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a simpleton-第57节

小说: a simpleton 字数: 每页4000字

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and is the only real evil in the world; but bodily pain。〃

Then came a struggle; that lasted a whole week; and knitted his
brows; and took the color from his cheek; but it ended in the
triumph of love and hate; over conscience and common sense。  His
Rosa should not be poor; and he would cheat some of those
contemptible creatures called men; who had done him nothing but
injustice; and at last had sacrificed his life like a rat's。

When the struggle was over; and the fatal resolution taken; then he
became calmer; less solitary; and more sociable。

Phoebe; who was secretly watching him with a woman's eye; observed
this change in him; and; with benevolent intentions; invited him
one day to ride round the farm with her。  He consented readily。
She showed him the fields devoted to maize and wheat; and then the
sheepfolds。  Tim's sheep were apparently deserted; but he was
discovered swinging head downwards from the branch of a camel…
thorn; and seeing him; it did strike one that if he had had a tail
he would have been swinging by that。  Phoebe called to him: he
never answered; but set off running to her; and landed himself
under her nose in a wheel somersault。

〃I hope you are watching them; Tim;〃 said his mistress。

〃Iss; missy; always washing 'em。〃

〃Why; there's one straying towards the wood now。〃

〃He not go far;〃 said Tim coolly。  The young monkey stole off a
little way; then fell flat; and uttered the cry of a jackal; with
startling precision。  Back went the sheep to his comrades post
haste; and Tim effected a somersault and a chuckle。

〃You are a clever boy;〃 said Phoebe。  〃So that is how you manage

〃Dat one way; missy;〃 said Tim; not caring to reveal all his
resources at once。

Then Phoebe rode on; and showed Christopher the ostrich pan。  It
was a large basin; a form the soil often takes in these parts; and
in it strutted several full…grown ostriches and their young; bred
on the premises。  There was a little dam of water; and plenty of
food about。  They were herded by a Kafir infant of about six;
black; glossy; fat; and clean; being in the water six times a day。

Sometimes one of the older birds would show an inclination to stray
out of the pan。  Then the infant rolled after her; and tapped her
ankles with a wand。  She instantly came back; but without any loss
of dignity; for she strutted with her nose in the air; affecting
completely to ignore the inferior little animal; that was
nevertheless controlling her movements。  〃There's a farce;〃 said
Phoebe。  〃But you would not believe the money they cost me; nor the
money they bring me in。  Grain will not sell here for a quarter its
value: and we can't afford to send it to Cape Town; twenty days and
back; but finery; that sells everywhere。  I gather sixty pounds the
year off those poor fowls' backsclear profit。〃

She showed him the granary; and told him there wasn't such another
in Africa。  This farm had belonged to one of the old Dutch
settlers; and that breed had been going down this many a year。
〃You see; sir; Dick and I being English; and not downright in want
of money; we can't bring ourselves to sell grain to the middlemen
for nothing; so we store it; hoping for better times; that maybe
will never come。  Now I'll show you how the dam is made。〃

They inspected the dam all round。  〃This is our best friend of
all;〃 said she。  〃Without this the sun would turn us all to
tinder;crops; flowers; beasts; and folk。〃

〃Oh; indeed;〃 said Staines。  〃Then it is a pity you have not built
it more scientifically。  I must have a look at this。〃

〃Ay do; sir; and advise us if you see anything wrong。  But hark! it
is milking time。  Come and see that。〃  So she led the way to some
sheds; and there they found several cows being milked; each by a
little calf and a little Hottentot at the same time; and both
fighting and jostling each other for the udder。  Now and then a
young cow; unused to incongruous twins; would kick impatiently at
both animals and scatter them。

〃That is their way;〃 said Phoebe: 〃they have got it into their
silly Hottentot heads as kye won't yield their milk if the calf is
taken away; and it is no use arguing with 'em; they will have their
own way; but they are very trusty and honest; poor things。  We soon
found that out。  When we came here first it was in a hired wagon;
and Hottentot drivers: so when we came to settle I made ready for a
bit of a wrangle。  But my maid Sophy; that is nurse now; and a
great despiser of heathens; she says; 'Don't you trouble; them
nasty ignorant blacks never charges more than their due。'  'I
forgive 'em;' says I; 'I wish all white folk was as nice。'
However; I did give them a trifle over; for luck: and then they got
together and chattered something near the door; hand in hand。  'La;
Sophy;' says I; 'what is up now?'  Says she; 'They are blessing of
us。  Things is come to a pretty pass; for ignorant Muslinmen
heathen to be blessing Christian folk。'  'Well;' says I; 'it won't
hurt us any。'  'I don't know;' says she。  'I don't want the devil
prayed over me。'  So she cocked that long nose of hers and followed
it in a doors。〃

By this time they were near the house; and Phoebe was obliged to
come to her postscript; for the sake of which; believe me; she had
uttered every syllable of this varied chat。  〃Well; sir;〃 said she;
affecting to proceed without any considerable change of topic; 〃and
how do you find yourself?  Have you discovered the past?〃

〃I have; madam。  I remember every leading incident of my life。〃

〃And has it made you happier?〃 said Phoebe softly。

〃No;〃 said Christopher gravely。  〃Memory has brought me misery。〃

〃I feared as much; for you have lost your fine color; and your eyes
are hollow; and lines on your poor brow that were not there before。
Are you not sorry you have discovered the past?〃

〃No; Mrs。 Falcon。  Give me the sovereign gift of reason; with all
the torture it can inflict。  I thank God for returning memory; even
with the misery it brings。〃

Phoebe was silent a long time: then she said in a low; gentle
voice; and with the indirectness of a truly feminine nature; 〃I
have plenty of writing…paper in the house; and the post goes south
to…morrow; such as 'tis。〃

Christopher struggled with his misery; and trembled。

He was silent a long time。  Then he said; 〃No。  It is her interest
that I should be dead。〃

〃Well; but; sirtake a thought。〃

〃Not a word more; I implore you。  I am the most miserable man that
ever breathed。〃  As he spoke; two bitter tears forced their way。

Phoebe cast a look of pity on him; and said no more; but she shook
her head。  Her plain common sense revolted。

However; it did not follow he would be in the same mind next week:
so she was in excellent spirits at her protege's recovery; and very
proud of her cure; and celebrated the event with a roaring supper;
including an English ham; and a bottle of port wine; and; ten to
one; that was English too。

Dick Dale looked a little incredulous; but he did not spare the ham
any the more for that。

After supper; in a pause of conversation; Staines turned to Dick;
and said; rather abruptly; 〃Suppose that dam of yours were to burst
and empty its contents; would it not be a great misfortune to you?〃

〃Misfortune; sir!  Don't talk of it。  Why; it would ruin us; beast
and body。〃

〃Well; it will burst; if it is not looked to。〃

〃Dale's Kloof dam burst! the biggest and strongest for a hundred
miles round。〃

〃You deceive yourself。  It is not scientifically built; to begin;
and there is a cause at work that will infallibly burst it; if not
looked to in time。〃

〃And what is that; sir?〃

〃The dam is full of crabs。〃

〃So 'tis; but what of them?〃

〃I detected two of them that had perforated the dyke from the wet
side to the dry; and water was trickling through the channel they
had made。  Now; for me to catch two that had come right through;
there must be a great many at work honeycombing your dyke; those
channels; once made; will be enlarged by the permeating water; and
a mere cupful of water forced into a dyke by the great pressure of
a heavy column has an expansive power quite out of proportion to
the quantity forced in。  Colossal dykes have been burst in this way
with disastrous effects。  Indeed; it is only a question of time;
and I would not guarantee your dyke twelve hours。  It is full; too;
with the heavy rains。〃

〃Here's a go!〃 said Dick; turning pale。  〃Well; if it is to burst;
it must。〃

〃Why so?  You can make it safe in a few hours。  You have got a
clumsy contrivance for letting off the excess of water: let us go
and relieve the dam at once of two feet of water。  That will make
it safe for a day or two; and to…morrow we will puddle it afresh;
and demolish those busy excavators。〃

He spoke with such authority and earnestness; that they all got up
from table; a horn was blown that soon brought the Hottentots; and
they all proceeded to the dam。  With infinite difficulty they
opened the waste sluice; lowered the water two feet; and so
drenched the arid soil that in forty…eight hours flowers unknown
sprang up。

Next morning; under the doctor's orders; all the black men and boys
were diving

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