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liber amoris-第3节

小说: liber amoris 字数: 每页4000字

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without one natural feeling; to shew your cleverness; and get a few presents out of me; and go down into the kitchen to make a fine laugh of it?  There is something monstrous in it; that I cannot believe of you。

S。  Sir; you have no right to harass my feelings in the manner you do。  I have never made a jest of you to anyone; but always felt and expressed the greatest esteem for you。  You have no ground for complaint in my conduct; and I cannot help what Betsey or others do。  I have always been consistent from the first。  I told you my regard could amount to no more than friendship。

H。  Nay; Sarah; it was more than half a year before I knew that there was an insurmountable obstacle in the way。  You say your regard is merely friendship; and that you are sorry I have ever felt anything more for you。  Yet the first time I ever asked you; you let me kiss you; the first time I ever saw you; as you went out of the room; you turned full round at the door; with that inimitable grace with which you do everything; and fixed your eyes full upon me; as much as to say; 〃Is he caught?〃that very week you sat upon my knee; twined your arms round me; caressed me with every mark of tenderness consistent with modesty; and I have not got much farther since。  Now if you did all this with me; a perfect stranger to you; and without any particular liking to me; must I not conclude you do so as a matter of course with everyone?Or; if you do not do so with others; it was because you took a liking to me for some reason or other。

S。  It was gratitude; Sir; for different obligations。

H。  If you mean by obligations the presents I made you; I had given you none the first day I came。  You do not consider yourself OBLIGED to everyone who asks you for a kiss?

S。  No; Sir。

H。  I should not have thought anything of it in anyone but you。  But you seemed so reserved and modest; so soft; so timid; you spoke so low; you looked so innocentI thought it impossible you could deceive me。  Whatever favors you granted must proceed from pure regard。  No betrothed virgin ever gave the object of her choice kisses; caresses more modest or more bewitching than those you have given me a thousand and a thousand times。  Could I have thought I should ever live to believe them an inhuman mockery of one who had the sincerest regard for you?  Do you think they will not now turn to rank poison in my veins; and kill me; soul and body?  You say it is friendshipbut if this is friendship; I'll forswear love。  Ah! Sarah! it must be something more or less than friendship。  If your caresses are sincere; they shew fondnessif they are not; I must be more than indifferent to you。  Indeed you once let some words drop; as if I were out of the question in such matters; and you could trifle with me with impunity。  Yet you complain at other times that no one ever took such liberties with you as I have done。  I remember once in particular your saying; as you went out at the door in anger〃I had an attachment before; but that person never attempted anything of the kind。〃  Good God!  How did I dwell on that word BEFORE; thinking it implied an attachment to me also; but you have since disclaimed any such meaning。  You say you have never professed more than esteem。  Yet once; when you were sitting in your old place; on my knee; embracing and fondly embraced; and I asked you if you could not love; you made answer; 〃I could easily say so; whether I did or notYOU SHOULD JUDGE BY MY ACTIONS!〃  And another time; when you were in the same posture; and I reproached you with indifference; you replied in these words; 〃Do I SEEM INDIFFERENT?〃  Was I to blame after this to indulge my passion for the loveliest of her sex?  Or what can I think?

S。  I am no prude; Sir。

H。  Yet you might be taken for one。  So your mother said; 〃It was hard if you might not indulge in a little levity。〃  She has strange notions of levity。  But levity; my dear; is quite out of character in you。  Your ordinary walk is as if you were performing some religious ceremony: you come up to my table of a morning; when you merely bring in the tea…things; as if you were advancing to the altar。  You move in minuet…time: you measure every step; as if you were afraid of offending in the smallest things。  I never hear your approach on the stairs; but by a sort of hushed silence。  When you enter the room; the Graces wait on you; and Love waves round your person in gentle undulations; breathing balm into the soul!  By Heaven; you are an angel!  You look like one at this instant!  Do I not adore youand have I merited this return?

S。  I have repeatedly answered that question。  You sit and fancy things out of your own head; and then lay them to my charge。  There is not a word of truth in your suspicions。

H。  Did I not overhear the conversation down…stairs last night; to which you were a party?  Shall I repeat it?

S。  I had rather not hear it!

H。  Or what am I to think of this story of the footman?

S。  It is false; Sir; I never did anything of the sort。

H。  Nay; when I told your mother I wished she wouldn't * * * * * * * * * (as I heard she did) she said 〃Oh; there's nothing in that; for Sarah very often * * * * * *;〃 and your doing so before company; is only a trifling addition to the sport。

S。  I'll call my mother; Sir; and she shall contradict you。

H。  Then she'll contradict herself。  But did not you boast you were 〃very persevering in your resistance to gay young men;〃 and had been 〃several times obliged to ring the bell?〃  Did you always ring it?  Or did you get into these dilemmas that made it necessary; merely by the demureness of your looks and ways?  Or had nothing else passed?  Or have you two characters; one that you palm off upon me; and another; your natural one; that you resume when you get out of the room; like an actress who throws aside her artificial part behind the scenes?  Did you not; when I was courting you on the staircase the first night Mr。 C came; beg me to desist; for if the new lodger heard us; he'd take you for a light character?  Was that all?  Were you only afraid of being TAKEN for a light character?  Oh! Sarah!

S。  I'll stay and hear this no longer。

H。  Yes; one word more。  Did you not love another?

S。  Yes; and ever shall most sincerely。

H。  Then; THAT is my only hope。  If you could feel this sentiment for him; you cannot be what you seem to me of late。  But there is another thing I had to saybe what you will; I love you to distraction!  You are the only woman that ever made me think she loved me; and that feeling was so new to me; and so delicious; that it 〃will never from my heart。〃  Thou wert to me a little tender flower; blooming in the wilderness of my life; and though thou should'st turn out a weed; I'll not fling thee from me; while I can help it。  Wert thou all that I dread to thinkwert thou a wretched wanderer in the street; covered with rags; disease; and infamy; I'd clasp thee to my bosom; and live and die with thee; my love。  Kiss me; thou little sorceress!


H。  Then go: but remember I cannot live without younor I will not。


H。  I have then lost your friendship?

S。  Nothing tends more to alienate friendship than insult。

H。  The words I uttered hurt me more than they did you。

S。  It was not words merely; but actions as well。

H。  Nothing I can say or do can ever alter my fondness for youAh; Sarah!  I am unworthy of your love: I hardly dare ask for your pity; but oh! save mesave me from your scorn: I cannot bear itit withers me like lightning。

S。  I bear no malice; Sir; but my brother; who would scorn to tell a lie for his sister; can bear witness for me that there was no truth in what you were told。

H。  I believe it; or there is no truth in woman。  It is enough for me to know that you do not return my regard; it would be too much for me to think that you did not deserve it。  But cannot you forgive the agony of the moment?

S。  I can forgive; but it is not easy to forget some things!

H。  Nay; my sweet Sarah (frown if you will; I can bear your resentment for my ill behaviour; it is only your scorn and indifference that harrow up my soul)but I was going to ask; if you had been engaged to be married to any one; and the day was fixed; and he had heard what I did; whether he could have felt any true regard for the character of his bride; his wife; if he had not been hurt and alarmed as I was?

S。  I believe; actual contracts of marriage have sometimes been broken off by unjust suspicions。

H。  Or had it been your old friend; what do you think he would have said in my case?

S。  He would never have listened to anything of the sort。

H。  He had greater reasons for confidence than I have。  But it is your repeated cruel rejection of me that drives me almost to madness。  Tell me; love; is there not; besides your attachment to him; a repugnance to me?

S。  No; none whatever。

H。  I fear there is an original dislike; which no efforts of mine can overcome。

S。  It is not youit is my feelings with respect to another; which are unalterable。

H。  And yet you have no hope of ever being his?  And yet you accuse me of being romantic in my sentiments。

S。  I have indeed long ceased to hope; but yet I 

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