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the man from glengarry-第3节

小说: the man from glengarry 字数: 每页4000字

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his face became anxious。  〃Ranald;〃 he said; angrily; 〃take
yourself out of this。  It is no place for you whatever。〃  The boy;
a slight lad of seventeen; but tall and well…knit; and with his
father's fierce; wild; dark face; hesitated。

〃Go;〃 said his father; giving him a slight cuff。

〃Here; boy!〃 yelled LeNoir; catching him by the arm and holding the
bottle to his mouth; 〃drink。〃  The boy took a gulp; choked; and
spat it out。  LeNoir and his men roared。  〃Dat good whiskey;〃 he
cried; still holding the boy。  〃You not lak dat; hey?〃

〃No;〃 said the boy; 〃it is not good at all。〃

〃Try heem some more;〃 said LeNoir; thrusting the bottle at him

〃I will not;〃 said Ranald; looking at LeNoir straight and fearless。

〃Ho…ho! mon brave enfant!  But you have not de good mannere。  Come;
drink!〃  He caught the boy by the back of the neck; and made as if
to pour the whiskey down his throat。  Black Hugh; who had been kept
back by Yankee Jim all this time; started forward; but before he
could take a second step Ranald; squirming round like a cat; had
sunk his teeth into LeNoir's wrist。  With a cry of rage and pain
LeNoir raised the bottle and was bringing it down on Ranald's head;
when Black Hugh; with one hand; caught the falling blow; and with
the other seized Ranald; and crying; 〃Get out of this!〃 he flung
him towards the door。  Then turning to LeNoir; he said; with
surprising self…control; 〃It is myself that is sorry that a boy of
mine should be guilty of biting like a dog。〃

〃Sa…c…r…re le chien!〃 yelled LeNoir; shaking off Macdonald Dubh;
〃he is one dog; and the son of a dog!〃  He turned and started for
the boy。  But Yankee Jim had got Ranald to the door and was
whispering to him。  〃Run!〃 cried Yankee Jim; pushing him out of the
door; and the boy was off like the wind。  LeNoir pursued him a
short way and returned raging。

Yankee Jim; or Yankee; as he was called for short; came back to
Macdonald Dubh's side; and whispering to the other Highlanders;
〃Keep your backs clear;〃 sat up coolly on the counter。  The fight
was sure to come and there were seven to one against them in the
room。  If he could only gain time。  Every minute was precious。  It
would take the boy fifteen minutes to run the two miles to camp。
It would be half an hour before the rest of the Glengarry men could
arrive; and much fighting may be done in that time。  He must avert
attention from Macdonald Dubh; who was waiting to cram LeNoir's
insult down his throat。  Yankee Jim had not only all the cool
courage but also the shrewd; calculating spirit of his race。  He
was ready to fight; and if need be against odds; but he preferred
to fight on as even terms as possible。

Soon LeNoir came back; wild with fury; and yelling curses at the
top of his voice。  He hurled himself into the room; the crowd
falling back from him on either hand。

〃Hola!〃 he yelled; 〃Sacre bleu!〃  He took two quick steps; and
springing up into the air he kicked the stovepipe that ran along
some seven feet above the floor。

〃Purty good kicking;〃 called out Yankee; sliding down from his
seat。  〃Used to kick some myself。  Excuse ME。〃  He stood for a
moment looking up at the stovepipe; then without apparent effort
he sprang into the air; shot up his long legs; and knocked the
stovepipe with a bang against the ceiling。  There was a shout of

〃My damages;〃 he said to Pat Murphy; who stood behind the counter。
〃Good thing there ain't no fire。  Thought it was higher。  Wouldn't
care to kick for the drinks; would ye?〃 he added to LeNoir。

LeNoir was too furious to enter into any contest so peaceful; but
as he specially prided himself on his high kick; he paused a moment
and was about to agree when Black Hugh broke in; harshly; spoiling
all Yankee's plans。

〃There is no time for such foolishness;〃 he said; turning to Dan
Murphy。  〃I want to know when we can get our timber out。〃

〃Depinds intoirly on yirsilf;〃 said Murphy。

〃When will your logs be out of the way?〃

〃Indade an' that's a ha…r…r…d one;〃 laughed Murphy。

〃And will you tell me what right hev you to close up the river?〃
Black Hugh's wrath was rising。

〃You wud think now it wuz yirsilf that owned the river。  An' bedad
it's the thought of yir mind; it is。  An' it's not the river only;
but the whole creation ye an yir brother think is yours。  Dan
Murphy was close up to Macdonald Dubh by this time。  〃Yis; blank;
blank; yir faces; an' ye'd like to turn better than yirsilves from
aff the river; so ye wud; ye black…hearted thaves that ye are。〃

This; of course; was beyond all endurance。  For answer Black Hugh
smote him sudden and fierce on the mouth; and Murphy went down。

〃Purty one;〃 sang out Yankee; cheerily。  〃Now; boys; back to the

Before Murphy could rise; LeNoir sprang over him and lit upon
Macdonald like a cat; but Macdonald shook himself free and sprang
back to the Glengarry line at the wall。

〃Mac an' Diabboil;〃 he roared; 〃Glengarry forever!〃

〃Glengarry!〃 yelled the four Highlanders beside him; wild with the
delight of battle。  It was a plain necessity; and they went into it
with free consciences and happy hearts。

〃Let me at him;〃 cried Murphy; struggling past LeNoir towards

〃Non!  He is to me!〃 yelled LeNoir; dancing in front of Macdonald。

〃Here; Murphy;〃 called out Yankee; obligingly; 〃help yourself this
way。〃  Murphy dashed at him; but Yankee's long arm shot out to meet
him; and Murphy again found the floor。

〃Come on; boys;〃 cried Pat Murphy; Dan's brother; and followed by
half a dozen others; he flung himself at Yankee and the line of men
standing up against the wall。  But Yankee's arms flashed out once;
twice; thrice; and Pat Murphy fell back over his brother; two
others staggered across and checked the oncoming rush; while Dannie
Ross and big Mack Cameron had each beaten back their man; and the
Glengarry line stood unbroken。  Man for man they were far more than
a match for their opponents; and standing shoulder to shoulder;
with their backs to the wall; they taunted Murphy and his gang with
all the wealth of gibes and oaths at their command。

〃Where's the rest of your outfit; Murphy?〃 drawled Yankee。  〃Don't
seem's if you'd counted right。〃

〃It is a cold day for the parley voos;〃 laughed Big Mack Cameron。
〃Come up; lads; and take a taste of something hot。〃

Then the Murphy men; clearing away the fallen; rushed again。  They
strove to bring the Highlanders to a clinch; but Yankee's voice was
high and clear in command。

〃Keep the line; boys!  Don't let 'em draw you!〃  And the Glengarry
men waited till they could strike; and when they struck men went
down and were pulled back by their friends。

〃Intil them; bhoys!〃 yelled Dan Murphy; keeping out of range
himself。  〃Intil the divils!〃  And again and again his men crowded
down upon the line against the wall; but again and again they were
beaten down or hurled back bruised and bleeding。

Meantime LeNoir was devoting himself to Black Hugh at one end of
the line; dancing in upon him and away again; but without much
result。  Black Hugh refused to be drawn out; and fought warily on
defense; knowing the odds were great and waiting his chance to
deliver one good blow; which was all he asked。

The Glengarry men were enjoying themselves hugely; and when not
shouting their battle…cry; 〃Glengarry forever!〃 or taunting their
foes; they were joking each other on the fortunes of war。  Big Mack
Cameron; who held the center; drew most of the sallies。  He was
easy…tempered and good…natured; and took his knocks with the utmost
good humor。

〃That was a good one; Mack;〃 said Dannie Ross; his special chum; as
a sounding whack came in on Big Mack's face。  〃As true as death I
will be telling it to Bella Peter。  Bella; the daughter of Peter
McGregor; was supposed to be dear to Big Mack's heart。

〃What a peety she could not see him the now;〃 said Finlay Campbell。
〃Man alive; she would say the word queeck!〃

〃'Tis more than she will do to you whatever; if you cannot keep off
that crapeau yonder a little better;〃 said Big Mack; reaching for a
Frenchman who kept dodging in upon him with annoying persistence。
Then Mack began to swear Gaelic oaths。

'Tain't fair; Mack!〃 called out Yankee from his end of the line;
〃bad language in English is bad enough; but in Gaelic it must be
uncommon rough。〃  So they gibed each other。  But the tactics of the
enemy were exceedingly irritating; and were beginning to tell upon
the tempers of the Highlanders。

〃Come to me; ye cowardly little devil;〃 roared Mack to his
persisting assailant。  〃No one will hurt you!  Come away; man!
A…a…ah…ouch!〃  His cry of satisfaction at having grabbed his man
ended in a howl of pain; for the Frenchman had got Mack's thumb
between his teeth; and was chewing it vigorously。

〃Ye would; would you; ye dog?〃 roared Big Mack。  He closed his
fingers into the Frenchman's gullet; and drew him up to strike; but
on every side hands reached for him and stayed his blow。  Then he
lost himself。  With a yell of rage he jambed his man back into the
crowd; sinking his fingers deeper and deeper into his enemy's
throat till his face grew black and his head fell over on o

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