger察shrugging his shoulders。

;I said to´day how I and all of us are going to prevent it。 We shall
not suffer the Austrians to depart察we shall keep them here by
prayers察stratagems察or force。 I have given instructions to all the
commanders to do so察I have given them written orders which they are
to communicate to our other friends察and in which I command them not
to permit the departure of the Austrians。 I believe I am commander´
in´chief as yet察and they will obey my bidding。;

;If they can do it察Andy察they certainly will察but what if they
cannot拭What if the Austrians cannot be kept here by prayers or

;In that case we must resort to force察─cried Hofer impetuously。 ;We
must compel them to stay here察the whole Tyrol must rise as one man
and with its strong arms keep the Austrians in the country。 Yes
yes察Anthony察we must do it察it will be best for us all。 It must
look as though we detain the Austrians by force察and this will be
most agreeable to the Emperor Francis察for what fault of his is it
that the Tyrolese prevent him from carrying out what he promised to
Bonaparte in the armistice拭It is not his fault察then察if the
Austrians stay here察and if we prevent them from leaving our
mountains。 We must detain them察we must。 And I will write
immediately to old Red´beard察Father Haspinger察Joseph Speckbacher
and Anthony Wallner。 I will summon them to a conference with me察and
we will concert measures for a renewed rising of the Tyrol。 Give me
pen and ink察Tony察I will write in the first place to old Red´beard
and your Joe shall take the letter this very night to his convent。;

Anthony Steeger hastened to bring him what he wanted察and while
Hofer scrawled the letter察his friend stood behind him察and followed
with attentive eyes every word which Andreas finished with
considerable difficulty。

Both were so much absorbed in the letter that they did not perceive
that the door opened behind them察and that Baron von Hormayr察in a
dusty travelling´dress察entered the room。 For a moment he stood
still at the door and cast a searching glance on the two men察he
then advanced quickly toward Andreas Hofer察and察laying his hand on
his shoulder察he said此 Well察Andy察what are you writing there拭

Andreas looked up察but the unexpected arrival of the baron did not
seem to excite his surprise。 ;I am writing to old Red´beard察─he
said察 I am writing to him that he is to come to me immediately。 And
after finishing the letter to old Red´beard察I will write the same
thing to Speckbacher and Anthony Wallner察Mr。 Intendant of the

;Do not apply that title to me any longer察Andy察─said Hormayr察with
a slight frown。 ;I am no longer intendant of the Tyrol察for you know
that we must leave the Tyrol and restore it to the French and

;I for one do not know it察Mr。 Intendant of the Tyrol察─cried
Andreas察with an angry glance。 ;I know only that the Archduke John
appointed you military intendant of the Tyrol察and that you took a
solemn oath to aid us in becoming once more察and remaining

;I think察Andy察I have honestly redeemed my pledges察─said Hormayr。
;I assisted you everywhere to the best of my power察was always in
your midst察encouraging察organizing察fighting察and mediating察and I
think you will admit that I had likewise my little share in the
deliverance of the Tyrol察and proved myself one of its good and
faithful sons。;

;Well察yes察it is true察─murmured Hofer察 you did a great deal of
good察and察above all things察you gained over to our side the
Austrian generals察who would not have anything to do with us
peasants察and refused to make common cause with us察for you possess
a very eloquent tongue察and what can be accomplished by means of the
tongue you do accomplish。 But now察sir察the tongue will no longer
suffice察and we must fight also with the sword。;

;God forbid察Andy ─exclaimed Hormayr察 you know that the emperor
has concluded an armistice with Bonaparte察and while it lasts we are
not allowed to fight with the sword。;

;The emperor has concluded an armistice拭Well察

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