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the nabob-第23节

小说: the nabob 字数: 每页4000字

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rcely hears amid the noise of the streets confine themselves within their heavy church…doors; the 15th of August has never been anything but the Saint Charles…the…Great of the barracks; but Paris has maintained its observance of New Year's Day。

From the beginning of December an immense childishness begins to permeate the town。 You see hand…carts pass laden with gilded drums; wooden horses; playthings by the dozen。 In the industrial quarters; from top to bottom of the five…storied houses; the old private residences still standing in that low…lying district; where the warehouses have such lofty ceilings and majestic double doors; the nights are passed in the making up of gauze flowers and spangles; in the gumming of labels upon satin…lined boxes; in sorting; marking; packing; the thousand details of the toy; that great branch of commerce on which Paris places the seal of its elegance。 There is a smell about of new wood; of fresh paint; glossy varnish; and; in the dust of garrets; on the wretched stairways where the poor leave behind them all the dirt through which they have passed; there lie shavings of rosewood; scraps of satin and velvet; bits of tinsel; all the /debris/ of the luxury whose end is to dazzle the eyes of children。 Then the shop…windows are decorated。 Behind the panes of clear glass the gilt of presentation…books rises like a glittering wave under the gaslight; the stuffs of various and tempting colours display their brittle and heavy folds; while the young ladies behind the counter; with their hair dressed tapering to a point and with a ribbon beneath their collar; tie up the article; little finger in the air; or fill bags of moire into which the sweets fall like a rain of pearls。

But; over against this kind of well…to…do business; established in its own house; warmed; withdrawn behind its rich shop…front; there is installed the improvised commerce of those wooden huts; open to the wind of the streets; of which the double row gives to the boulevards the aspect of some foreign mall。 It is in these that you find the true interest and the poetry of New Year's gifts。 Sumptuous in the district of the Madeleine; well…to…do towards the Boulevard Saint…Denis; of more 〃popular〃 order as you ascend to the Bastille; these little sheds adapt themselves according to their public; calculate their chances of success by the more or less well…lined purses of the passers…by。 Among these; there are set up portable tables; laden with trifling objects; miracles of the Parisian trade that deals in such small things; constructed out of nothing; frail and delicate; and which the wind of fashion sometimes sweeps forward in its great rush by reason of their very triviality。 Finally; along the curbs of the footways; lost in the defile of the carriage traffic which grazes their wandering path; the orange…girls complete this peripatetic commerce; heaping up the sun… coloured fruit beneath their lanterns of red paper; crying 〃La Valence〃 amid the fog; the tumult; the excessive haste which Paris displays at the ending of its year。

Ordinarily; M。 Joyeuse was accustomed to make one of the busy crowd which goes and comes with the jingle of money in its pocket and parcels in every hand。 He would wander about with Bonne Maman at his side on the lookout for New Year's presents for his girls; stop before the booths of the small dealers; who are accustomed to do much business and excited by the appearance of the least important customer; have based upon this short season hopes of extraordinary profits。 And there would be colloquies; reflections; an interminable perplexity to know what to select in that little complex brain of his; always ahead of the present instant and of the occupation of the moment。

This year; alas! nothing of that kind。 He wandered sadly through the town in its rejoicing; time seeming to hang all the heavier for the activity around him; jostled; hustled; as all are who stand obstructing the way of active folk; his heart beating with a perpetual fear; for Bonne Maman for some days past; in conversation with him at table; had been making significant allusions with regard to the New Year's presents。 Consequently he avoided finding himself alone with her and had forbidden her to come to meet him at the office at closing…time。 But in spite of all his efforts he knew the moment was drawing near when concealment would be impossible and his grievous secret be unveiled。 Was; then; a very formidable person; Bonne Maman; that M。 Joyeuse should stand in such fear of her? By no means。 A little stern; that was all; with a pretty smile that instantly forgave one。 But M。 Joyeuse was a coward; timid from his birth; twenty years of housekeeping with a masterful wife; 〃a member of the nobility;〃 having made him a slave for ever; like those convicts who; after their imprisonment is over; have to undergo a period of surveillance。 And for him this meant all his life。

One evening the Joyeuse family was gathered in the little drawing… room; last relic of its splendour; still containing two upholstered chairs; many crochet decorations; a piano; two lamps crowned with little green shades; and a what…not covered with bric…a…brac。

True family life exists in humble homes。

For the sake of economy; there was lighted for the whole household but one fire and a single lamp; around which the occupations and amusements of all were grouped。 A fine big family lamp; whose old painted shadenight scenes pierced with shining dotshad been the astonishment and the joy of every one of those young girls in her early childhood。 Issuing softly from the shadow of the room; four young heads were bent forward; fair or dark; smiling or intent; into that intimate and warm circle of light which illumined them as far as the eyes; seemed to feed the fire of their glance; to shelter them; protect them; preserve them from the black cold blowing outside; from phantoms; from snares; from miseries and terrors; from all the sinister things that a winter night in Paris brings forth in the remoteness of its quiet suburbs。

Thus; drawn close together in a small room at the top of the lonely house; in the warmth; the security of their comfortable home; the Joyeuse household seems like a nest right at the top of a lofty tree。 The girls sew; read; chat a little。 A leap of the lamp…flame; a crackling of fire; is what you may hear; with from time to time an exclamation from M。 Joyeuse; a little removed from his small circle; lost in the shadow where he hides his anxious brow and all the extravagance of his imagination。 Just now he is imagining that in the distress into which he finds himself driven beyond possibility of escape; in that absolute necessity of confessing everything to his children; this evening; at latest to…morrow; an unhoped…for succour may come to him。 Hemerlingue; seized with remorse; sends to him; as to all those who took part in the work connected with the Tunis loan; his December gratuity。 A tall footman brings it: 〃On behalf of M。 le Baron。〃 The visionary says those words aloud。 The pretty faces turn towards him; the girls laugh; move their chairs; and the poor fellow awakes suddenly to reality。

Oh; how angry he is with himself now for his delay in confessing all; for that false security which he has maintained around him and which he will have to destroy at a blow。 What need had he; too; to criticise that Tunis loan? At this moment he even reproaches himself for not having accepted a place in the Territorial Bank。 Had he the right to refuse? Ah; the sorry head of a family; without strength to keep or to defend the happiness of his own! And; glancing at the pretty group within the circle of the lamp…shade; whose reposeful aspect forms so great a contrast with his own internal agitation; he is seized by a remorse so violent for the weakness of his soul that his secret rises to his lips; is about to escape him in a burst of sobs; when the ring of a bellno chimera; thatgives them all a start and arrests him at the very moment when he was about to speak。

Whoever could it be; coming at this hour? They had lived in retirement since the mother's death and saw almost nobody。 Andre Maranne; when he came down to spend a few minutes with them; tapped like a familiar friend。 Profound silence in the drawing…room; long colloquy on the landing。 Finally; the old servantshe had been in the family as long as the lampshowed in a young man; complete stranger; who stopped; struck with admiration at the charming picture of the four darlings gathered round the table。 This made his entrance timid; rather awkward。 However; he explained clearly the object of his visit。 He had been referred to M。 Joyeuse by an honest fellow of his acquaintance; old Passajon; to take lessons in bookkeeping。 One of his friends happened to be engaged in large financial transactions in connection with an important joint…stock company。 He wished to be of service to him in keeping an eye on the employment of the capital; the straightforwardness of the operations; but he was a lawyer; little familiar with financial methods; with the terms employed in banking。 Could not M。 Joyeuse in the course of a few months; with three or four lessons a week

〃Yes; indeed; sir; yes; indeed;〃 stammered the father; quite ove

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