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liber amoris-第9节

小说: liber amoris 字数: 每页4000字

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sing in the grey dawn of midnight; as in a moonlight without shadow。  The whole wide canopy of Heaven shed its reflex light upon them; like a pure crystal mirror。  No sharp points; no petty details; no hard contrastsevery object was seen softened yet distinct; in its simple outline and natural tones; transparent with an inward light; breathing its own mild lustre。  The landscape altogether was like an airy piece of mosaic…work; or like one of Poussin's broad massy landscapes or Titian's lovely pastoral scenes。  Is it not so; that poets see nature; veiled to the sight; but revealed to the soul in visionary grace and grandeur!  I confess the sight touched me; and might have removed all sadness except mine。  So (I thought) the light of her celestial face once shone into my soul; and wrapt me in a heavenly trance。  The sense I have of beauty raises me for a moment above myself; but depresses me the more afterwards; when I recollect how it is thrown away in vain admiration; and that it only makes me more susceptible of pain from the mortifications I meet with。  Would I had never seen her!  I might then not indeed have been happy; but at least I might have passed my life in peace; and have sunk into forgetfulness without a pang。The noble scenery in this country mixes with my passion; and refines; but does not relieve it。  I was at Stirling Castle not long ago。  It gave me no pleasure。  The declivity seemed to me abrupt; not sublime; for in truth I did not shrink back from it with terror。  The weather…beaten towers were stiff and formal: the air was damp and chill: the river winded its dull; slimy way like a snake along the marshy grounds: and the dim misty tops of Ben Leddi; and the lovely Highlands (woven fantastically of thin air) mocked my embraces and tempted my longing eyes like her; the sole queen and mistress of my thoughts!  I never found my contemplations on this subject so subtilised and at the same time so desponding as on that occasion。  I wept myself almost blind; and I gazed at the broad golden sunset through my tears that fell in showers。  As I trod the green mountain turf; oh! how I wished to be laid beneath itin one grave with herthat I might sleep with her in that cold bed; my hand in hers; and my heart for ever stillwhile worms should taste her sweet body; that I had never tasted!  There was a time when I could bear solitude; but it is too much for me at present。  Now I am no sooner left to myself than I am lost in infinite space; and look round me in vain for suppose or comfort。  She was my stay; my hope: without her hand to cling to; I stagger like an infant on the edge of a precipice。  The universe without her is one wide; hollow abyss; in which my harassed thoughts can find no resting…place。  I must break off here; for the hysterica passio comes upon me; and threatens to unhinge my reason。


My dear and good Friend; I am afraid I trouble you with my querulous epistles; but this is probably the last。  To…morrow or the next day decides my fate with respect to the divorce; when I expect to be a free man。  In vain!  Was it not for her and to lay my freedom at her feet; that I consented to this step which has cost me infinite perplexity; and now to be discarded for the first pretender that came in her way!  If so; I hardly think I can survive it。  You who have been a favourite with women; do not know what it is to be deprived of one's only hope; and to have it turned to shame and disappointment。  There is nothing in the world left that can afford me one drop of comfortTHIS I feel more and more。  Everything is to me a mockery of pleasure; like her love。  The breeze does not cool me: the blue sky does not cheer me。  I gaze only on her face averted from mealas! the only face that ever was turned fondly to me!  And why am I thus treated?  Because I wanted her to be mine for ever in love or friendship; and did not push my gross familiarities as far as I might。  〃Why can you not go on as we have done; and say nothing about the word; FOREVER?〃  Was it not plain from this that she even then meditated an escape from me to some less sentimental lover?  〃Do you allow anyone else to do so?〃 I said to her once; as I was toying with her。  〃No; not now!〃 was her answer; that is; because there was nobody else in the house to take freedoms with her。  I was very well as a stopgap; but I was to be nothing more。  While the coast was clear; I had it all my own way: but the instant C came; she flung herself at his head in the most barefaced way; ran breathless up stairs before him; blushed when his foot was heard; watched for him in the passage; and was sure to be in close conference with him when he went down again。  It was then my mad proceedings commenced。  No wonder。  Had I not reason to be jealous of every appearance of familiarity with others; knowing how easy she had been with me at first; and that she only grew shy when I did not take farther liberties?  What has her character to rest upon but her attachment to me; which she now denies; not modestly; but impudently?  Will you yourself say that if she had all along no particular regard for me; she will not do as much or more with other more likely men?  〃She has had;〃 she says; 〃enough of my conversation;〃 so it could not be that!  Ah! my friend; it was not to be supposed I should ever meet even with the outward demonstrations of regard from any woman but a common trader in the endearments of love!  I have tasted the sweets of the well practiced illusion; and now feel the bitterness of knowing what a bliss I am deprived of; and must ever be deprived of。  Intolerable conviction!  Yet I might; I believe; have won her by other methods; but some demon held my hand。  How indeed could I offer her the least insult when I worshipped her very footsteps; and even now pay her divine honours from my inmost heart; whenever I think of her; abased and brutalised as I have been by that Circean cup of kisses; of enchantments; of which I have drunk!  I am choked; withered; dried up with chagrin; remorse; despair; from which I have not a moment's respite; day or night。  I have always some horrid dream about her; and wake wondering what is the matter that 〃she is no longer the same to me as ever?〃  I thought at least we should always remain dear friends; if nothing moredid she not talk of coming to live with me only the day before I left her in the winter?  But 〃she's gone; I am abused; and my revenge must be to LOVE her!〃Yet she knows that one line; one word would save me; the cruel; heartless destroyer!  I see nothing for it but madness; unless Friday brings a change; or unless she is willing to let me go back。  You must know I wrote to her to that purpose; but it was a very quiet; sober letter; begging pardon; and professing reform for the future; and all that。  What effect it will have; I know not。  I was forced to get out of the way of her answer; till Friday came。

Ever yours。

TO S。 L。

My dear Miss L; EVIL TO THEM THAT EVIL THINK; is an old saying; and I have found it a true one。  I have ruined myself by my unjust suspicions of you。  Your sweet friendship was the balm of my life; and I have lost it; I fear for ever; by one fault and folly after another。  What would I give to be restored to the place in your esteem; which; you assured me; I held only a few months ago!  Yet I was not contented; but did all I could to torment myself and harass you by endless doubts and jealousy。  Can you not forget and forgive the past; and judge of me by my conduct in future?  Can you not take all my follies in the lump; and say like a good; generous girl; 〃Well; I'll think no more of them?〃  In a word; may I come back; and try to behave better?  A line to say so would be an additional favour to so many already received by

Your obliged friend;

And sincere well…wisher。


I have no answer from her。  I'm mad。  I wish you to call on M in confidence; to say I intend to make her an offer of my hand; and that I will write to her father to that effect the instant I am free; and ask him whether he thinks it will be to any purpose; and what he would advise me to do。


〃Love is not love that alteration finds: Oh no! it is an ever…fixed mark; That looks on tempests and is never shaken。〃

Shall I not love her for herself alone; in spite of fickleness and folly?  To love her for her regard to me; is not to love her; but myself。  She has robbed me of herself: shall she also rob me of my love of her?  Did I not live on her smile?  Is it less sweet because it is withdrawn from me?  Did I not adore her every grace?  Does she bend less enchantingly; because she has turned from me to another?  Is my love then in the power of fortune; or of her caprice?  No; I will have it lasting as it is pure; and I will make a Goddess of her; and build a temple to her in my heart; and worship her on indestructible altars; and raise statues to her: and my homage shall be unblemished as her unrivalled symmetry of form; and when that fails; the memory of it shall survive; and my bosom shall be proof to scorn; as hers has been to pity; and I will pursue her with an unrelenting love; and sue to be her slave; and tend her steps without notice

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