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the man from glengarry-第4节

小说: the man from glengarry 字数: 每页4000字

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crowd; sinking his fingers deeper and deeper into his enemy's
throat till his face grew black and his head fell over on one side。
But it was a fatal move for Mack; and overcome by numbers that
crowded upon him; he went down fighting wildly and bearing the
Frenchman beneath him。  The Glengarry line was broken。  Black Hugh
saw Mack's peril; and knew that it meant destruction to all。  With
a wilder cry than usual; 〃Glengarry!  Glengarry!〃 he dashed
straight into LeNoir; who gave back swiftly; caught two men who
were beating Big Mack's life out; and hurled them aside; and
grasping his friend's collar; hauled him to his feet; and threw him
back against the wall and into the line again with his grip still
upon his Frenchman's throat。

〃Let dead men go; Mack;〃 he cried; but even as he spoke LeNoir;
seeing his opportunity; sprang at him and with a backward kick
caught Macdonald fair in the face and lashed him hard against the
wall。  It was the terrible French 'lash' and was one of LeNoir's
special tricks。  Black Hugh; stunned and dazed; leaned back against
the wall; spreading out his hands weakly before his face。  LeNoir;
seeing victory within his grasp; rushed in to finish off his
special foe。  But Yankee Jim; who; while engaged in cheerfully
knocking back the two Murphys and others who took their turn at
him; had been keeping an eye on the line of battle; saw Macdonald's
danger; and knowing that the crisis had come; dashed across the
line; crying 〃Follow me; boys。〃  His long arms swung round his head
like the sails of a wind…mill; and men fell back from him as if
they had been made of wood。  As LeNoir sprang; Yankee shot fiercely
at him; but the Frenchman; too quick for him; ducked and leaped
upon Black Hugh; who was still swaying against the wall; bore him
down and jumped with his heavy 〃corked〃 boots on his breast and
face。  Again the Glengarry line was broken。  At once the crowd
surged about the Glengarry men; who now stood back to back; beating
off the men leaping at them from every side; as a stag beats off
dogs; and still chanting high their dauntless cry; 〃Glengarry
forever;〃 to which Big Mack added at intervals; 〃To hell with the
Papishes!〃  Yankee; failing to check LeNoir's attack upon Black
Hugh; fought off the men crowding upon him; and made his way to the
corner where the Frenchman was still engaged in kicking the
prostrate Highlander to death。

〃Take that; you blamed cuss;〃 he said; catching LeNoir in the jaw
and knocking his head with a thud against the wall。  Before he
could strike again he was thrown against his enemy; who clutched
him and held like a vice。



The Glengarry men had fought their fight; and it only remained for
their foes to wreak their vengeance upon them and wipe out old
scores。  One minute more would have done for them; but in that
minute the door came crashing in。  There was a mighty roar;
〃Glengarry!  Glengarry!〃 and the great Macdonald himself; with the
boy Ranald and some half…dozen of his men behind him; stood among
them。  On all hands the fight stopped。  A moment he stood; his
great head and shoulders towering above the crowd; his tawny hair
and beard falling around his face like a great mane; his blue eyes
gleaming from under his shaggy eyebrows like livid lightning。  A
single glance around the room; and again raising his battle…cry;
〃Glengarry!〃 he seized the nearest shrinking Frenchman; lifted him
high; and hurled him smashing into the bottles behind the counter。
His men; following him; bounded like tigers on their prey。  A few
minutes of fierce; eager fighting; and the Glengarry men were all
freed and on their feet; all except Black Hugh; who lay groaning in
his corner。  〃Hold; lads!〃 Macdonald Bhain cried; in his mighty
voice。  〃Stop; I'm telling you。〃  The fighting ceased。

〃Dan Murphy!〃 he cried; casting his eye round the room; 〃where are
you; ye son of Belial?〃

Murphy; crouching at the back of the crowd near the door; sought to

〃Ah! there you are!〃 cried Macdonald; and reaching through the
crowd with his great; long arm; he caught Murphy by the hair of the
head and dragged him forward。

〃R…r…r…a…a…t!  R…r…r…a…a…t!  R…r…r…a…a…t!〃 he snarled; shaking him
till his teeth rattled。  〃It is yourself that is the cause of this
wickedness。  Now; may the Lord have mercy on your soul。〃  With one
hand he gripped Murphy by the throat; holding him at arm's length;
and raised his huge fist to strike。  But before the blow fell he

〃No!〃 he muttered; in a disappointed tone; 〃it is not good enough。
I will not be demeaning myself。  Hence; you r…r…a…a…t!〃  As he
spoke he lifted the shaking wretch as if he had been a bundle of
clothes; swung him half round and hurled him crashing through the

〃Is there no goot man here at all who will stand before me?〃 he
raged in a wild; joyous fury。  〃Will not two of you come forth;
then?〃  No one moved。  〃Come to me!〃 he suddenly cried; and
snatching two of the enemy; he dashed their heads together; and
threw them insensible on the floor。

Then he caught sight of his brother for the first time lying in the
corner with Big Mack supporting his head; and LeNoir standing near。

〃What is this?  What is this?〃 he cried; striding toward LeNoir。
〃And is it you that has done this work?〃 he asked; in a voice of
subdued rage。

〃Oui!〃 cried LeNoir; stepping back and putting up his hands; 〃das
me; Louis LeNoir! by Gar!〃  He struck himself on the breast as he

〃Out of my way!〃 cried Macdonald; swinging his open hand on the
Frenchman's ear。  With a swift sweep he brushed LeNoir aside from
his place; and ignoring him stooped over his brother。  But LeNoir
was no coward; and besides his boasted reputation was at stake。  He
thought he saw his chance; and rushing at Macdonald as he was
bending over his brother; delivered his terrible 'lash'。  But
Macdonald had not lived with and fought with Frenchmen all these
years without knowing their tricks and ways。  He saw LeNoir's
'lash' coming; and quickly turning his head; avoided the blow。

〃Ah! would ye?  Take that; then; and be quate!〃 and so saying; he
caught LeNoir on the side of the head and sent him to the floor。

〃Keep him off a while; Yankee!〃 said Macdonald; for LeNoir was up
again; and coming at him。

Then kneeling beside his brother he wiped the bloody froth that was
oozing from his lips; and said in a low; anxious tone:

〃Hugh; bhodaich (old man); are ye hurted?  Can ye not speak to me;

〃Oich…oh;〃 Black Hugh groaned。  〃It was a necessityDonald man
andhe took meunawareswith hiskeeck。〃

〃Indeed; and I'll warrant you!〃 agreed his brother; 〃but I will be
attending to him; never you fear。〃

Macdonald was about to rise; when his brother caught his arm。

〃You willnot bekilling him;〃 he urged; between his painful
gasps; 〃because I will be doing that myself some day; by God's

His words and the eager hate in his face seemed to quiet Macdonald。

〃Alas! alas!〃 he said; sadly; 〃it is not allowed me to smite him
as he deserves'Vengeance is mine saith the Lord;' and I have
solemnly promised the minister not to smite for glory or for
revenge!  Alas! alas!〃

Then turning to LeNoir; he said; gravely:  〃It is not given me to
punish you for your coward's blow。  Go from me!〃  But LeNoir
misjudged him。

〃Bah!〃 he cried; contemptuously; 〃you tink me one baby; you strike
me on de head side like one little boy。  Bon!  Louis LeNware; de
bes bully on de Hottawa; he's not 'fraid for hany man; by Gar!〃  He
pranced up and down before Macdonald; working himself into a great
rage; as Macdonald grew more and more controlled。

Macdonald turned to his men with a kind of appeal〃I hev given my
promise; and Macdonald will not break his word。〃

〃Bah!〃 cried LeNoir; spitting at him。

〃Now may the Lord give me grace to withstand the enemy;〃 said
Macdonald; gravely; 〃for I am greatly moved to take vengeance upon

〃Bah!〃 cried LeNoir again; mistaking Macdonald's quietness and
self…control for fear。  〃You no good!  Your brother is no good!
Beeg sheep!  Beeg sheep!  Bah!〃

〃God help me;〃 said Macdonald as if to himself。  〃I am a man of
grace!  But must this dog go unpunished?〃

LeNoir continued striding up and down; now and then springing high
in the air and knocking his heels together with blood…curdling
yells。  He seemed to feel that Macdonald would not fight; and his
courage and desire for blood grew accordingly。

〃Will you not be quate?〃 said Macdonald; rising after a few moments
from his brother's side; where he had been wiping his lips and
giving him water to drink。  〃You will be better outside。〃

〃Oui! you strike me on the head side。  Bon!  I strike you de same
way!  By Gar!〃 so saying he approached Macdonald lightly; and
struck him a slight blow on the cheek。

〃Ay;〃 said Macdonald; growing white and rigid。  〃I struck you
twice; LeNoir。  Here!〃 he offered the other side of his face。
LeNoir danced up carefully; made a slight pass; and struck the
offered cheek。

〃Now; that is done; will it please you to do it again?〃 said
Macdonald; with earnest entreaty in his voice。  LeNoir must have
been mad with his rag

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