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弌傍 andreas hofer 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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sovereign of the Tyrol。 That is the reason why you incited the
people to rebellion察and intrigued and plotted until the poor
peaceable peasants became insurgents and rebels against their
Bavarian king察and unfurled the banner of blood with frantic
fanaticism。 You say thousands have fallen in the Tyrol in the
struggle for liberty察you say thousands lie wounded on the gory soil
of their native country察that prosperity has disappeared察and
poverty and starvation reign in the Tyrol拭Well察then察all this is
your work察it is your fault。 You stirred up the insurrection察and
committed the heavy crime of inciting a people to revolution。 The
Tyrol belonged to Bavaria察the Tyrolese were subjects of the King of
Bavaria察nothing gave them the right to shake off the rule of their
king and choose another sovereign。 And you think I should be so weak
as to approve of the bad example set by the Tyrolese察and encourage
the crimes committed by the revolutionists拭You think I should
sanction your work and consecrate your traitorous schemes by
permitting you to go to the Tyrol in order to preach insurrection
once more察make yourself sovereign of the Tyrol察come to an
understanding with M。 Bonaparte察and be recognized and confirmed by
him as Duke of Tyrol拭

;Brother察─cried John察in dismay察 I;

;Hush察─interrupted the emperor察imperiously察 no one has a right to
say a word when I am speaking。 I am not speaking to you as your
brother察but as your emperor。 And as your emperor察I tell you now
you will not go to the Tyrol察you will not dare to cross again the
frontiers of the Tyrol without my permission察and I promise you that
you will have to wait a long while for this permission。 And as your
emperor I order you further to inform the Tyrolese that I have
concluded peace with France察and to call upon them to lay down their
arms and submit to their fate。;

;Your majesty察never察never will I do that ─cried John。

;Oh察you think the good Tyrolese would then begin to doubt the
honesty of their adored archduke and withdraw from him their love
which was to erect a throne for him拭

;No察your majesty察─said John察looking him full in the face察 I mean
that I have pledged my word to protect the Tyrolese察and help and
succor them in their struggle for liberty and for their emperor察and
that I will not incur the disgrace of having cheated a whole people
and abused their confidence and love in the most revolting manner。;

;Oh察you want to intimate to me once more that I have done sothat
I have abused the confidence and love of the Tyrolese in a revolting
manner拭─asked the emperor察with a freezing smile。 ;No matter察keep
your opinion察but you shall surely obey me察and do it at once in my
presence。 Seat yourself at my writing´table yonder。 You are a
scholar察and know how to wield the pen quickly and skilfully。 Write
therefore。 Inform the faithful Tyrolese that peace has been
concluded察order them to lay down their arms and submit obediently
to their new master。;

;I cannot察brother察─cried John察mournfully。 ;Have mercy upon me I
cannot deliver a whole people to the executioner's axe。 For察if you
withdraw your hand from the Tyrol察if you surrender it to the tender
mercies of the Bavarians and French察they will wreak a fearful
revenge on the Tyrolese for all the defeats and humiliations which
the heroic mountaineers have made them undergo。;

;That will deter the mountaineers from entering into any more
conspiracies and revolutions察and teach them to be patient and
submissive察and they will thereby become an awful example to my own
subjects。 Do not disobey me any longer。 Seat yourself and write

;No察─cried John察vehemently察 your majesty may punish me as a
rebel察take my life察or sentence me to everlasting imprisonment察but
I cannot obey I cannot write such a proclamation 

;I shall not punish you as a rebel察─said the emperor察shrugging his
shoulders察 I shall not take your life察I shall not sentence you to
everlasting imprisonment察but I will withdraw my hand entirely from
the Tyrol。 I will not察as I had resolved and stipulated expressly
give the fugitive Tyrolese察if they should succeed in crossing the
frontier察an asylum here in Austria察and protect them to the best of
my power察but I will deliver them as escaped criminals to their
legitimate sovereigns察that they may punish them according to their
deserts。 Nor shall I察as I intended to do察stipulate in the treaty
of peace that the ancient constitution shall be confirmed and
guaranteed to the Tyrolese察nor shall I察finally察as I had resolved
to do察appoint a commission which will afford relief to the
fugitives who escape with their families to Austria。 It will be your
fault if the poor Tyrolese are deprived of these boons察and you will
expose the deserted people to the most fearful persecutions。;

;No察your majesty察no one shall ever be able to say that察─cried
John察profoundly moved。 ;I will obey your order and draw up the

He hastened to the writing´table察and察throwing himself on a chair
in front of it察uttered a deep groan and dropped his head on his
breast as though he were dying。

;Well察do not reflect so long察brother察─said Francis察 but write 

John took up the pen察and察restraining the tears which filled his
eyes察wrote quickly a few lines。 He then rose as pale as a corpse
and察approaching the emperor slowly察handed the paper to him。

;Your majesty察─he said察solemnly察 I have complied with your order。
I inform the Tyrolese that peace has been concluded察and exhort them
to submit。 Will you now fulfil the conditions察on account of which I
have written this to the Tyrolese拭Will you grant an asylum here in
Austria to those who shall succeed in escaping their tormentors and
executioners拭Will you appoint an imperial commission which will
afford relief to the fugitives and their families殖察And last察will
you see to it that the ancient constitution is guaranteed to the
Tyrolese in the treaty of peace you拭

;I pledged you my word that I would do so察dear brother; said the
emperor察smiling察 and you yourself said a while ago察'Never will an
Emperor of Austria break his word and incur the disgrace of
perjuring himself。' Well察read to me now what you have written。 I
should like to hear it from your own lips。;

The archduke bowed and read in a tremulous voice

;Dear察brave Tyrolese此The news that peace has been concluded will
soon reach you。 The emperor has ordered me to confirm this
intelligence to you。 The emperor would have done every thing to
fulfil the wishes of the Tyrol察but察however great an interest the
emperor takes in the fate of the honest and excellent inhabitants of
that province察he has had to submit to the stern necessity of making
peace。 I inform you of this by order of his majesty察with the
addition that it is his majesty's wish that the Tyrolese should keep
quiet and not sacrifice themselves needlessly。;

                                      ;The Archduke John。;

;H'm ─said the emperor察taking the paper from John's hand and
contemplating it attentively察 it is written quite laconically
indeed。 But察no matter察you have complied with my order and done
your duty。;

;I thank your majesty for this acknowledgment。 And now that I have
done my duty察I request your majesty to be so gracious as to dismiss
me from your service察and permit me to retire from the court into
private life。 I feel weak and exhausted察and need repose。 Moreover
since we have peace now察my services are superfluous and may be
easily dispensed with。;

;And you wish me to dismiss you very speedily察do you not拭─asked
the emperor察sarcastically。 ;You would like to retire as quickly as
possible into private life察that the whole world察and察above all
the dear Tyrolese察may perceive that the noble and beloved Archduke
John is dissatisfied with the treaty察and has therefore withdrawn in
anger from the court and service of his emperor拭I am sorry that I
cannot afford you this satisfaction。 You will remain in the service
I do not accept your resignation。 I do not permit you to retire into
private life。 You should devote your abilities to the state察you are
not allowed to withhold your services from it at this juncture。;

;Your majesty察I can no longer be useful to the state。 I am
exhausted to death。 I repeat my request in the most urgent manner
dismiss me from the service察and permit me to retire into private

;What ─cried Francis察vehemently。 ;Your emperor has informed you of
his will察and you dare to oppose it拭That is a violation of
subordination察for which the emperor察as supreme commander of his
army察would punish his rebellious general rigorously察but for the
fact that this general unfortunately is his brother。 I repeat it察I
do not accept your resignation。 You remain in the service察I demand
it as your general´in´chief察I remind you of the oath of allegiance
which you have sworn to me察your emperor and master。;

;Your majesty does right in reminding me of the oath I took察─said
the archduke察with freezing coldness。 ;It is true察I swore that
oath察and as I am in the habit of keeping my word察and as it is
disgraceful for any 

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