pioneers of the old south-及12准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
cattle察and drove into the forest the settler Frenchmen。 But Port Royal and
the land about it called Acadia察though much hurt察survived Argall's
* Argall察on his fishing trip察has been credited with attacking not only
the French in Acadia but the Dutch traders on Manhattan。 But there are
grounds for doubt if he did the latter。
There was also on Virginia in these days the shadow of Spain。 In 1611 the
English had found upon the beach near Point Comfort three Spaniards from a
Spanish caravel which察as the Englishmen had learned with alarm察 was
fitted with a shallop necessarie and propper to discover freshetts察rivers
and creekes。; They took the three prisoner and applied for instructions to
Dale察who held them to be spies and clapped them into prison at Point Comfort。
That Dale's suspicions were correct察is proved by a letter which the King
of Spain wrote in cipher to the Spanish Ambassador in London ordering him
to confer with the King as to the liberty of three prisoners whom
Englishmen in Virginia have captured。 The three are ;the Alcayde Don Diego
de Molino察Ensign Marco Antonio Perez察and Francisco Lembri an English
pilot察who by my orders went to reconnoitre those ports。; Small wonder that
Dale was apprehensive。 ;What may be the daunger of this unto us察─he wrote
home察 who are here so few察so weake察and unfortified察 。 。 I refer me to
your owne honorable knowledg。;
Months pass察and the English Ambassador to Spain writes from Madrid that he
;is not hasty to advertise anything upon bare rumours察which hath made me
hitherto forbeare to write what I had generally heard of their intents
against Virginia察but now I have been 。 。 。 advertised that without
question they will speedily attempt against our plantation there。 And that
it is a thing resolved of察that ye King of Spain must run any hazard with
England rather than permit ye English to settle there 。 。 。 。Whatsoever is
attempted察I conceive will be from ye Havana。;
Rumors fly back and forth。 The next year 1613the Ambassador writes from
Madrid此 They have latelie had severall Consultations about our Plantation
in Virginia。 The resolution isThat it must be removed察but they thinke
it fitt to suspend the execution of it察 。 。 for that they are in hope
that it will fall of itselfe。;
The Spanish hope seemed察at this time察not at all without foundation。
Members of the Virginia Company had formed the Somers Islands Company named
for Somers the Admiraland had planted a small colony in Bermuda where
the Sea Adventure had been wrecked。 Here were fair察fertile islands without
Indians察and without the diseases that seemed to rise察no man knew how
from the marshes along those lower reaches of the great river James in
Virginia。 Young though it was察the new plantation ;prospereth better than
that of Virginia察and giveth greater incouragement to prosecute yt。; In
England there arose察from some concerned察the cry to Give up Virginia that
has proved a project awry As Gates was once about to remove thence every
living man察so truly they might ;now removed to these more hopeful
islands ─The Spanish Ambassador is found writing to the Spanish King
;Thus they are here discouraged 。 。 。 on account of the heavy expenses they
have incurred察and the disappointment察that there is no passage from there
to the South Sea 。 。 。 nor mines of gold or silver。; This察be it noted察was
before tobacco was discovered to be an economic treasure。
The Elizabeth from London reached Virginia in May察1613。 It brought to the
colony news of Bermuda察and incidentally of that new notion brewing in the
mind of some of the Company。 When the Elizabeth察after a month in Virginia
turned homeward察she carried a vigorous letter from Dale察the High Marshal
to Sir Thomas Smith察Treasurer of the Company。
;Let me tell you all at home writes DaleАthis one thing察and I pray
remember it察if you give over this country and loose it察you察with your
wisdoms察will leap such a gudgeon as our state hath not done the like since
they lost the Kingdom of France察be ot gulled with the clamorous report of
base people察believe Caleb and Joshua察if the glory of God have no power
with them and the conversion of these poor infidels察yet let the rich
mammons' desire egge them on to inhabit these countries。 I protest to you
by the faith of an honest man察the more I range the country the more I
admire it。 I have seen the best countries in Europe察I protest to you
before the Living God察put them all together察this country will be
equivalent unto them if it be inhabited with good people。;
If ever Mother England seriously thought of moving Virginia into Bermuda
the idea was now given over。 Spain察suspending the sword until Virginia
;will fall of itselfe察─saw that sword rust away。
Five years in all Dale ruled Virginia。 Then察personal and family matters
calling察he sailed away home to England察to return no more。 Soon his star
;having shined in the Westerne察was set in the Easterne India。 ;At the helm
in Virginia he left George Yeardley察an honest察able man。 But in England
what was known as the ;court party; in the Company managed to have chosen
instead for De La Warr's deputy governor察Captain Samuel Argall。 It proved
an unfortunate choice。 Argall察a capable and daring buccaneer察fastened on
Virginia as on a Spanish galleon。 For a year he ruled in his own interest
plundering and terrorizing。 At last the outcry against him grew so loud
that it had to be listened to across the Atlantic。 Lord De La Warr was sent
out in person to deal with matters but died on the way察and Captain
Yeardley察now knighted and appointed Governor察was instructed to proceed
against the incorrigible Argall。 But Argall had already departed to face
his accusers in England。
The choice of Sir Edwyn Sandys as Treasurer of the Virginia Company in 1619
marks a turningpoint in the history of both Company and colony。 At a moment
when James I was aiming at absolute monarchy and was menacing Parliament
Sandys and his partythe Liberals of the dayturned the sessions of the
Company into a parliament where momentous questions of state and colonial
policy were freely debated。 The liberal spirit of Sandys cast a beam of
light察too察across the Atlantic。 When Governor Yeardley stepped ashore at
Jamestown in mid´April察he brought with him察as the first fruits of the new
regime察no less a boon than the grant of a representative assembly。
There were to be in Virginia察subject to the Company察subject in its turn
to the Crown察two ;Supreme Councils察─one of which was to consist of the
Governor and his councilors chosen by the Company in England。 The other was
to be elected by the colonists察two representatives or burgesses from each
distinct settlement。 Council and House of Burgesses were to constitute the
upper and lower houses of the General Assembly。 The whole had power to
legislate upon Virginian affairs within the bounds of the colony察but the
Governor in Virginia and the Company in England must approve its acts。
A mighty hope in small was here Hedged about with provisions察curtailed
and limited察here nevertheless was an acorn out of which察by natural growth
and some mutation察was to come popular government wide and deep。 The
planting of this small seed of freedom here察in 1619察upon the banks of the
James in Virginia察is an event of prime importance。
On the 30th of July察1619察there was convened in the log church in
Jamestown the first true Parliament or Legislative Assembly in America。
Twenty´two burgesses sat察hat on head察in the body of the church察with the
Governor and the Council in the best seats。 Master John Pory察the speaker
faced the Assembly察clerk and sergeant´at´arms were at hand察Master Buck
the James town minister察made the solemn opening prayer。 The political
divisions of this Virginia were Cities察Plantations察and Hundreds察the
English population numbering now at least a thousand souls。 Boroughs
sending burgesses were James City察Charles City察the City of Henricus
Kecoughtan察Smith's Hundred察Flowerdieu Hundred察Martin's Hundred察Martin
Brandon察Ward's Plantation察Lawne's Plantation察and Argall's Gift。 This
first Assembly attended to Indian questions察agriculture察and religion。
Most notable is this year 1619察a year wrought of gold and iron。 John
Rolfe察back in Virginia察though without his Indian princess察who now lies
in English earth察jots down and makes no comment upon what he has written
;About the last of August came in a Dutch man of warre that sold us twenty
No European state of that day察few individuals察disapproved of the African
slave trade。 That dark continent made a general hunting´ground。 England
Spain察France察the Netherlands察captured察bought察and sold slaves。
Englishmen in Virginia bought without qualm察as Englishmen in England
bought without qualm。 The cargo of the Dutch ship was a commonplace。 The
only novelty was that it was the first shipload of Africans brought to
English´America。 Here察by the same waters察were the beginnings of popular
government and the young upas´tree of slavery。 A contradiction in terms
was set to resolve itself察a riddle