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the man from glengarry-第33节

小说: the man from glengarry 字数: 每页4000字

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invitation; so just make ready。〃

〃Any day; or every day; and the more days the better;〃 cried Aleck;
as he sat down at the table; where all had now taken their places。

The supper was a great success。  With much laughter and chaffing;
the girls flitted from place to place; pouring cups of tea and
passing the various dishes; urging the men to eat; till; as Don
said; they were 〃full to the neck。〃

When all had finished; Mr。 Murray; who sat at the head of the
table; rose in his place and said:  〃Gentlemen; before we rise from
this table; which has been spread so bountifully for us; I wish to
return thanks on behalf of Mr。 Macdonald to the neighbors and
friends who have gathered to…day to assist in this work。  Mr。
Macdonald asked me to say that he is all the more surprised at this
kindness; in that he feels himself to be so unworthy of it。  I
promised to speak this word for him; but I do not agree with the
sentiment。  Mr。 Macdonald is a man whom we all love; and in whose
misfortune we deeply sympathize; and I only hope that this
Providence may be greatly blessed to him; and that we will all come
to know him better; and to see God's hand in his misfortune。〃

The minister then; after some further remarks expressive of the
good will of the neighbors for Mr。 Macdonald; and in appreciation
of the kind spirit that prompted the bee; returned thanks; and the
supper was over。

As the men were leaving the table; Aleck watched his opportunity
and called to Maimie; when he was sure Ranald could hear; 〃Well;
when will you be ready for that drive?〃

And Maimie; who was more indignant at Ranald than ever because he
had ignored all her advances at supper; and had received her
congratulations upon his victory with nothing more than a grunt;
answered Aleck brightly。  〃Oh; any day that you happen to

〃Remember!〃 cried Aleck; 〃then that will be every day until our
ride comes off。〃

A few minutes later; as Ranald was hitching up Farquhar's team;
Aleck passed by; and in great good humor with himself; chaffingly
called out to Ranald in the presence of a number of the men;
〃That's a fine girl you've got; Ranald。  But you better keep your
eye on her。〃

Ranald made no reply。  He was fast losing command of himself。

〃Pretty skittish to handle; isn't she?〃 continued Aleck。

〃What y're talkin' 'bout?  That Lisette mare?〃 said Yankee; walking
round to Ranald's side。  〃Purty slick beast; that。  Guess there
ain't anythin' in this country will make her take dust。〃

Then in a low voice he said to Ranald; hurriedly; 〃Don't you mind
him; don't you mind him。  You can't touch him to…day; on your own
place。  Let me handle him。〃

〃No;〃 said Aleck。  〃We were talking about another colt of Ranald's。〃

〃What's that?〃 said Yankee; pretending not to hear。  〃Yes; you
bet;〃 he continued。  〃Ranald can handle her all right。  He knows
something about horses; as I guess you have found out; perhaps; by
this time。  Never saw anything so purty。  Didn't know your team had
got that move in them; Mr。 McNaughton;〃 Yankee went on to Farquhar;
who had just come up。

〃Indeed; they are none the worse of it;〃 said Farquhar; rubbing his
hands over the sleek sides of his horses。

〃Worse!〃 cried Yankee。  〃They're worth a hundred dollars more from
this day on。〃

〃I don't know that。  The hundred dollars ought to go upon the
driver;〃 said Farquhar; putting his hand kindly upon Ranald's

But this Ranald warmly repudiated。  〃They are a great team;〃 he
said to Farquhar。  〃And they could do better than they did to…day
if they were better handled。'

〃Indeed; it would be difficult to get that;〃 said Farquhar; 〃for;
in my opinion; there is not a man in the country that could handle
them as well。〃

This was too much for Aleck; who; having by this time got his
horses hitched; mounted his wagon seat and came round to the door
at a gallop。

〃Saved you that time; my boy;〃 said Yankee to Ranald。  〃You would
have made a fool of yourself in about two minutes more; I guess。〃

But Ranald was still too wrathful to be grateful for Yankee's help。
〃I will be even with him someday;〃 he said; between his teeth。

〃I guess you will have to learn two or three things first;〃 said
Yankee; slowly。

〃What things?〃

〃Well; how to use your head; first place; and then how to use your
hands。  He is too heavy for you。  He would crumple you up in a
couple of minutes。〃

〃Let him; then;〃 said Ranald; recklessly。

〃Rather onpleasant。  Better wait awhile till you learn what I told

〃Yankee;〃 said Ranald; after a pause; 〃will you show me?〃

〃Why; sartin sure;〃 said Yankee; cheerfully。  〃You have got to lick
him some day; or he won't be happy; and by jings! it will be worth
seein'; too。〃

By this time Farquhar had come back from saying good by to
Macdonald Dubh and Mr。 and Mrs。 Murray; who were remaining till
the last。

〃You will be a man yet;〃 said Farquhar; shaking Ranald's hand。
〃You have got the patience and the endurance。〃  These were great
virtues in Farquhar's opinion。

〃Not much patience; I am afraid;〃 said Ranald。  〃But I am glad you
trusted me with your team。〃

〃And any day you want them you can have them;〃 said Farquhar; his
reckless mood leading him to forget Kirsty for the moment。

〃Thank you; sir;〃 said Ranald; wondering what Kirsty would look
like should he ever venture to claim Farquhar's offer。

One by one the teams drove away with their loads; till only the
minister and his party were left。  Away under the trees Mr。 Murray
was standing; earnestly talking to Macdonald Dubh。  He had found
the opportunity he had long waited for and was making the most of
it。  Mrs。 Murray was busy with Kirsty; and Maimie and Hughie came
toward the stable where Yankee and Ranald were still standing。  As
soon as Ranald saw them approaching he said to Yankee; abruptly;
〃I am going to get the minister's horse;〃 and disappeared into the
stable。  Nor did he come forth again till he heard his father
calling to him:  〃What is keeping you; Ranald?  The minister is
waiting for his horse。〃

〃So you won a great victory; Ranald; I hear;〃 said the minister; as
Ranald brought Black to the door。

〃It was a tie;〃 said Ranald。

〃Oh; Ranald!〃 cried Hughie; 〃you beat him。  Everybody says so。  You
had your chain hitched up and everything before Aleck。〃

〃I hear it was a great exhibition; not only of skill; but of
endurance and patience; Ranald;〃 said the minister。  〃And these are
noble virtues。  It is a great thing to be able to endure。〃

But Ranald made no reply; busying himself with Black's bridle。
Mrs。 Murray noticed his gloom and guessed its cause。

〃We will see you at the Bible class; Ranald;〃 she said; kindly; but
still Ranald remained silent。

〃Can you not speak; man?〃 said his father。  〃Do you not hear the
minister's wife talking to you?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Ranald; 〃I will be there。〃

〃We will be glad to see you;〃 said Mrs。 Murray; offering him her
hand。  〃And you might come in with Hughie for a few minutes
afterward;〃 she continued; kindly; for she noted the misery in his

〃And we will be glad to see you; too; Mr。 Macdonald; if it would
not be too much for you; and if you do not scorn a woman's

〃Indeed; I would be proud;〃 said Macdonald Dubh; courteously; 〃as
far as that is concerned; for I hear there are better men than me

〃I am sure Mrs。 Murray will be glad to see you; Mr。 Macdonald;〃
said the minister。

〃I will be thinking of it;〃 said Macdonald Dubh; cautiously。  〃And
you are both very kind; whatever;〃 he said; losing for a time his
habitual gloom。

〃Well; then; I will look for you both;〃 said Mrs。 Murray; as they
were about to drive off; 〃so do not disappoint me。〃

〃Good by; Ranald;〃 said Maimie; offering Ranald her hand。

〃Good by;〃 said Ranald; holding her hand for a moment and looking
hard into her eyes; 〃and I hope you will enjoy your ride; whatever。〃

Then Maimie understood Ranald's savage manner; and as she thought
it over she smiled to herself。  She was taking her first sips of
that cup; to woman's lips the sweetest; and she found it not
unpleasant。  She had succeeded in making one man happy and another
miserable。  But it was when she said to herself; 〃Poor Ranald!〃
that she smiled most sweetly。



If Mrs。 Murray was not surprised to see Macdonald Dubh and Yankee
walk in on Sabbath evening and sit down in the back seat; her class
were。  Indeed the appearance of these two men at the class was
considered an event so extraordinary as to give a decided shock to
those who regularly attended; and their presence lent to the meeting
an unusual interest; and an undertone of excitement。  To see
Macdonald Dubh; whose attendance at the regular Sabbath services was
something unusual; present at a religious meeting which no one would
consider it a duty to attend; was enough in itself to excite
surprise; but when Yankee came in and sat beside him; the surprise
was considerably intensified。  For Yankee was considered to be quite
outside the pale; and indeed; in a way; incapable of religious
impression。  No one expected Yankee to be religious。  He was not a

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