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a simpleton-第65节

小说: a simpleton 字数: 每页4000字

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He hem'd and haw'd a little at Squat's proposal; and then got out
of it by saying; 〃That is not necessary。  I can shoot it from

〃It is too far;〃 objected Blacky。

〃Too far!  This is an Enfield rifle。  I could kill the poor beast
at three times that distance。〃

Blacky was amazed。  〃An Enfield rifle;〃 said he; in the soft
musical murmur of his tribe; which is the one charm of the poor
Hottentot; 〃and shoot three times SO far。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Christopher。  Then; seeing his companion's hesitation;
he conceived a hope。  〃If I kill that eland from here; will you
give me the diamond for my horse and the wonderful rifle?no
Hottentot has such a rifle。〃

Squat became cold directly。  〃The price of the diamond is two
hundred pounds。〃

Staines groaned with disappointment; and thought to himself with
rage; 〃Anybody but me would club the rifle; give the obstinate
black brute a stunner; and take the diamondGod forgive me!〃

Says the Hottentot cunningly; 〃I can't think so far as white man。
Let me see the eland dead; and then I shall know how far the rifle

〃Very well;〃 said Staines。  But he felt sure the savage only wanted
his meal; and would never part with the diamond; except for the odd

However; he loaded his left barrel with one of the explosive
projectiles Falcon had given him; it was a little fulminating shell
with a steel point。  It was with this barrel he had shot the murcat
overnight; and he had found he shot better with this barrel than
the other。  He loaded his left barrel then; saw the powder well up;
capped it and cut away a strip of the acacia with his knife to see
clear; and lying down in volunteer fashion; elbow on ground; drew
his bead steadily on an eland who presented him her broadside; her
back being turned to the wood。  The sun shone on her soft coat; and
never was a fairer mark; the sportsman's deadly eye being in the
cool shade; the animal in the sun。

He aimed long and steadily。  But just as he was about to pull the
trigger; Mind interposed; and he lowered the deadly weapon。  〃Poor
creature!〃 he said; 〃I am going to take her lifefor what? for a
single meal。  She is as big as a pony; and I am to lay her carcass
on the plain; that we may eat two pounds of it。  This is how the
weasel kills the rabbit; sucks an ounce of blood for his food; and
wastes the rest。  So the demoralized sheep…dog tears out the poor
creature's kidneys; and wastes the rest。  Man; armed by science
with such powers of slaying; should be less egotistical than
weasels and perverted sheep…dogs。  I will not kill her。  I will not
lay that beautiful body of hers low; and glaze those tender; loving
eyes that never gleamed with hate or rage at man; and fix those
innocent jaws that never bit the life out of anything; not even of
the grass she feeds on; and does it more good than harm。  Feed on;
poor innocent。  And you be blanked; you and your diamond; that I
begin to wish I had never seen; for it would corrupt an angel。〃

Squat understood one word in ten; but he managed to reply。  〃This
is nonsense…talk;〃 said he; gravely。  〃The life is no bigger in
that than in the murcat you shot last shoot。〃

〃No more it is;〃 said Staines。  〃I am a fool。  It is come to this;
then; Kafirs teach us theology; and Hottentots morality。  I bow to
my intellectual superior。  I'll shoot the eland。〃  He raised his
rifle again。

〃No; no; no; no; no; no;〃 murmured the Hottentot; in a sweet voice
scarcely audible; yet so keen in its entreaty; that Staines turned
hastily round to look at him。  His face was ashy; his teeth
chattering; his limbs shaking。  Before Staines could ask him what
was the matter; he pointed through an aperture of the acacias into
the wood hard by the elands。  Staines looked; and saw what seemed
to him like a very long dog; or some such animal; crawling from
tree to tree。  He did not at all share the terror of his companion;
nor understand it。  But a terrible explanation followed。  This
creature; having got to the skirt of the wood; expanded; by some
strange magic; to an incredible size; and sprang into the open;
with a growl; a mighty lion; he seemed to ricochet from the ground;
so immense was his second bound; that carried him to the eland; and
he struck her one blow on the head with his terrible paw; and
felled her as if with a thunderbolt: down went her body; with all
the legs doubled; and her poor head turned over; and the nose
kissed the ground。  The lion stood motionless。  Presently the
eland; who was not dead; but stunned; began to recover and struggle
feebly up。  Then the lion sprang on her with a roar; and rolled her
over; and with two tremendous bites and a shake; tore her entrails
out and laid her dying。  He sat composedly down; and contemplated
her last convulsions; without touching her again。

At this roar; though not loud; the horse; though he had never heard
or seen a lion; trembled; and pulled at his halter。

Blacky crept into the water; and Staines was struck with such an
awe as he had never felt。  Nevertheless; the king of beasts being
at a distance; and occupied; and Staines a brave man; and out of
sight; he kept his ground and watched; and by those means saw a
sight never to be forgotten。  The lion rose up; and stood in the
sun incredibly beautiful as well as terrible。  He was not the mangy
hue of the caged lion; but a skin tawny; golden; glossy as a race…
horse; and of exquisite tint that shone like pure gold in the sun;
his eye a lustrous jewel of richest hue; and his mane sublime。  He
looked towards the wood; and uttered a full roar。  This was so
tremendous that the horse shook all over as if in an ague; and
began to lather。  Staines recoiled; and his flesh crept; and the
Hottentot went under water; and did not emerge for ever so long。

After a pause; the lion roared again; and all the beasts and birds
of prey seemed to know the meaning of that terrible roar。  Till
then the place had been a solitude; but now it began to fill in the
strangest way; as if the lord of the forest could call all his
subjects together with a trumpet roar: first came two lion cubs; to
whom; in fact; the roar had been addressed。  The lion rubbed
himself several times against the eland; but did not eat a morsel;
and the cubs went in and feasted on the prey。  The lion politely
and paternally drew back; and watched the young people enjoying

Meantime approached; on tiptoe; jackals and hyenas; but dared not
come too near。  Slate…colored vultures settled at a little
distance; but not a soul dared interfere with the cubs; they saw
the lion was acting sentinel; and they knew better than come near。

After a time; papa feared for the digestion of those brats; or else
his own mouth watered; for he came up; knocked them head over heels
with his velvet paw; and they took the gentle hint; and ran into
the wood double quick。

Then the lion began tearing away at the eland; and bolting huge
morsels greedily。  This made the rabble's mouth water。  The hyenas;
and jackals; and vultures formed a circle ludicrous to behold; and
that circle kept narrowing as the lion tore away at his prey。  They
increased in number; and at last hunger overcame prudence; the rear
rank shoved on the front; as amongst men; and a general attack
seemed imminent。

Then the lion looked up at these invaders; uttered a reproachful
growl; and went at them; patting them right and left; and knocking
them over。  He never touched a vulture; nor indeed did he kill an
animal。  He was a lion; and only killed to eat; yet he soon cleared
the place; because he knocked over a few hyenas and jackals; and
the rest; being active; tumbled over the vultures before they could
spread their heavy wings。  After this warning; they made a
respectful circle again; through which; in due course; the gorged
lion stalked into the wood。

A savage's sentiments change quickly; and the Hottentot; fearing
little from a full lion; was now giggling at Staines's side。
Staines asked him which he thought was the lord of all creatures; a
man or a lion。

〃A lion;〃 said Blacky; amazed at such a shallow question。

Staines now got up; and proposed to continue their journey。  But
Blacky was for waiting till the lion was gone to sleep after his

While they discussed the question; the lion burst out of the wood
within hearing of their voices; as his pricked…up ears showed; and
made straight for them at a distance of scarcely thirty yards。

Now; the chances are; the lion knew nothing about them; and only
came to drink at the kloof; after his meal; and perhaps lie under
the acacias: but who can think calmly; when his first lion bursts
out on him a few paces off?  Staines shouldered his rifle; took a
hasty; flurried aim; and sent a bullet at him。

If he had missed him; perhaps the report might have turned the
lion; but he wounded him; and not mortally。  Instantly the enraged
beast uttered a terrific roar; and came at him with his mane
distended with rage; his eyes glaring; his mouth open; and his
whole body dilated with fury。

At that terrible moment; Staines recovered his wits enough to see
that what little chance he had was to fire into the destroye

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