pioneers of the old south-及10准
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* The Virginia Company。
In a rebuilded Jamestown察Lord De La Warr察of ;approved courage察temper and
experience察─held for a short interval dignified察seigneurial sway察while
his restless associates adventured far and wide。 Sir George Somers sailed
back to the Bermudas to gather a cargo of the wild swine of those woods
but illness seized him there察and he died among the beautiful islands。 That
Captain Samuel Argall who had traversed for the Company the short road from
the Canaries took up Smith's fallen mantle and carried on the work of
exploration。 It was he who found察and named for the Lord Governor察Delaware
Bay。 He went up the Potomac and traded for corn察rescued an English boy
from the Indians察had brushes with the savages。 In the autumn back to
England with a string of ships went that tried and tested seafarer
Christopher Newport。 Virginia wanted many things察and chiefly that the
Virginia Company should excuse defect and remember promise。 So Gates sailed
with Newport to make true report and guide exertion。 Six months passed察and
the Lord Governor himself fell ill and must home to England。 So away he
too察went and for seven years until his death ruled from that distance
through a deputy governor。 De La Warr was a man of note and worth察old
privy councilor of Elizabeth and of James察soldier in the Low Countries
strong Protestant and believer in England´in´America。 Today his name is
borne by a great river察a great bay察and by one of the United States。
In London察the Virginia Company察having listened to Gates察projected a
fourth supply for the colony。 Of those hundreds who had perished in
Virginia察many had been true and intelligent men察and again many perhaps
had been hardly that。 But the Virginia Company was now determined to
exercise for the future a discrimination。 It issued a broadside察making
known that it was sending a new supply of men and all necessary provision
in a fleet of good ships察under the conduct of Sir Thomas Gates and Sir
Thomas Dale察and that it was not intended any more to burden the action
with ;vagrant and unnecessary persons 。 。 。 but honest and industrious men
as Carpenters察Smiths察Coopers察Fishermen察Tanners察Shoemakers
Shipwrights察Brickmen察Gardeners察Husbandmen察and laboring men of all sorts
that 。 。 。 shall be entertained for the Voyage upon such termes as their
qualitie and fitnesse shall deserve。; Yet察in spite of precautions察some of
the other sort continued to creep in with the sober and industrious。 Master
William Crashaw察in a sermon upon the Virginia venture察remarks that ;they
who goe 。 。 。 be like for aught I see to those who are left behind察even
of all sorts better and worse ─This probably hits the mark。
The Virginia Company meant at last to have order in Virginia。 To this
effect察a new office was created and a strong man was found to fill it。
Gates remained De La Warr's deputy governor察but Sir Thomas Dale went as
Marshal of Virginia。 The latter sailed in March察1611察with ;three ships
three hundred people察twelve kine察twenty goats察and all things needful for
the colony。; Gates followed in May with other ships察three hundred
colonists察and much cattle。
For the next few years Dale becomes察in effect察ruler of Virginia。 He did
much for the colony察and therefore察in that far past that is not so distant
either察much for the United States ´ a man of note察and worth considering。
Dale had seen many years of service in the Low Countries。 He was still in
Holland when the summons came to cross the ocean in the service of the
Virginia Company。 On the recommendation of Henry察Prince of Wales察the
States´General of the United Netherlands consented ;that Captain Thomas
Dale destined by the King of Great Britain to be employed in Virginia in
his Majesty's service may absent himself from his company for the space of
three years察and that his said company shall remain meanwhile vacant察to be
resumed by him if he think proper。;
This man had a soldier's way with him and an iron will。 For five years in
Virginia he exhibited a certain stern efficiency which was perhaps the best
support and medicine that could have been devised。 At the end of that time
leaving Virginia察he did not return to the Dutch service察but became
Admiral of the fleet of the English East India Company察thus passing from
one huge historic mercantile company to another。 With six ships he sailed
for India。 Near Java察the English and the Dutch having chosen to quarrel
he had with a Dutch fleet ;a cruel察bloody fight。; Later察when peace was
restored察the East India Company would have given him command of an allied
fleet of English and Dutch ships察the objective being trade along the coast
of Malabar and an attempt to open commerce with ´the Chinese。 But Sir
Thomas Dale was opening commerce with a vaster察hidden land察for at
Masulipatam he died。 ;Whose valor察─says his epitaph察 having shined in the
Westerne察was set in the Easterne India。;
But now in Maytime of 1611 Dale was in Virginian waters。 By this day
beside the main settlement of Jamestown察there were at Cape Henry and Point
Comfort small forts garrisoned with meager companies of men。 Dale made
pause at these察setting matters in order察and then察proceeding up the
river察he came to Jamestown and found the people gathered to receive him。
Presently he writes home to the Company a letter that gives a view of the
place and its needs。 Any number of things must be done察requiring
continuous and hard work察 as察namely察the reparation of the falling Church
and so of the Store´house察a stable for our horses察a munition house察a
Powder house察a new well for the amending of the most unwholesome water
which the old afforded。 Brick to be made察a sturgion house 。 。 。 a Block
house to be raised on the North side of our back river to prevent the
Indians from killing our cattle察a house to be set up to lodge our cattle
in the winter察and hay to be appointed in his due time to be made察a
smith's forge to be perfected caske for our Sturgions to be made察and
besides private gardens for each man common gardens for hemp and flax and
such other seeds察and lastly a bridge to land our goods dry and safe upon
for most of which I take present order。;
Dale would have agreed with Dr。 Watts that
Satan finds some mischief still
For idle hands to do
If we of the United States today will call to mind certain Western small
towns of some decades agoif we will review them as they are pictured in
poem and novel and playwe may receive察as it were out of the tail of the
eye察an impression of some aspects of these western plantings of the
seventeenth century。 The dare´devil察the bully察the tenderfoot察the
gambler察the gentleman´desperado had their counterparts in Virginia。 So had
the cool察indomitable sheriff and his dependable posse察the friends
generally of law and order。 Dale may be viewed as the picturesque sheriff
of this earlier age。
But it must be remembered that this Virginia was of the seventeenth察not of
the nineteenth century。 And law had cruel and idiot faces as well as faces
just and wise。 Hitherto the colony possessed no written statutes。 The
Company now resolved to impose upon the wayward an iron restraint。 It fell
to Dale to enforce the regulations known as ;Lawes and Orders察dyvine
politique察and martiall for the Colonye of Virginia;not English civil law
simply察but laws ;chiefly extracted out of the Lawes for governing the army
in the Low Countreys。; The first part of this code was compiled by William
Strachey察the latter part is thought to have been the work of Sir Edward
Cecil察Sir Thomas Gates察and Dale himself察approved and accepted by the
Virginia Company。 Ten years afterwards察defending itself before a Committee
of Parliament察the Company through its Treasurer declared ;the necessity of
such laws察in some cases ad terrorem察and in some to be truly executed。;
Seventeenth´century English law herself was terrible enough in all
conscience察but ;Dale's Laws; went beyond。 Offences ranged from failure to
attend church and idleness to lese majeste。 The penalties were grosscruel
whippings察imprisonments察barbarous puttings to death。 The High Marshal
held the unruly down with a high hand。
But other factors than this Draconian code worked at last toward order in
this English West。 Dale was no small statesman察and he played ferment
against ferment。 Into Virginia now first came private ownership of land。撮
So much was given to each colonist察and care of this booty became to each a
preoccupation。 The Company at home sent out more and more settlers察and
more and more of the industrious察peace´loving sort。 By 1612 the English in
America numbered about eight hundred。 Dale projected another town察and
chose for its site the great horseshoe bend in the river a few miles below
the Falls of the Far West察at a spot we now call Dutch Gap。 Here Dale laid
out a town which he named Henricus after the Prince of Wales察and for its
citizens he drafted from Jamestown three hundred persons。 To him also are
due Bermuda and Shirley Hundreds and Dale's Gift over on the Eastern Shore。
As the Company