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that it is positive that the enemy is moving all his troops to
Vienna察and that all his columns are already on the march thither。
Tell him that it is all´important for us to detain him察and that I
therefore察have resolved to make a sortie from the TETE´DE´PONT察and
request the Archduke Palatine to co´operate with me on the right
bank of the Danube。 Let us go to work察gentlemen察to work We have
no time to lose。 The order is to keep the enemy here by all means
let us strive to do it
And they went to work with joyous zeal and untiring energy察all
necessary dispositions were made for forming a pontoon´bridge察and
preventing the enemy from joining Napoleon's main army。 The Archduke
John superintended every thing in person察he was present wherever
difficulties were to be surmounted察or obstacles to be removed。 In
his ardent zeal察he did not hesitate to take part in the toils of
his men察and the soldiers cheered enthusiastically on seeing him
work so hard in the midst of their ranks。
Early in the morning of the 5th of July the bridge was completed
the TETE´DE´PONT was fully armed察and every thing was in readiness
for the sortie。 The Archduke察who had not slept all the night long
was just returning from an inspection of the preparations察when a
courier galloped up to him in the middle of the bridge。 On beholding
the archduke察he jumped from his horse察and handed him察panting and
in trembling haste察a letter from the generalissimo。
;You have ridden very rapidly拭You were instructed then to make
great haste拭─asked John。
;I rode hither from Wagram in ten hours察your imperial highness察
said the courier察breathlessly察 I was instructed to ride as rapidly
as possible。;
;You have done your duty faithfully。 Go and rest。;
He nodded kindly to the courier察and repaired to his head´quarters
to read the letter he had just received from his brother。
This letter revoked all orders which had been sent to him up to this
time。 The archduke had vainly offered his cooperation and that of
the Archduke Palatine four days ago。 At that time not even a reply
had been made to his offer察now察at the last moment察the
generalissimo called impetuously upon his brother to hasten to his
assistance。 He demanded that the Archduke John should set out at
once察leave only troops enough to hold the TET´DE´PONT察and hasten
up with the remainder of his forces to the scene of action。
When the archduke real this order察a bitter smile played round his
lips。 ;See察─he said察mournfully察to General Frimont察 now I am
needed all at once察and it seems as if the battle cannot be gained
without us。 It is all´important for us to arrive in time at the
point to which we are called so late察perhaps too late。 Ah察what is
that拭What do you bring to me察Nugent拭
;Another courier from the generalissimo has arrived察he brought this
;You see察much deference is paid to us all of a sudden察we are
treated as highly important assistants察─sighed the archduke。 He
then unfolded the paper quickly and read it。
;The generalissimo察─he said察 informs me now that he has changed
his plan察and will not give battle on the bank of the Danube察but
take position in the rear of Wagram。 He instructs me to make a
forced march to Marchegg察advance察after resting there for three
hours察to Siebenbrunn察and take position there。 Very well
gentlemen察let us carry the generalissimo's orders into effect。 At
one o'clock to´night察all must be in readiness for setting out。 We
need the time between now and then to concentrate the extended lines
of our troops。 If we are ready at all earlier hour察we shall set out
at once。 Make haste察Let that be the password to´night
Thanks to this password察all the troops had been concentrated by
midnight察and the march was just about to begin when another courier
arrived from the generalissimo察and informed the archduke that the
enemy was advancing察and that it was now the generalissimo's
intention to attack him and force him to give battle。 The Archduke
John was ordered to march as rapidly as possible to Siebenbrunn
whither a strong corps of the enemy had set out。
The Archduke John now advanced with his ten thousand men with the
utmost rapidity toward Marchegg。 The troops were exhausted by the
toils and fatigues of the last days察they had not eaten any thing
for twenty´four hours察but the archduke and his generals and staff´
officers always knew how to stir them up and induce them to continue
their march with unflagging energy。 Thus they at length reached
Marchegg察where they were to rest for three hours。
But no sooner had they arrived there than Count Reuss察the
generalissimo's aide´de´camp察galloped up on a charger covered all
over with foam。 The count had ridden in seven hours from Wagram to
Marchegg for it was all´important that the archduke should
accelerate his march。 The battle was raging already with great fury。
The generalissimo was in urgent need of the archduke's assistance。
Hence察the latter was not to rest with his troops at Marchegg察but
continue his march and advance with the utmost speed by Siebenbrunn
to Loibersdorf。 At Siebenbrunn he would find Field´Marshal
Rosenberg察he should then察jointly with him察attack the enemy。
;Let us set out察then察for Loibersdorf察─said John察sighing察 we
will do all we can察and thus avoid being charged with tardiness。 Up
up察my braves The fatherland calls us察we must obey it
But the soldiers obeyed this order only with low murmurs察and many
remained at Marchegg察exhausted to death。
The troops continued their march with restless speed察and mute
resignation。 The archduke's face was pale察his flashing eyes were
constantly prying into the distance察his breast was panting察his
heart was filled with indescribable anxiety察and he exhorted his
troops incessantly to accelerate their steps。 Now they heard the
dull roar of artillery at a distance察and the farther they advanced
the louder and more terrific resounded the cannon。 The battle
therefore察was going on察and the utmost rapidity was necessary on
their part。 Forward察therefore察forward At five o'clock in the
afternoon they at last reached Siebenbrunn。 But where was Field´
Marshal Rosenberg拭What did it mean that the roar of artillery had
almost entirely died away拭And what dreadful signs surrounded the
horizon on all sides拭Tremendous clouds of smoke察burning villages
everywhere察and added to them now the stillness of death察which was
even more horrible after the booming of artillery which had shaken
the earth up to this time。 Where was Field´Marshal Rosenberg
An officer galloped up at full speed。 It was a messenger from Field´
Marshal Rosenberg察who informed the archduke that he had been
repulsed察that all was over察and that the day was irretrievably
;I have been ordered to march to Loibersdorf察─said the archduke
resolutely察 I must comply with my instructions。;
And he continued his march toward Loibersdorf。 Patrols were sent out
and approached Wagram。 The fields were covered with the dead and
wounded察and the latter stated amid moans and lamentations that a
dreadful battle had been fought察and that the Austrians had been
The archduke listened to these reports with a pale face and
quivering lips。 But he was still in hopes that he would receive a
message from the generalissimo察hence察he remained at Loibersdorf
and waited for news from his brother。 Night came察profound stillness
reigned all around察broken only now and then by dull reports of
cannon and musketry fired at a distance察and there was no news yet
from the generalissimo
One of the patrols now brought in a French officer who had got
separated from his men察and whom the Austrians had taken prisoner。
The archduke sent for him察and asked him for information regarding
the important events of the day。
The officer gave him the required information with sparkling eyes
and in a jubilant voice。 A great battle had been fought during the
previous two days。 The French army had left the Island of Lobau on
four bridges察which Napoleon had caused to be built in a single
night by two hundred carpenters察and had given battle to the
Archduke Charles at Wagram。 A furious combat had raged on the 5th
and 6th of July。 Both armies had fought with equal boldness
bravery察and exasperation察but finally the Archduke Charles had been
compelled to evacuate the field of battle and retreat。 The Emperor
Napoleon had remained in possession of the field察he had gained the
battle of Wagram。
Large drops of sweat stood on the archduke's forehead while he was
listening to this report察his eyes filled with tears of indignation
and anger察his lips quivered察and he lifted his eyes reproachfully
to heaven。 Then he turned slowly to General Frimont察who was halting
by his side察and behind whom were to be seen the gloomy察mournful
faces of the other officers。
;The generalissimo has lost a battle察─he said察with a sigh。 ;This
is a twofold calamity for us。 You know that we could not come
sooner。 We arrived even at an earlier hour than I had promised。 You
will see that the whole blame for the loss of the battle will be
laid at our door察and we shall be c