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their own valor and patriotism察aided by the natural strength of the
country察had entirely delivered the province from the enemy。 The
capitulation of Wiltau crowned the work of deliverance察to the
everlasting glory of the brave Martin Teimer察and to the disgrace of
General Bisson and the French and Bavarians。 Footnote此Major Teimer
was rewarded for this capitulation of Wiltau with the title of Baron
von Wiltau察and with the order of Maria Theresa。 The Emperor of
Austria察besides察presented him with valuable estates in Styria。

 There were great rejoicings in Innspruck all the day long察glad
faces were to be met with everywhere察and all shouted
enthusiastically此 We have become Austrians again We are subjects
of the Emperor of Austria again Long live the free Tyrol Long live
the Emperor Francis 

The streets presented a very lively appearance察all the painters of
the city were occupied in removing the hateful Bavarian colors察blue
and white察from the signs and houses察and putting on them the
Austrian察black and gold察and the Tyrolese marksmen held a regular
target´shooting at the Bavarian lion察which察to the great disgust of
the Tyrolese察had been raised four years ago over the entrance of
the imperial palace。 Prizes were awarded for every piece which was
shot from it察and the principal reward was granted to him who
pierced the crown of the lion。

Yes察the northern Tyrol was free察but the South察the Italian Tyrol
was groaning yet under the yoke of French oppression察and Andreas
Hofer intended to march thither with his forces察as he had concerted
at Vienna with the Archduke John and Hormayr察in order to bring to
the Italian Tyrolese the liberty which the German Tyrolese had
already conquered。

Hence Andreas Hofer察though his heart yearned for it察had refrained
from making his solemn entrance into Innspruck察and had gone on the
17th of April to Meran察where he was to review the Landsturm of that
town and its environs察the brave men who were to accompany him on
his expedition to the Italian Tyrol。

The Tyrolese were drawn up in four lines察at their head was to be
seen Hormayr察surrounded by the priests and civil officers who had
been exiled by the Bavarians察and who were returning now with him
and the Austrian army。

A cloud of dust arose from the neighboring gorges of the Passeyr
valley察and a joyous murmur ran through the ranks of the Tyrolese。
Deafening cheers rent the air then察for Andreas Hofer galloped up on
a fine charger察followed by the men of the Passeyr valley。 His face
glowed察his eyes beamed with delight察and his whole bearing breathed
unbounded satisfaction and happiness。

He shook hands with Hormayr察laughing merrily。 ;We have kept察─he
exclaimed察 the promises we made at Vienna察have we not拭And our
dear Archduke John察I suppose察will be content with us拭

;He sends the best greetings of his love to his dear Andreas Hofer察
said Hormayr察 and thanks him for all he has done here。;

;He thanks me拭─asked Hofer察in surprise。 ;We have done only what
our hearts longed for察and fulfilled our own wishes。 We wished to
become Austrians again察for Austrians means Germans察we wanted no
longer to be Bavarians察for Bavarians meant French察hence察we were
anxious to rid our mountains of the disgrace and make our country
again free and a province of Germany。 We have succeeded in doing so
for the good God blessed our efforts and helped us in our sore
distress。 Now we are once more the faithful children of our dear
emperor察and the dear Archduke John will come to us and stay with us
as governor of the Tyrol。;

;He certainly will察and I know that he longs to live again in the
midst of his faithful Tyrolese。 But for this reason察Andy察we must
help him that he may soon come to us察and aid him in delivering the
Southern Tyrol。 I have great news for you察Andy察from the Archduke
John。 I wished to communicate it to you first of all。 No one was to
hear of it previous to you。;

;I hope it is good news察Baron von Hormayr察─said Andreas Hofer
anxiously。 ;The dear archduke察I trust察has not met with a disaster
Tell me quick察for my heart throbs as though one of my dear children
were in imminent peril。;

;You yourself are a child察Andy。 Do you suppose I should look so
cheerful if our dear archduke had met with a disaster拭And even
though such were the case察would I then be so stupid as to inform
you of it now察at this joyful hour察when it is all´important that we
should be in high spirits拭No察Andy察I bring splendid news。 The
Archduke John achieved yesterday glorious victory at Sacile over the
Viceroy of Italy察Eugene Beauharnais察it was a great triumph察for he
took eight thousand prisoners察and captured a great many guns。 But
amidst this triumph he thought of his dear Tyrolese察and dispatched
from the battle´field a courier who was to bring to me the news and
his order to tell his dear Tyrolese that he defeated the French

Andreas Hofer察overjoyed and with his countenance full of sunshine
and happiness察galloped down the long line of his sharpshooters。

;Hurrah my dear friends and brethren察─he shouted察 the Archduke
John sends his greetings to you。 and informs you that he defeated
the French yesterday at Sacile and took eight thousand prisoners and
a great many guns。 Hurrah long live the Archduke John察the future
governor of the Tyrol 

And the Tyrolese repeated察with deafening cheers此 Hurrah long live
the Archduke John察the future governor of the Tyrol 

;And I have to bring you still another greeting from the Archduke
John察─shouted Baron von Hormayr。 ;But you shall not hear it here in
the plain察but up at the ancient castle of Tyrol。 It is true察the
Bavarians and the miserable French have destroyed the fine castle
but the ruins of the ancient seat of our princes remain to us。 We
will now ascend to those ruins察and up there you shall hear the
message which the Archduke John sends to you。;

The whole force of the Tyrolese thereupon moved up the mountain´path
leading to the castle of Tyrol察headed by Andreas Hofer and Baron
von Hormayr。

On reaching the crest of the hill察Hofer stopped and alighted from
his horse。 He knelt down amidst the ruins of the castle with a
solemn察deeply´moved face察and holding the crucifix on his breast
between his hands察and lifting his eyes to heaven察he exclaimed with
fervent devotion此 Thanks察Lord God察thanks for the aid that thou
halt hitherto vouchsafed to us Thanks for delivering the country
and permitting us to be Austrians again O God察grant now stability
to our workand preserve it from falling to ruin If Thou art
content with me察let me further serve and be useful to my native
country I am but a weak instrument in Thy hand察my God察but Thou
hast used it察and I pray Thee not to cast it aside now察but impart
to it strength and durability察that it may last until the enemy has
been driven from the country察and the whole Tyrol is free again for
evermore I kiss the dear soil where our princes walked in former
times察and where they swore to their Tyrolese that they should be
freemen察and that their free constitution should be sacred for all
time to come 

He bent down察kissed the moss´grown stones察and encircled them
tenderly with his arms as though they were an altar before which he
was uttering devout vows and prayers。 The Tyrolese察who had
gradually reached the summit察had silently knelt down behind Andreas
Hofer察and were praying like him。

One sentiment animated them all and illuminated their faces with the
radiant lustre of joy此the Tyrol was delivered from the foreign
yoke察and they察the sons of the country察had alone liberated their
beloved fatherland。

;Now察men of the Tyrol察─shouted Hormayr察 listen to the message
which the Archduke John sends to you。;

And amid the solemn silence of the Tyrolese察and the peals of the
Meran churchbells penetrating up to them察Hormayr read to them a
document drawn up by the Archduke John察by virtue of which he
resumed possession of the Tyrol in the name of the emperor察declared
it to be incorporated with the imperial states察and solemnly vowed
that察as a reward of its loyalty察it should remain united with
Austria for all future time。 At the same time察the ancient
constitution and the former privileges were restored to the
Tyrolese察and Baron von Hormayr was appointed governor of the Tyrol。



All Windisch´Matrey was again in joyful commotion to´day察for a
twofold festival was to be celebrated此the return of the men of
Windisch´Matrey察who had so bravely fought for the country and so
aided in delivering it察and then察as had been resolved previous to
their departure察Eliza Wallner's wedding was to come off to´day。

She had redeemed her pledge察she had proved that she was a true and
brave daughter of the Tyrol察and Anthony Wallner察her father察was no
longer angry with her察he wished to reward her for her courage and
intrepidity察and make her happy。 Therefore察he had sent a messenger
secretly and without her knowledge to Windisch´Matrey察and had
ordered his wife to decorate the house festively察and request the
curate to repair to the ch

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