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General Kinkel。 Kinkel is an old woman察he wept and swore in one
breath when I was with him just now察he says all the time that he
will commit suicide察and yet he is not courageous enough to do it
but preferred to comply with my demands。;
;And what were your demands察Teimer拭
;I demanded that he should give me an open letter to General Bisson
urging him to send some confidential person into the town who might
report the state of affairs察and convince him of the immense
superiority and enthusiasm of the Tyrolese察and of the impossibility
of defeating us or forcing his way through our ranks。;
;And did old General Kinkel give you such a letter拭
;He did察and I will send it out now to the French camp。 We must make
all necessary dispositions察that when the general sends a
confidential envoy into the town he may become fully alive to the
fact that it is impossible for him to defeat us。 Above all things
we must send several thousand sharp´shooters to Mount Isel and the
adjoining heights察in order to cut off the enemy's retreat。;
The letter which Major Teimer had extorted from General Kinkel had
really the effect which he had expected from it。 General Bisson sent
to Innspruck one of his staff´officers察accompanied by Lieutenant´
Colonel von Wreden察the commander of the Bavarians。 A few other
officers followed these two察and repaired with them to Major Teimer
who received them at the principal guard´house in the presence of
the most prominent Tyrolese。
Meanwhile General Bisson awaited with painful impatience the return
of the two ambassadors whom he had sent into the town察and察his eyes
constantly fixed on Innspruck察he walked uneasily up and down。 But
already upward of an hour had elapsed察and the ambassadors had not
yet made their appearance。 He had good reason to be uneasy and
anxious察for the situation of the French and Bavarians was now
almost desperate。 He had found out at the bridge of the Eisach察on
the plain of the Sterzinger Moos察and at the Muhlbacher Klause察that
the French had to deal with an enemy who was terribly in earnest
that the whole Tyrol was in insurrection察that Chasteler察with a
body of armed peasants察as well as a few regular troops察was
descending the Brenner察and already menacing his rear察while the
rocks and thickets in his front and flanks were bristling with the
peasants of the Innthal察whoin great strengthobstructed his
;We shall die here察for we are hemmed in on all sides察─said General
Bisson察gloomily察to himself。 ;There is no hope left察and in the end
we may be obliged to submit to the disgrace of surrendering to the
mob of peasants。 But what on earth prevents the officers from
returning to me拭
And Bisson turned his searching eyes again toward Innspruck。 Now he
perceived two men approaching at a run。
He recognized them察they were the companions of his staff´officer
and Lieutenant´Colonel Von Wreden察and their pale察dismayed faces
told him that they were bearers of bad tidings。
;Where are the two gentlemen whom I sent to Innspruck拭─he asked
advancing rapidly toward them。
;They were taken into custody at Innspruck察─faltered out one of
;Major Teimer said he had taken upon himself no obligation in regard
to these officers察and would retain them as hostages察─panted the
other。 ;He then caused us to be conducted through the whole city
that we might satisfy ourselves of the tremendous strength of the
Tyrolese and their formidable preparations。 Oh察your excellency察the
peasants are much superior to us in strength察for there are at least
twenty thousand able´bodied men in their ranks察they are well armed
and the most celebrated marksmen and the most daring leaders of the
Tyrol are among them。;
;Bah it would make no difference察even though they were ten to
one ─cried General Bisson察 for ten peasants cannot have as much
courage as one soldier of the grand army of my glorious emperor。 We
will prove to them that we are not afraid of them。 We will attack
them。 A detachment of Tyrolese yonder has ventured to leave the
city。 Fire at them Shoot them down until not one of them is left
The shots crashed察the artillery boomed察but not a Tyrolese had
fallen察they had thrown themselves on the ground察so that the
bullets and balls had whistled harmlessly over their heads。 But now
they jumped up and responded to the shots of the enemy察and not one
of their bullets missed its aim察but all carried death into the
ranks of the French。 At the same time the sharpshooters posted on
Mount Isel察in the rear of the French and Bavarians察commenced
firing察and mowed down whole ranks of the soldiers。
General Bisson turned in dismay toward this new enemy察covered by
the thicket察which察rising almost to the summit of Mount Isel察made
the Tyrolese invisible察and protected them from the missiles of the
;We are between two fires察─he murmured to himself察in dismay。 ;We
are caught察as it were察in a net察and will be annihilated to the
last man。;
And this conviction seized all the soldiers察as was plainly to be
seen from their pale faces and terror´stricken looks。
There was a sudden lull in the fire of the Tyrolese察which had
already struck down several hundred French soldiers察and from the
triumphal arch of Innspruck issued several men察waving white
handkerchiefs察and advancing directly toward the French。 It was
Major Teimer察accompanied by some officers and citizens of
Innspruck。 He sent one of them to General Bisson to invite him to an
interview to be held on the public square of the village of Wiltau。
General Bisson accepted the invitation察and repaired with his staff
and some Bavarian officers to the designated place。
Major Teimer and his companions were already there。 Teimer received
the general and his distinguished companions with a proud
condescending nod。
;General察─he said察without waiting for the eminent officer to
address him察 I have come here to ask you to surrender察and order
your soldiers to lay down their arms。;
General Bisson looked with a smile of amazement at the peasant who
dared to address to him so unheard´of a demand with so much calmness
and composure。
;My dear sir察─he said察 I am convinced that you are not in earnest
but know full well that we never can or will comply with such a
demand。 Moreover察our situation does not by any means compel us to
allow conditions to be dictated to us。 Nevertheless察I am ready to
make some concessions to you。 Hence察I will pledge you my word of
honor that I will neither attack you察nor injure the city of
Innspruck in the least。 But in return I demand that you allow us to
pass without molestation through Innspruck察that we may march to
Augsburg in obedience to the orders of my emperor。;
;And you believe we can be so stupid as to grant this demand
general拭─asked Teimer察shrugging his shoulders。 ;I do not want to
be beaten down察but stick to my first demand。 Either you order your
troops to lay down their arms察or you will all be put to the sword。;
;No察so help me God never will I accept so arrogant a demand察
cried the general察indignantly察 never will I incur the disgrace of
signing so ignominious a capitulation。;
;Then察general察you will appear this very day before the throne of
God to account for the lives of the thousands whom you devote to an
unnecessary death。 For all of you will and must die察there is no
escape for you。 You know it full well察general察for otherwise you
the proud general of Monsieur Bonaparte察and commander of several
thousand splendid French soldiers察would not have come to negotiate
here with the leader of the peasants察who knows nothing of tactics
and strategy。 You know that there are enemies both in your front and
rear。 Our men occupy Mount Isel察and the whole country back of Mount
Isel is in insurrection。 You cannot retrace your steps察nor can you
advance察for you will never get to Innspruck察and there is no other
road to Augsburg。 We have barricaded the city察and have nearly
twenty thousand men in and around Innspruck。;
;But I pledged you my word that I would not attack you察nor take any
hostile steps whatever。 All I want is to march peaceably through the
city察and察in order to convince you of my pacific intentions察I
promise to continue my march with flints unscrewed from our muskets
and without ammunition。;
;I do not accept your promises察they are not sufficient察─said
;Well察then察─cried General Bisson察in a tremulous voice察 hear my
last words。 I will march on with my troops without arms察our arms
and ammunition may be sent after us on wagons。;
;If that is your last word察general察our negotiations are at an
end察─replied Teimer察with perfect sang´froid。 ;You have rejected my
well´meaning solicitude for your safety察nothing remains for me now
but to surrender you and your troops to the tender mercies of our
infuriated people。 Farewell察general。;
He turned his back on him and advanced several steps toward
Innspruck。 At the same time he waved his arm three times。
Immediately察as had been agreed upon察the Tyrolese on Mount Isel
and in front of Innspruck察commenced firing察and their close