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perils of certain english prisoners-第7节

小说: perils of certain english prisoners 字数: 每页4000字

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All this time; Mr。 Commissioner Pordage had been wanting to make a

Proclamation to the Pirates to lay down their arms and go away; and

everybody had been hustling him about and tumbling over him; while

he was calling for pen and ink to write it with。  Mrs。 Pordage; too;

had some curious ideas about the British respectability of her

nightcap (which had as many frills to it; growing in layers one

inside another; as if it was a white vegetable of the artichoke

sort); and she wouldn't take the nightcap off; and would be angry

when it got crushed by the other ladies who were handing things

about; and; in short; she gave as much trouble as her husband did。

But; as we were now forming for the defence of the place; they were

both poked out of the way with no ceremony。  The children and ladies

were got into the little trench which surrounded the silver…house

(we were afraid of leaving them in any of the light buildings; lest

they should be set on fire); and we made the best disposition we

could。  There was a pretty good store; in point of amount; of

tolerable swords and cutlasses。  Those were issued。  There were;

also; perhaps a score or so of spare muskets。  Those were brought

out。  To my astonishment; little Mrs。 Fisher that I had taken for a

doll and a baby; was not only very active in that service; but

volunteered to load the spare arms。

〃For; I understand it well;〃 says she; cheerfully; without a shake

in her voice。

〃I am a soldier's daughter and a sailor's sister; and I understand

it too;〃 says Miss Maryon; just in the same way。

Steady and busy behind where I stood; those two beautiful and

delicate young women fell to handling the guns; hammering the

flints; looking to the locks; and quietly directing others to pass

up powder and bullets from hand to hand; as unflinching as the best

of tried soldiers。

Sergeant Drooce had brought in word that the pirates were very

strong in numbersover a hundred was his estimateand that they

were not; even then; all landed; for; he had seen them in a very

good position on the further side of the Signal Hill; evidently

waiting for the rest of their men to come up。  In the present pause;

the first we had had since the alarm; he was telling this over again

to Mr。 Macey; when Mr。 Macey suddenly cried our:  〃The signal!

Nobody has thought of the signal!〃

We knew of no signal; so we could not have thought of it。

〃What signal may you mean; sir?〃 says Sergeant Drooce; looking sharp

at him。

〃There is a pile of wood upon the Signal Hill。  If it could be

lightedwhich never has been done yetit would be a signal of

distress to the mainland。〃

Charker cries; directly:  〃Sergeant Drooce; dispatch me on that

duty。  Give me the two men who were on guard with me to…night; and

I'll light the fire; if it can be done。〃

〃And if it can't; Corporal〃 Mr。 Macey strikes in。

〃Look at these ladies and children; sir!〃 says Charker。  〃I'd sooner

light myself; than not try any chance to save them。〃

We gave him a Hurrah!it burst from us; come of it what mightand

he got his two men; and was let out at the gate; and crept away。  I

had no sooner come back to my place from being one of the party to

handle the gate; than Miss Maryon said in a low voice behind me:

〃Davis; will you look at this powder?  This is not right。〃

I turned my head。  Christian George King again; and treachery again!

Sea…water had been conveyed into the magazine; and every grain of

powder was spoiled!

〃Stay a moment;〃 said Sergeant Drooce; when I had told him; without

causing a movement in a muscle of his face:  〃look to your pouch; my

lad。  You Tom Packer; look to your pouch; confound you!  Look to

your pouches; all you Marines。〃

The same artful savage had got at them; somehow or another; and the

cartridges were all unserviceable。  〃Hum!〃 says the Sergeant。  〃Look

to your loading; men。  You are right so far?〃

Yes; we were right so far。

〃Well; my lads; and gentlemen all;〃 says the Sergeant; 〃this will be

a hand…to…hand affair; and so much the better。〃

He treated himself to a pinch of snuff; and stood up; square…

shouldered and broad…chested; in the light of the moonwhich was

now very brightas cool as if he was waiting for a play to begin。

He stood quiet; and we all stood quiet; for a matter of something

like half…an…hour。  I took notice from such whispered talk as there

was; how little we that the silver did not belong to; thought about

it; and how much the people that it did belong to; thought about it。

At the end of the half…hour; it was reported from the gate that

Charker and the two were falling back on us; pursued by about a


〃Sally!  Gate…party; under Gill Davis;〃 says the Sergeant; 〃and

bring 'em in!  Like men; now!〃

We were not long about it; and we brought them in。  〃Don't take me;〃

says Charker; holding me round the neck; and stumbling down at my

feet when the gate was fast; 〃don't take me near the ladies or the

children; Gill。  They had better not see Death; till it can't be

helped。  They'll see it soon enough。〃

〃Harry!〃 I answered; holding up his head。  〃Comrade!〃

He was cut to pieces。  The signal had been secured by the first

pirate party that landed; his hair was all singed off; and his face

was blackened with the running pitch from a torch。

He made no complaint of pain; or of anything。  〃Good…bye; old chap;〃

was all he said; with a smile。  〃I've got my death。  And Death ain't

life。  Is it; Gill?〃

Having helped to lay his poor body on one side; I went back to my

post。  Sergeant Drooce looked at me; with his eyebrows a little

lifted。  I nodded。  〃Close up here men; and gentlemen all!〃 said the

Sergeant。  〃A place too many; in the line。〃

The Pirates were so close upon us at this time; that the foremost of

them were already before the gate。  More and more came up with a

great noise; and shouting loudly。  When we believed from the sound

that they were all there; we gave three English cheers。  The poor

little children joined; and were so fully convinced of our being at

play; that they enjoyed the noise; and were heard clapping their

hands in the silence that followed。

Our disposition was this; beginning with the rear。  Mrs。 Venning;

holding her daughter's child in her arms; sat on the steps of the

little square trench surrounding the silver…house; encouraging and

directing those women and children as she might have done in the

happiest and easiest time of her life。  Then; there was an armed

line; under Mr。 Macey; across the width of the enclosure; facing

that way and having their backs towards the gate; in order that they

might watch the walls and prevent our being taken by surprise。  Then

there was a space of eight or ten feet deep; in which the spare arms

were; and in which Miss Maryon and Mrs。 Fisher; their hands and

dresses blackened with the spoilt gunpowder; worked on their knees;

tying such things as knives; old bayonets; and spear…heads; to the

muzzles of the useless muskets。  Then; there was a second armed

line; under Sergeant Drooce; also across the width of the enclosure;

but facing to the gate。  Then came the breastwork we had made; with

a zigzag way through it for me and my little party to hold good in

retreating; as long as we could; when we were driven from the gate。

We all knew that it was impossible to hold the place long; and that

our only hope was in the timely discovery of the plot by the boats;

and in their coming back。

I and my men were now thrown forward to the gate。  From a spy…hole;

I could see the whole crowd of Pirates。  There were Malays among

them; Dutch; Maltese; Greeks; Sambos; Negroes; and Convict

Englishmen from the West India Islands; among the last; him with the

one eye and the patch across the nose。  There were some Portuguese;

too; and a few Spaniards。  The captain was a Portuguese; a little

man with very large ear…rings under a very broad hat; and a great

bright shawl twisted about his shoulders。  They were all strongly

armed; but like a boarding party; with pikes; swords; cutlasses; and

axes。  I noticed a good many pistols; but not a gun of any kind

among them。  This gave me to understand that they had considered

that a continued roll of musketry might perhaps have been heard on

the mainland; also; that for the reason that fire would be seen from

the mainland they would not set the Fort in flames and roast us

alive; which was one of their favourite ways of carrying on。  I

looked about for Christian George King; and if I had seen him I am

much mistaken if he would not have received my one round of ball…

cartridge in his head。  But; no Christian George King was visible。

A sort of a wild Portuguese demon; who seemed either fierce…mad or

fierce…drunkbut; they all seemed one or the othercame forward

with the black flag; and gave it a wave or two。  After that; the

Portuguese captain called

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