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perils of certain english prisoners-第3节

小说: perils of certain english prisoners 字数: 每页4000字

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who were camped and hutted there; and we were approaching towards

their quarters over the sand; when Christian George King comes up

from the landing…place at a wolf's…trot; crying; 〃Yup; So…Jeer!〃

which was that Sambo Pilot's barbarous way of saying; Hallo;

Soldier!  I have stated myself to be a man of no learning; and; if I

entertain prejudices; I hope allowance may be made。  I will now

confess to one。  It may be a right one or it may be a wrong one;

but; I never did like Natives; except in the form of oysters。

So; when Christian George King; who was individually unpleasant to

me besides; comes a trotting along the sand; clucking; 〃Yup; So…

Jeer!〃  I had a thundering good mind to let fly at him with my

right。  I certainly should have done it; but that it would have

exposed me to reprimand。

〃Yup; So…Jeer!〃 says he。  〃Bad job。〃

〃What do you mean?〃 says I。

〃Yup; So…Jeer!〃 says he; 〃Ship Leakee。〃

〃Ship leaky?〃 says I。

〃Iss;〃 says he; with a nod that looked as if it was jerked out of

him by a most violent hiccupwhich is the way with those savages。

I cast my eyes at Charker; and we both heard the pumps going aboard

the sloop; and saw the signal run up; 〃Come on board; hands wanted

from the shore。〃  In no time some of the sloop's liberty…men were

already running down to the water's edge; and the party of seamen;

under orders against the Pirates; were putting off to the Columbus

in two boats。

〃O Christian George King sar berry sorry!〃 says that Sambo vagabond;

then。  〃Christian George King cry; English fashion!〃  His English

fashion of crying was to screw his black knuckles into his eyes;

howl like a dog; and roll himself on his back on the sand。  It was

trying not to kick him; but I gave Charker the word; 〃Double…quick;

Harry!〃 and we got down to the water's edge; and got on board the


By some means or other; she had sprung such a leak; that no pumping

would keep her free; and what between the two fears that she would

go down in the harbour; and that; even if she did not; all the

supplies she had brought for the little colony would be destroyed by

the sea…water as it rose in her; there was great confusion。  In the

midst of it; Captain Maryon was heard hailing from the beach。  He

had been carried down in his hammock; and looked very bad; but he

insisted on being stood there on his feet; and I saw him; myself;

come off in the boat; sitting upright in the stern…sheets; as if

nothing was wrong with him。

A quick sort of council was held; and Captain Maryon soon resolved

that we must all fall to work to get the cargo out; and that when

that was done; the guns and heavy matters must be got out; and that

the sloop must be hauled ashore; and careened; and the leak stopped。

We were all mustered (the Pirate…Chace party volunteering); and told

off into parties; with so many hours of spell and so many hours of

relief; and we all went at it with a will。  Christian George King

was entered one of the party in which I worked; at his own request;

and he went at it with as good a will as any of the rest。  He went

at it with so much heartiness; to say the truth; that he rose in my

good opinion almost as fast as the water rose in the ship。  Which

was fast enough; and faster。

Mr。 Commissioner Pordage kept in a red…and…black japanned box; like

a family lump…sugar box; some document or other; which some Sambo

chief or other had got drunk and spilt some ink over (as well as I

could understand the matter); and by that means had given up lawful

possession of the Island。  Through having hold of this box; Mr。

Pordage got his title of Commissioner。  He was styled Consul too;

and spoke of himself as 〃Government。〃

He was a stiff…jointed; high…nosed old gentleman; without an ounce

of fat on him; of a very angry temper and a very yellow complexion。

Mrs。 Commissioner Pordage; making allowance for difference of sex;

was much the same。  Mr。 Kitten; a small; youngish; bald; botanical

and mineralogical gentleman; also connected with the minebut

everybody there was that; more or lesswas sometimes called by Mr。

Commissioner Pordage; his Vice…commissioner; and sometimes his

Deputy…consul。  Or sometimes he spoke of Mr。 Kitten; merely as being

〃under Government。〃

The beach was beginning to be a lively scene with the preparations

for careening the sloop; and with cargo; and spars; and rigging; and

water…casks; dotted about it; and with temporary quarters for the

men rising up there out of such sails and odds and ends as could be

best set on one side to make them; when Mr。 Commissioner Pordage

comes down in a high fluster; and asks for Captain Maryon。  The

Captain; ill as he was; was slung in his hammock betwixt two trees;

that he might direct; and he raised his head; and answered for


〃Captain Maryon;〃 cries Mr。 Commissioner Pordage; 〃this is not

official。  This is not regular。〃

〃Sir;〃 says the Captain; 〃it hath been arranged with the clerk and

supercargo; that you should be communicated with; and requested to

render any little assistance that may lie in your power。  I am quite

certain that hath been duly done。〃

〃Captain Maryon;〃 replied Mr。 Commissioner Pordage; 〃there hath been

no written correspondence。  No documents have passed; no memoranda

have been made; no minutes have been made; no entries and counter…

entries appear in the official muniments。  This is indecent。  I call

upon you; sir; to desist; until all is regular; or Government will

take this up。〃

〃Sir;〃 says Captain Maryon; chafing a little; as he looked out of

his hammock; 〃between the chances of Government taking this up; and

my ship taking herself down; I much prefer to trust myself to the


〃You do; sir?〃 cries Mr。 Commissioner Pordage。

〃I do; sir;〃 says Captain Maryon; lying down again。

〃Then; Mr。 Kitten;〃 says the Commissioner; 〃send up instantly for my

Diplomatic coat。〃

He was dressed in a linen suit at that moment; but; Mr。 Kitten

started off himself and brought down the Diplomatic coat; which was

a blue cloth one; gold…laced; and with a crown on the button。

〃Now; Mr。 Kitten;〃 says Pordage; 〃I instruct you; as Vice…

commissioner; and Deputy…consul of this place; to demand of Captain

Maryon; of the sloop Christopher Columbus; whether he drives me to

the act of putting this coat on?〃

〃Mr。 Pordage;〃 says Captain Maryon; looking out of his hammock

again; 〃as I can hear what you say; I can answer it without

troubling the gentleman。  I should be sorry that you should be at

the pains of putting on too hot a coat on my account; but;

otherwise; you may put it on hind…side before; or inside…out; or

with your legs in the sleeves; or your head in the skirts; for any

objection that I have to offer to your thoroughly pleasing


〃Very good; Captain Maryon;〃 says Pordage; in a tremendous passion。

〃Very good; sir。  Be the consequences on your own head!  Mr。 Kitten;

as it has come to this; help me on with it。〃

When he had given that order; he walked off in the coat; and all our

names were taken; and I was afterwards told that Mr。 Kitten wrote

from his dictation more than a bushel of large paper on the subject;

which cost more before it was done with; than ever could be

calculated; and which only got done with after all; by being lost。

Our work went on merrily; nevertheless; and the Christopher

Columbus; hauled up; lay helpless on her side like a great fish out

of water。  While she was in that state; there was a feast; or a

ball; or an entertainment; or more properly all three together;

given us in honour of the ship; and the ship's company; and the

other visitors。  At that assembly; I believe; I saw all the

inhabitants then upon the Island; without any exception。  I took no

particular notice of more than a few; but I found it very agreeable

in that little corner of the world to see the children; who were of

all ages; and mostly very prettyas they mostly are。  There was one

handsome elderly lady; with very dark eyes and gray hair; that I

inquired about。  I was told that her name was Mrs。 Venning; and her

married daughter; a fair slight thing; was pointed out to me by the

name of Fanny Fisher。  Quite a child she looked; with a little copy

of herself holding to her dress; and her husband; just come back

from the mine; exceeding proud of her。  They were a good…looking set

of people on the whole; but I didn't like them。  I was out of sorts;

in conversation with Charker; I found fault with all of them。  I

said of Mrs。 Venning; she was proud; of Mrs。 Fisher; she was a

delicate little baby…fool。  What did I think of this one?  Why; he

was a fine gentleman。  What did I say to that one?  Why; she was a

fine lady。  What could you expect them to be (I asked Charker);

nursed in that climate; with the tropical night shining for them;

musical instruments playing to them; great trees bending

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