pioneers of the old south-及27准
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the Albemarle察seized by a storm察was wrecked。 The two other ships察with a
Barbados sloop察sailed on anal were approaching the Bahamas when another
hurricane destroyed the Port Royal。 The Carolina察however察pushed on with
the sloop察reached Bermuda察and rested there察then察together with a small
ship purchased in these islands察she turned west by south and came in March
of 1670 to the good harbor of Port Royal察South Carolina。
Southward from the harbor where the ships rode察stretched old Florida察held
by the Spaniards。 There was the Spanish town察St。 Augustine。 Thence Spanish
ships might put forth and descend upon the English newcomers。 The colonists
after debate concluded to set some further space between them and lands of
Spain。 The ships put again to sea察beat northward a few leagues察and at
last entered a harbor into which emptied two rivers察presently to be called
the Ashley and the Cooper。 Up the Ashley they went a little way察anchored
and the colonists going ashore began to build upon the west bank of the
river a town which for the King they named Charles Town。 Ten years later
this place was abandoned in favor of the more convenient point of land
between the two rivers。 Here then was builded the second and more enduring
Charles TownCharleston察as we call it now察in South Carolina。
Colonists came fast to this Carolina lying south。 Barbados sent many
England察Scotland察and Ireland contributed a share察there came Huguenots
from France察and a certain number of Germans。 In ten years after the first
settling the population numbered twelve hundred察and this presently doubled
and went on to increase。 The early times were taken up with the wrestle
with the forest察with the Indians察with Spanish alarms察with incompetent
governors察with the Lords Proprietaries' Fundamental Constitutions察and
with the restrictions which English Navigation Laws imposed upon English
colonies。 What grains and vegetables and tobacco they could grow察what
cattle and swine they could breed and export察preoccupied the minds of
these pioneer farmers。 There were struggling for growth a rough agriculture
and a hampered trade with Barbados察Virginia察and New Englandtrade
likewise with the buccaneers who swarmed in the West Indian waters。
Five hundred good reasons allowed察and had long allowed察free bootery to
flourish in American seas。 Gross governmental faults察Navigation Acts察and
a hundred petty and great oppressions察general poverty察adventurousness
lawlessness察and sympathy of mishandled folk with lawlessness察all combined
to keep Brother of the Coast察Buccaneer察and Filibuster alive察and their
ships upon all seas。 Many were no worse than smugglers察others were robbers
with violence察and a few had a dash of the fiend。 All nations had sons in
the business。 England to the south in America had just the ragged coast
line察with its off´lying islands and islets察liked by all this gentry
whether smuggler or pirate outright。 Through much of the seventeenth
century the settlers on these shores never violently disapproved of the
pirate。 He was often a ;good fellow。; He brought in needed articles without
dues察and had Spanish gold in his pouch。 He was shrugged over and traded with。
He came ashore to Charles Town察and they traded with him there。 At one time
Charles Town got the name of ;Rogue's Harbor。; But that was not forever
nor indeed察as years are counted察for long。 Better and better emigrants
arrived察to add to the good already there。 The better type prevailed察and
gave its tone to the place。 There set in察on the Ashley and Cooper rivers
a fair urban life that yet persists。
South Carolina was trying tobacco and wheat。 But in the last years of the
seventeenth century a ship touching at Charleston left there a bag of
Madagascar rice。 Planted察it gave increase that was planted again。 Suddenly
it was found that this was the crop for low´lying Carolina。 Rice became her
staple察as was tobacco of Virginia。
For the rice´fields South Carolina soon wanted African slaves察and they
were consequently brought in numbers察in English ships。 There began察in
this part of the world察even more than in Virginia察the system of large
plantations and the accompanying aristocratic structure of society。 But in
Virginia the planter families lived broadcast over the land察each upon its
own plantation。 In South Carolina察to escape heat and sickness察the
planters of rice and indigo gave over to employees the care of their great
holdings and lived themselves in pleasant Charleston。 These plantations
with their great gangs of slaves under overseers察differed at many points
from the more kindly察semi´patriarchal life of the Virginian plantation。 To
South Carolina came also the indentured white laborer察but the black was
imported in increasing numbers。
From the first in the Carolinas there had been promised fair freedom for
the unorthodox。 The charters provided察says an early Governor察 an overplus
power to grant liberty of conscience察although at home was a hot
persecuting time。; Huguenots察Independents察Quakers察dissenters of many
kinds察found on the whole refuge and harbor。 In every colony soon began the
struggle by the dominant color and caste toward political liberty。 King
Company察Lords Proprietaries察might strive to rule from over the seas。 But
the new land fast bred a practical rough freedom。 The English settlers came
out from a land where political change was in the air。 The stream was set
toward the crumbling of feudalism察the rise of democracy。 In the New World
circumstances favoring察the stream became a tidal river。 Governors
councils察assemblies察might use a misleading phraseology of a quaint
servility toward the constituted powers in England。 Tory parties might at
times seem to color the land their own hue。 But there always ran察though
often roughly and with turbulence察a set of the stream against autocracy。
In Carolina察South and North察by the Ashley and Cooper rivers察and in that
region called Albemarle察just back of Virginia察there arose and went on
through the remainder of the seventeenth century and in the eighteenth
struggles with the Lords Proprietaries and the Governors that these named
and behind this a more covert struggle with the Crown。 The details
differed察but the issues Mvolved were much the same in North and South
Carolina。 The struggle lasted for the threescore and odd years of the
proprietary government and renewed itself upon occasion after 1729 when the
Carolinas became royal colonies。 Later察it was swept察a strong affluent
into the great general stream of colonial revolt察culminating in the
Into North Carolina察beside the border population entering through Virginia
and containing much of a backwoods and derelict nature察came many
Huguenots察the best of folk察and industrious Swiss察and Germans from the
Rhine。 Then the Scotch began to come in numbers察and families of Scotch
descent from the north of Ireland。 The tone of society consequently changed
from that of the early days。 The ruffian and the shiftless sank to the
bottom。 There grew up in North Carolina a people察agricultural but without
great plantations察hardworking and freedom´loving。
South Carolina察on the other hand察had great plantations察a town society
suave and polished察a learned clergy察an aristocratic cast to life。 For
long察both North and South clung to the sea´line and to the lower stretches
of rivers where the ships could come in。 Only by degrees did English
colonial life push back into the forests away from the sea察to the hills
and finally across the mountains。
In the spring of 1689察Virginians flocked to Jamestown to hear William and
Mary proclaimed Lord and Lady of Virginia。 The next year there entered察as
LieutenantGovernor察Francis Nicholson察an odd character in whom an
immediate violence of temper went with a statesmanlike conception of things
to be。 Two years he governed here察then was transferred to Maryland察and
then in seven years came back to the James。 He had not been liked there
but while he was gone Virginia had endured in his stead Sir Edmund Andros。
That had been swapping the witch for the devil。 Virginia in 1698 seems to
have welcomed the returning Nicholson。
Jamestown had been hastily rebuilt察after Bacon's burning察and then by
accident burned again。 The word malaria was not in use察but all knew that
there had always been sickness on that low spit running out from the
marshes。 The place might well seem haunted察so many had suffered there and
died there。 Poetical imagination might have evoked a piece of sad
pageantrystarving times察massacres察quarrels察executions察cruel and
unusual punishments察gliding Indians。 A practical question察however察faced
the inhabitants察and all were willing to make elsewhere a new capital city。
Seven miles back from the James察about halfway over to the blue York察stood
that cluster of houses called Middle Plantation察where Bacon's men had
taken his Oath。 There was planned and builded Williamsburg察which was to be
for nearly a hundred years the capital of Virginia。 It was named for King
William察and there was in the minds of some loyal colonist