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andreas hofer-第31节

小说: andreas hofer 字数: 每页4000字

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〃I shall not permit you to leave the room;〃 she cried。 〃You must
kill me first; then you may go。〃

〃Eliza; I cannot stay。 I implore you; let me go out。 My honor; my
good name; are at stake。 You say the peasants have risen in
insurrection; my soldiers are locked up; and you think I could be
cowardly and miserable enough to conceal myself and surrender my
name to well…deserved disgrace? Let me go out; Eliza; have mercy
upon me! Do not compel me to remove you forcibly from the door!〃

〃Ah;〃 cried Eliza; with scornful laughter; 〃you think I will step
back from the door and let you go to kill my father and my brothers?
Listen; sir; you said you loved me。 Give me a proof of it。 Let me go
out first; let me speak with my father only three words! Perhaps I
may persuade him to release your soldiers and go home with his

〃Very well; I will prove to you that I love you。 Go down; Eliza;
speak with your father。 I give you ten minutes' time; that is to
say; I sacrifice to you ten minutes of my honor。〃

Eliza uttered a cry of joy; she encircled Ulrich's neck impetuously
with her arms and imprinted a glowing kiss on his forehead。

〃Farewell; sir;〃 she whispered; 〃farewell; and God bless you!〃

Then she pushed him back; hastened to the door; threw it open; and
sprang out。 She closed the door carefully behind her; locked it with
a firm and quick hand; drew the key from the lock; and concealed it
in her bosom。

〃Holy Virgin; I thank Thee!〃 she exclaimed; joyfully。 〃He is saved;
for the room has no other outlet; and the balcony is too high for
him to jump down。〃



She sped as gracefully and quickly as a gazelle down the corridor。
In the large hall into which it led stood Elza; surrounded by more
than twenty Tyrolese sharpshooters; with whom she was talking in a
loud; animated voice。 Her cheeks were very pale; her lips were
quivering; but her eyes flashed courageously; and; notwithstanding
the paleness of her face; it did not betray the least anxiety or

〃Have you considered well what you are going to do; men of the
Puster valley?〃 she asked; in a clear; full voice。 〃Do you know that
you are about to rebel against your government and your king; and
that the rebels will be judged and punished with the full rigor of
the law? 〃

〃But the Bavarians will not judge us; for we shall drive them from
the country;〃 shouted the Tyrolese。 〃We do not want a king nor a
Bavarian government; we want to get back our Emperor Francis and our
old constitution。〃

〃But you will not succeed;〃 said Elza; 〃you are too weak against
them。 There are too many of them and too few of you; they have
cannon; and you have nothing but your rifles; and there are many of
you who have not even a rifle。〃

〃But we have our God and our emperor; and those two will help us。
The Austrians; as Andreas Hofer has written to us; are already in
the country; and all the people are rising to drive the French and
Bavarians from the country。〃

〃It is so; Elza;〃 said Eliza; encircling her friend's neck with her
arm。 〃I know youI know that you are a loyal daughter of the Tyrol;
and you will be glad to see our dear country delivered from the
foreign yoke and restored to the good Emperor Francis。〃

〃But; Lizzie; think of my poor cousin Ulrich;〃 whispered Elza to
her。 〃He will defend himself to the last drop of his blood。〃

〃He is unable to do so;〃 whispered Lizzie; with a cheerful smile。 〃I
have locked him up in the dining…room; and the key is here in my
bosom。 Ulrich cannot get out; therefore; and though he is furious
and grim; he must remain in the room like a mouse in a trap。〃

〃That reassures me;〃 said Elza; smiling; 〃and I understand now; too;
why my father acted in the manner he did。 He doubtless suspected
what would occur here; and got rid of all responsibility; leaving me
entirely free to choose between my Bavarian relative and my Tyrolese
countrymen。 Here is my hand; Anthony Wallner; I am a loyal daughter
of the Tyrol; and shout with you; 'Long live our Emperor Francis!'〃

〃Hurrah; long live our Emperor Francis!〃 shouted the Tyrolese。 〃Long
live Miss Elza; the loyal daughter of the Tyrol!〃

〃Thank you;〃 said Elza; smiling。 〃I think I shall prove my loyalty
when dangers and war beset us。 I shall establish here in the castle
a hospital for our wounded; and the women of Windisch…Matrey will
assist me; scrape lint; and help me to nurse the wounded。 For
without wounds and bloodshed we shall not recover our independence;
and the Bavarians will not suffer themselves to be driven from the
country without offering the most obstinate resistance。 Have you
considered that well; my friends?〃

〃We have; we are prepared for every thing;〃 said Anthony; joyously。
〃We will suffer death rather than give up our emperor and our dear
Tyrol。 We do not want to become Southern Bavarians; but we will
remain Tyrolese; and defend our constitution and our liberty to the
last drop of our blood。 Will we not; my friends?〃

〃Yes; we will;〃 shouted the Tyrolese。

〃And as for the Bavarians; we are not afraid of them;〃 said Wallner;
firmly。 〃All the functionaries have already humbly submitted to the
freemen of the Tyrol。 They have surrendered with their wives and
children; delivered their funds at our demand; and are now guarded
in their official dwellings by our men。 And as for the Bavarian
soldiers at the castle here; we need not be afraid of them either;
for we have locked them up; like badgers in their holes; and they
cannot get out of the door。〃

〃But if they cannot get out of the door; they will jump out of the
windows;〃 said Elza; 〃and offer the most determined resistance。〃

〃We shall see if they can;〃 exclaimed Wallner; energetically。 〃We
must get through with them right away。 Come; men; we must see to the

And Anthony Wallner; followed by his sharpshooters; hastened out
into the court…yard。 Large numbers of armed men had assembled there
in the mean time; even married women and young girls; carried away
by the universal enthusiasm; had armed themselves and came to take
an active part in the struggle for the fatherland and the emperor。
All shouted and cheered in wild confusion; all swore to remain true
to the fatherland and the emperor to their last breath。 The soldiers
looked on wonderingly; and watched in breathless irresolution for
their captain from the windows。

At this moment; Anthony Wallner and a number of courageous
sharpshooters took position in front of the windows。

〃Soldiers;〃 he shouted; in a thundering voice; 〃surrender! you are
our prisoners! Surrender; throw your muskets and fire…arms out of
the windows; and we will open the door of your prison and allow you
to return to Bavaria。〃

The soldiers made no reply; but leaned far out of the windows and
shouted: 〃Captain! Where is our captain?〃

〃Here I am!〃 shouted a powerful voice above the heads of the
Tyrolese; and; looking up in great surprise; they beheld on the
balcony young Captain Ulrich von Hohenberg; with a pale face; his
features distorted with rage and grief; and stretching out his right
arm; with his flashing sword menacingly toward the Tyrolese。

〃Great God!〃 murmured Eliza; clinging anxiously to Elza's arm; 〃If
he resists; he is lost。〃

〃Here I am; my brave soldiers!〃 shouted Ulrich von Hohenberg a
second time。 〃Come to me; my brave lads! I have been locked up here;
hence; I cannot come to you。 Come up to me; then。 Knock the doors
in; and deliver your captain。〃

〃First; let them deliver themselves; sir;〃 shouted Wallner up to
him。 He then turned once more to the soldiers。 〃Listen to what I am
going to say to you in the name of my countrymen; in the name of the
whole Tyrol;〃 he shouted。 〃For four long years you have oppressed
and maltreated us: you have insulted; humiliated; and mortified us
every day。 But we are Christians; and will not revenge ourselves; we
want only our rights; our liberty; and our emperor。 Therefore; if
you submit willingly and with good grace to what cannot be helped;
we will let you depart without punishing or injuring you in any way;
and allow you to return to your accursed Bavaria。 But first you will
have to do two things; to wit: throw all your muskets out of the
windows; and swear a solemn oath that you will no longer bear arms
against the Tyrolese。〃

〃You will never swear that oath; soldiers;〃 shouted Ulrich von
Hohenberg from his balcony。 〃You will keep the oath which you swore
to your king and commander…in…chief。 You will not incur the disgrace
of surrendering to a crowd of rebellious peasants。〃

〃No; no; we will not;〃 shouted the soldiers to him; and thereupon
they disappeared from the upper floor; and soon reappeared in dense
groups at the windows of the lower story。 These windows were only
five feet above the ground; and they were therefore able to jump out
of them。

〃Shoot down the first soldier who jumps out of the window!〃 cried
Anthony Wallner to his sharpshooters。

The soldiers took no notice of his threats; a soldier appeared in
each of the windows ready to risk the leap。 One of them; more agile
and intrepid than the others; was the first to jump down。 Scarcely
had his feet t

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