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liber amoris-第8节

小说: liber amoris 字数: 每页4000字

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erlooking all; like a lioness watching her cubs?  Or shall I turn to the far…off Pentland Hills; with Craig…Crook nestling beneath them; where lives the prince of critics and the king of men?  Or cast my eye unsated over the Frith of Forth; that from my window of an evening (as I read of AMY and her love) glitters like a broad golden mirror in the sun; and kisses the winding shores of kingly Fife?  Oh no!  But to thee; to thee I turn; North Berwick…Law; with thy blue cone rising out of summer seas; for thou art the beacon of my banished thoughts; and dost point my way to her; who is my heart's true home。  The air is too thin for me; that has not the breath of Love in it; that is not embalmed by her sighs!


I am not mad; but my heart is so; and raves within me; fierce and untameable; like a panther in its den; and tries to get loose to its lost mate; and fawn on her hand; and bend lowly at her feet。


Oh! thou dumb heart; lonely; sad; shut up in the prison…house of this rude form; that hast never found a fellow but for an instant; and in very mockery of thy misery; speak; find bleeding words to express thy thoughts; break thy dungeon…gloom; or die pronouncing thy Infelice's name!


Within my heart is lurking suspicion; and base fear; and shame and hate; but above all; tyrannous love sits throned; crowned with her graces; silent and in tears。


My dear P; You have been very kind to me in this business; but I fear even your indulgence for my infirmities is beginning to fail。  To what a state am I reduced; and for what?  For fancying a little artful vixen to be an angel and a saint; because she affected to look like one; to hide her rank thoughts and deadly purposes。  Has she not murdered me under the mask of the tenderest friendship?  And why?  Because I have loved her with unutterable love; and sought to make her my wife。  You say it is my own 〃outrageous conduct〃 that has estranged her: nay; I have been TOO GENTLE with her。  I ask you first in candour whether the ambiguity of her behaviour with respect to me; sitting and fondling a man (circumstanced as I was) sometimes for half a day together; and then declaring she had no love for him beyond common regard; and professing never to marry; was not enough to excite my suspicions; which the different exposures from the conversations below…stairs were not calculated to allay?  I ask you what you yourself would have felt or done; if loving her as I did; you had heard what I did; time after time?  Did not her mother own to one of the grossest charges (which I shall not repeat)and is such indelicacy to be reconciled with her pretended character (that character with which I fell in love; and to which I MADE LOVE) without supposing her to be the greatest hypocrite in the world?  My unpardonable offence has been that I took her at her word; and was willing to believe her the precise little puritanical person she set up for。  After exciting her wayward desires by the fondest embraces and the purest kisses; as if she had been 〃made my wedded wife yestreen;〃 or was to become so to…morrow (for that was always my feeling with respect to her)I did not proceed to gratify them; or to follow up my advantage by any action which should declare; 〃I think you a common adventurer; and will see whether you are so or not!〃  Yet any one but a credulous fool like me would have made the experiment; with whatever violence to himself; as a matter of life and death; for I had every reason to distrust appearances。  Her conduct has been of a piece from the beginning。  In the midst of her closest and falsest endearments; she has always (with one or two exceptions) disclaimed the natural inference to be drawn from them; and made a verbal reservation; by which she might lead me on in a Fool's Paradise; and make me the tool of her levity; her avarice; and her love of intrigue as long as she liked; and dismiss me whenever it suited her。  This; you see; she has done; because my intentions grew serious; and if complied with; would deprive her of THE PLEASURES OF A SINGLE LIFE!  Offer marriage to this 〃tradesman's daughter; who has as nice a sense of honour as any one can have;〃 and like Lady Bellaston in Tom Jones; she CUTS you immediately in a fit of abhorrence and alarm。  Yet she seemed to be of a different mind formerly; when struggling from me in the height of our first intimacy; she exclaimed〃However I might agree to my own ruin; I never will consent to bring disgrace upon my family!〃  That I should have spared the traitress after expressions like this; astonishes me when I look back upon it。  Yet if it were all to do over again; I know I should act just the same part。  Such is her power over me!  I cannot run the least risk of offending herI love her so。  When I look in her face; I cannot doubt her truth!  Wretched being that I am!  I have thrown away my heart and soul upon an unfeeling girl; and my life (that might have been so happy; had she been what I thought her) will soon follow either voluntarily; or by the force of grief; remorse; and disappointment。  I cannot get rid of the reflection for an instant; nor even seek relief from its galling pressure。  Ah! what a heart she has lost!  All the love and affection of my whole life were centred in her; who alone; I thought; of all women had found out my true character; and knew how to value my tenderness。  Alas! alas! that this; the only hope; joy; or comfort I ever had; should turn to a mockery; and hang like an ugly film over the remainder of my days!I was at Roslin Castle yesterday。  It lies low in a rude; but sheltered valley; hid from the vulgar gaze; and powerfully reminds one of the old song。  The straggling fragments of the russet ruins; suspended smiling and graceful in the air as if they would linger out another century to please the curious beholder; the green larch…trees trembling between with the blue sky and white silver clouds; the wild mountain plants starting out here and there; the date of the year on an old low door…way; but still more; the beds of flowers in orderly decay; that seem to have no hand to tend them; but keep up a sort of traditional remembrance of civilization in former ages; present altogether a delightful and amiable subject for contemplation。  The exquisite beauty of the scene; with the thought of what I should feel; should I ever be restored to her; and have to lead her through such places as my adored; my angelwife; almost drove me beside myself。  For this picture; this ecstatic vision; what have I of late instead as the image of the reality?  Demoniacal possessions。  I see the young witch seated in another's lap; twining her serpent arms round him; her eye glancing and her cheeks on firewhy does not the hideous thought choke me?  Or why do I not go and find out the truth at once?  The moonlight streams over the silver waters: the bark is in the bay that might waft me to her; almost with a wish。  The mountain…breeze sighs out her name: old ocean with a world of tears murmurs back my woes!  Does not my heart yearn to be with her; and shall I not follow its bidding?  No; I must wait till I am free; and then I will take my Freedom (a glad prize) and lay it at her feet and tell her my proud love of her that would not brook a rival in her dishonour; and that would have her all or none; and gain her or lose myself for ever!

You see by this letter the way I am in; and I hope you will excuse it as the picture of a half…disordered mind。  The least respite from my uneasiness (such as I had yesterday) only brings the contrary reflection back upon me; like a flood; and by letting me see the happiness I have lost; makes me feel; by contrast; more acutely what I am doomed to bear。


Dear Friend; Here I am at St。 Bees once more; amid the scenes which I greeted in their barrenness in winter; but which have now put on their full green attire that shews luxuriant to the eye; but speaks a tale of sadness to this heart widowed of its last; its dearest; its only hope!  Oh! lovely Bees…Inn! here I composed a volume of law…cases; here I wrote my enamoured follies to her; thinking her human; and that 〃all below was not the fiend's〃here I got two cold; sullen answers from the little witch; and here I was … and I was damned。  I thought the revisiting the old haunts would have soothed me for a time; but it only brings back the sense of what I have suffered for her and of her unkindness the more strongly; till I cannot endure the recollection。  I eye the Heavens in dumb despair; or vent my sorrows in the desart air。  〃To the winds; to the waves; to the rocks I complain〃you may suppose with what effect!  I fear I shall be obliged to return。  I am tossed about (backwards and forwards) by my passion; so as to become ridiculous。  I can now understand how it is that mad people never remain in the same placethey are moving on for ever; FROM THEMSELVES!

Do you know; you would have been delighted with the effect of the Northern twilight on this romantic country as I rode along last night?  The hills and groves and herds of cattle were seen reposing in the grey dawn of midnight; as in a moonlight without shadow。  The whole wide canopy of Heave

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