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enthusiastically察 it will take the field one day against all the
powerful and petty tyrants of the fatherland。 Then it will choose
the Archduke John its general´in´chief察and he will lead it to
;No察no察my friend察─said John察mournfully察 Fate refuses to let me
play a decisive part in the history of the world。 My role will
always be but a secondary one察my will will always be impeded察my
arm will be paralyzed forever。 You know it。 You know that I am
constantly surrounded by secret spies and eavesdroppers察who watch
me with lynx´eyed mistrust and misrepresent every step I take。 It
was always so察and will remain so until I die or become a decrepit
old man察whose arm is no longer able to wield the sword or even the
pen。 That I am young察that I have a heart for the sufferings of my
country察a heart not only for the honor of Austria察but for that of
Germanythat is what gives umbrage to them察what renders me
suspicious in their eyes察and causes them to regard me as a
revolutionist。 I had to suffer a good deal for my convictions察a
great many obstacles were raised against all my plans察and yet I
desired only to contribute to the welfare of the whole察I demanded
nothing for myself察but every thing for the fatherland。 To the
fatherland I wished to devote my blood and my life察for the
fatherland I wished to conquer in the disastrous campaign of 1805。
However察such were not the plans of my adversaries察they did not
wish to carry on the war with sufficient energy and perseverance
they would not give my brother Charles and me an opportunity to
distinguish ourselves and gain a popular name。 Whenever I planned a
vigorous attack察I was not permitted to carry it into effect。
Whenever察with my corps察I might have exerted a decisive influence
upon the fortunes of the war察I was ordered to retreat with my
troops to some distant position of no importance whatever察and when
I remonstrated察they charged me with rebelling against the emperor's
authority。 Ah察I suffered a great deal in those days察and the wounds
which my heart received at that juncture are bleeding yet。 I had to
succumb察when the men who had commenced the war at a highly
unfavorable time察conducted it at an equally unfavorable moment察and
made peace。 And by that peace Austria lost her most loyal province
the beautiful Tyrol察one of the oldest states of the Hapsburgs察and
her most fertile province察the territory of Venetia and Dalmatia
for which I did not grieve so much察because it always was a source
of political dissensions and quarrels for the hereditary provinces
of Austria。 What afflicted me most sorely was the loss of the Tyrol
and even now I cannot think of it without the most profound emotion。
It seemed as though Fate were bent on blotting out from our memory
all that might remind us of our ancestors察their virtues察their
patriotism察and their perseverance in the days of universal
adversity察and as though察in consequence of this察the spirit察of the
Hapsburgs had almost become extinct察and we were to lose all that
they bad gained in the days of their greatness。 Footnote此John's
own words。See ;Forty´eight Letters from Archduke John to Johannes
von Muller察─p。 103。АBut now Fate is willing to give us another
opportunity to repair our faults and show that we are worthy of our
ancestors。 If we allow this to pass too察all is lost察not only the
throne of the Hapsburgs察but also their honor
;This opportunity will not pass ─exclaimed the count。 ;The throne
of the Hapsburgs will be preserved察for it is protected by the
Archdukes John and Charles察a brave army that is eager for a war
with France察and a faithful察intrepid people察which is sincerely
devoted to its imperial dynasty察which never will acknowledge
another ruler察and which never will desert its Hapsburgs。;
;Yes察the people will not desert us察─said John察 but worse things
may happen察we may desert ourselves。 Just look around察Nugent察and
see how lame we have suddenly become again察how we have all at once
stopped half way察unable to decide whether it might not be better
for us to lay down our arms again and surrender at discretion to the
Emperor of the French。;
;Fortunately察it is too late now to take such a resolution察for
Austria has already gone so far that a hesitating policy at this
juncture will no longer succeed in pacifying the Emperor of the
French。 And it is owing to the efforts of your imperial highness
that it is so察we are indebted for it to your zeal察your energy察and
your enthusiasm for the good cause察which is now no longer the cause
of Austria察but that of Germany。 And this cause will not succumb
God will not allow a great and noble people to be trampled under
foot by a foreign tyrant察who bids defiance to the most sacred
treaties and the law of nations察and who would like to overthrow all
thrones to convert the foreign kingdoms and empires into provinces
of his empire察blot out the history of the nations and dynasties
and have all engulfed by his universal monarchy。;
;God may not decree this察but He may perhaps allow it if the will of
the nations and the princes should not be strong enough to set
bounds to such mischief。 When the feeling of liberty and
independence does not incite the nations to rise enthusiastically
and defend their rights察God sends them a tyrant as a scourge to
chastise them。 And such察I am afraid察is our case。 Germany has lost
faith in herself察in her honor察she lies exhausted at the feet of
the tyrant察and is ready to be trampled in the dust by him。 Just
look around in our German fatherland。 What do you see there拭All the
sovereign princes have renounced their independence察and become
Napoleon's vassals察they obey his will察they submit to his orders
and send their armies not against the enemy of Germany察but against
the enemies of France察no matter whether those enemies are their
German brethren or not。 The German princes have formed the
Confederation of the Rhine察and the object of this confederation is
not to preserve the frontier of the Rhine to Germany察but to secure
the Rhine to France。 The German princes are begging for honors and
territories at the court of Napoleon察they do not shrink from
manifesting their fealty to their master察the Emperor of the French
by betraying the interests of Germany察they are playing here at
Vienna the part of the meanest spies察they are watching all our
steps察and are shameless enough to have the Emperor Napoleon reward
their infamy by conferring royal titles on them察and to accept at
his hands German territories which he took from German princes。
Bavaria did not disdain to aggrandize her territories at our
expense察Wurtemberg accepts without blushing the territories of
other German princes at the bands of Napoleon察who thus rewards her
for the incessant warnings by which the King of Wurtemberg urges the
Emperor of the French to be on his guard against Austria察and always
distrust the intentions of the Emperor Francis。 Footnote
Schlosser察 History of the Eighteenth Century察─vol。 vii。察p。 488。
In the middle of the German empire we see a new French kingdom
Westphalia察established by Napoleon's orders察it is formed of the
spoils taken from Prussia and Hanover察and the German princes suffer
it察and the German people bow their heads察silently to the
disgraceful foreign yoke Ah察Nugent察my heart is full of grief and
anger察full of the bitterness of despair察for I have lost faith in
Germany察and see shudderingly that she will decay and die察as Poland
died察of her own weakness。 Ah察it would be dreadful察dreadful察if we
too察had to fall察as the unfortunate Kosciusko did察with the
despairing cry of 'Finis Germaniae';
;No察that will never happen ─cried Nugent。 ;No察Germany will never
endure the disgrace and debasement of Poland察she will never sink to
ruin and perish like Poland。 It is true察a majority of the German
princes bow to Napoleon's power察and we may charge them with
infidelity and treason against Germany察but we can not prefer the
same charge against the German people and the subjects of the
traitorous German princes。 They have remained faithful察and have not
yet lost faith in their fatherland。 They are indignantly champing
the bit with which their despots have shut their mouth察and察in
silence察harmony察and confidence in God察they are preparing for the
great hour when they will rise察for the sacred day when they will
break their shackles with the divine strength of a united and high´
minded people。 Everywhere the embers are smouldering under the
ashes察everywhere secret societies and leagues have been formed
everywhere there are conspirators察depots of arms察and passwords
everywhere the people of Germany are waiting only for the moment
when they are to strike the first blow察and for the signal to rise。
And they are in hopes now that Austria will give the signal。 Our
preparations for war have been hailed with exultation throughout
Germany此everywhere the people are ready to take up arms so soon as
Austria draws the sword。 The example of Spain and Portugal has
taught the Germans how the arrogant conqueror must be met察the
example of Austria will fill them with boundless enthusiasm察and