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the nabob-第50节

小说: the nabob 字数: 每页4000字

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 her bite。 Everywhere mocking looks; conversation stopped when I appear; lying smiles; or kindness mixed with a little pity。 And then the deserters; and the people who keep out of the way as at the approach of a misfortune。 Look at Felicia Ruys: just as she had finished my bust she pretends that some accident; I know not what; has happened to it; in order to avoid having to send it to the /Salon/。 I said nothing; I affected to believe her。 But I understood that there again was some new evil report。 And it is such a disappointment to me。 In a crisis as grave as this everything has its importance。 My bust in the exhibition; signed by that famous name; would have helped me greatly in Paris。 But no; everything falls away; every one fails me。 You see now that I cannot do without you。 You must not desert me。〃


Five o'clock in the afternoon。 Rain since morning and a gray sky low enough to be reached with an umbrella; the close weather which sticks。 Mess; mud; nothing but mud; in heavy puddles; in shining trails in the gutters; vainly chased by the street…scrapers and the scavengers; heaved into enormous carts which carry it slowly towards Montreuil promenading it in triumph through the streets; always moving; and always springing up again; growing through the pavements; splashing the panels of the carriages; the breasts of the horses; the clothes of the passers…by; spattering the windows; the door…steps; the shop… fronts; till one feared that the whole of Paris would sink and disappear under this sorrowful; miry soil where everything dissolves and is lost in mud。 And it moves one to pity to see the invasion of this dirt on the whiteness of the new houses; on the parapets of the quays; and on the colonnades of the stone balconies。 There is some one; however; who rejoices at the sight; a poor; sick; weary being; lying all her length on a silk…embroidered divan; her chin on her clinched fists。 She is looking out gladly through the dripping windows and delighting in all the ugliness。

〃Look; my fairy! this is indeed the weather I wanted to…day。 See them draggling along! Aren't they hideous? Aren't they dirty? What mire! It is everywherein the streets; on the quays; right down to the Seine; right up to the heavens。 I tell you; mud is good when one is sad。 I would like to play in it; to make sculpture with ita statue a hundred feet high; that should be called 'My weariness。' 〃

〃But why are you so miserable; dearest?〃 said the old dancer gently; amiable and pink; and sitting straight in her seat for fear of disarranging her hair; which was even more carefully dressed than usual。 〃Haven't you everything to make you happy?〃 And for the hundredth time she enumerated in her tranquil voice the reasons for her happiness: her glory; her genius; her beauty; all the men at her feet; the handsomest; the greatestoh! yes; the very greatest; as this very day But a terrible howl; like the heart…rending cry of the jackal exasperated by the monotony of his desert; suddenly made all the studio windows shake; and frightened the old and startled little chrysalis back into her cocoon。

A week ago; Felicia's group was finished and sent to the exhibition; leaving her in a state of nervous prostration; moral sickness; and distressful exasperation。 It needs all the tireless patience of the fairy; all the magic of her memories constantly evoked; to make life supportable beside this restlessness; this wicked anger; which growls beneath the girl's long silences and suddenly bursts out in a bitter word or in an 〃Ugh!〃 of disgust at everything。 All the critics are asses。 The public? An immense goitre with three rows of chains。 And yet; the other Sunday; when the Duc de Mora came with the superintendent of the art section to see her exhibits in the studio; she was so happy; so proud of the praise they gave her; so fully delighted with her own work; which she admired from the outside; as though the work of some one else; now that her tools no longer created between her and her work that bond which makes impartial judgment so hard for the artist。

But it is like this every year。 The studio stripped of her recent work; her glorious name once again thrown to the unexpected caprice of the public; Felicia's thoughts; now without a visible object; stray in the emptiness of her heart and in the hollowness of her lifethat of the woman who leaves the quiet grooveuntil she be engrossed in some new work。 She shuts herself up and will see no one; as though she mistrusted herself。 Jenkins is the only person who can help her during these attacks。 He seems even to court them; as though he expected something therefrom。 She is not pleasant with him; all the same; goodness knows。 Yesterday; even; he stayed for hours beside this wearied beauty without her speaking to him once。 If that be the welcome she is keeping for the great personage who is doing them the honour of dining with them Here the good Crenmitz; who is quietly turning over all these thoughts as she gazes at the bows on the pointed toes of her slippers; remembers that she has promised to make a dish of Viennese cakes for the dinner of the personage in question; and goes out of the studio; silently; on the tips of her little feet。

The rain falls; the mud deepens; the beautiful sphinx lies still; her eyes lost in the dull horizon。 What is she thinking of? What does she see coming there; over those filthy roads; in the falling night; that her lip should take that curve of disgust and her brow that frown? Is she waiting for her fate? A sad fate; that sets forth in such weather; fearless of the darkness and the dirt。

Some one comes into the studio with a heavier tread than the mouse… like step of Constancethe little servant; doubtless; and; without looking round; Felicia says roughly; 〃Go away! I don't want any one in。〃

〃I should have liked to speak to you very much; all the same;〃 says a friendly voice。

She starts; sits up。 Mollified and almost smiling at this unexpected visitor; she says:

〃Whatyou; young Minerva! How did you get in?〃

〃Very easily。 All the doors are open。〃

〃I am not surprised。 Constance is crazy; since this morning; over her dinner。〃

〃Yes; I saw。 The anteroom is full of flowers。 Who is coming?〃

〃Oh! a stupid dinneran official dinner。 I don't know how I could Sit down here; near me。 I am so glad to see you。〃

Paul sat down; a little disturbed。 She had never seemed to him so beautiful。 In the dusk of the studio; amid the shadowy brilliance of the works of art; bronzes; and tapestries; her pallor was like a soft light; her eyes shone like precious stones; and her long; close… fitting gown revealed the unrestraint of her goddess…like body。 Then; she spoke so affectionately; she seemed so happy because he had come。 Why had he stayed away so long? It was almost a month since they had seen him。 Were they no longer friends? He excused himself as best he couldbusiness; a journey。 Besides; if he hadn't been there; he had often spoken of heroh; very often; almost every day。

〃Really? And with whom?〃


He was going to say 〃With Aline Joyeuse;〃 but a feeling of restraint stopped him; an undefinable sentiment; a sense of shame at pronouncing her name in the studio which had heard so many others。 There are things that do not go together; one scarcely knows why。 Paul preferred to reply with a falsehood; which brought him at once to the object of his visit。

〃With an excellent fellow to whom you have given very unnecessary pain。 Come; why have you not finished the poor Nabob's bust? It was a great joy to him; such a very proud thing for him; to have that bust in the exhibition。 He counted upon it。〃

At the Nabob's name she was slightly troubled。

〃It is true;〃 she said; 〃I broke my word。 But what do you expect? I am made of caprice。 See; the cover is over it; all wet; so that the clay does not harden。〃

〃And the accident? You know; we didn't believe in it。〃

〃Then you were wrong。 I never lie。 It had a fall; a most awful upset; only the clay was fresh; and I easily repaired it。 Look!〃

With a sweeping gesture she lifted the cover。 The Nabob suddenly appeared before them; his jolly face beaming with the pleasure of being portrayed; so like; so tremendously himself; that Paul gave a cry of admiration。

〃Isn't it good?〃 she said artlessly。 〃Still a few touches here and there〃 She had taken the chisel and the little sponge and pushed the stand into what remained of the daylight。 〃It could be done in a few hours。 But it couldn't go to the exhibition。 To…day is the 22nd; all the exhibits have been in a long time。〃

〃Bah! With influence〃

She frowned; and her bad expression came back; her mouth turning down。

〃That's true。 The /protege/ of the Duc de Mora。 Oh! you have no need to apologize。 I know what people say; and I don't care /that/〃 and she threw a little ball of clay at the wall; where it stuck; flat。 〃Perhaps men; by dint of supposing the thing which is not But let us leave these infamies alone;〃 she said; holding up her aristocratic head。 〃I really want to please you; Minerva。 Your friend shall go to the /Salon/ this year。〃

Just then a smell of caramel and warm pastry filled the studio; where the shadows were falling like a fine gray dust; and 

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