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chronicle of the conquest of granada-第91节

小说: chronicle of the conquest of granada 字数: 每页4000字

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nstant like the city of canvas which surrounds them。

As the evening advanced the bustle in the camp subsided。  Every one sought repose; preparatory to the next day's trial。  The king retired early; that he might be up with the crowing of the cock to head the destroying army in person。  All stir of military preparation was hushed in the royal quarters: the very sound of minstrelsy was mute; and not the tinkling of a guitar was to be heard from the tents of the fair ladies of the court。

The queen had retired to the innermost part of her pavilion; where she was performing her orisons before a private altar: perhaps the peril to which the king might be exposed in the next day's foray inspired her with more than usual devotion。  While thus at her prayers she was suddenly aroused by a glare of light and wreaths of suffocating smoke。  In an instant the whole tent was in a blaze: there was a high gusty wind; which whirled the light flames from tent to tent and wrapped the whole in one conflagration。

Isabella had barely time to save herself by instant flight。  Her first thought on being extricated from her tent was for the safety of the king。  She rushed to his tent; but the vigilant Ferdinand was already at the entrance of it。  Starting from bed on the first alarm and fancying it an assault of the enemy; he had seized his sword and buckler and sallied forth undressed with his cuirass upon his arm。

The late gorgeous camp was now a scene of wild confusion。  The flames kept spreading from one pavilion to another; glaring upon the rich armor and golden and silver vessels; which seemed melting in the fervent heat。  Many of the soldiers had erected booths and bowers of branches; which; being dry; crackled and blazed and added to the rapid conflagration。  The ladies of the court fled; shrieking and half dressed; from their tents。  There was an alarm of drum and trumpet; and a distracted hurry about the camp of men half armed。 The prince Juan had been snatched out of bed by an attendant and conveyed to the quarters of the count de Cabra; which were at the entrance of the camp。  The loyal count immediately summoned his people and those of his cousin Don Alonso de Montemayor; and formed a guard round the tent in which the prince was sheltered。

The idea that this was a stratagem of the Moors soon subsided; but it was feared they might take advantage of it to assault the camp。 The marques of Cadiz; therefore; sallied forth with three thousand horse to check any advance from the city。  As they passed along the whole camp was a scene of hurry and consternationsome hastening to their posts at the call of drum and trumpet; some attempting to save rich effects and glittering armor from the tents; others dragging along terrified and restive horses。

When they emerged from the camp they found the whole firmament illuminated。  The flames whirled up in long light spires; and the air was filled with sparks and cinders。  A bright glare was thrown upon the city; revealing every battlement and tower。  Turbaned heads were seen gazing from every roof; and armor gleamed along the walls; yet not a single warrior sallied from the gates: the Moors suspected some stratagem on the part of the Christians and kept quietly within their walls。  By degrees the flames expired; the city faded from sight; all again became dark and quiet; and the marques of Cadiz returned with his cavalry to the camp。

When the day dawned on the Christian camp nothing remained of that beautiful assemblage of stately pavilions but heaps of smouldering rubbish; with helms and corselets and other furniture of war; and masses of melted gold and silver glittering among the ashes。  The wardrobe of the queen was entirely destroyed; and there was an immense loss in plate; jewels; costly stuffs; and sumptuous armor of the luxurious nobles。  The fire at first had been attributed to treachery; but on investigation it proved to be entirely accidental。 The queen on retiring to her prayers had ordered her lady in attendance to remove a light burning near her couch; lest it should prevent her sleeping。  Through heedlessness; the taper was placed in another part of the tent near the hangings; which; being blown against it by a gust of wind; immediately took fire。

The wary Ferdinand knew the sanguine temperament of the Moors; and hastened to prevent their deriving confidence from the night's disaster。  At break of day the drums and trumpets sounded to arms; and the Christian army issued forth from among the smoking ruins of their camp in shining squadrons; with flaunting banners and bursts of martial melody; as though the preceding night had been a time of high festivity instead of terror。

The Moors had beheld the conflagration with wonder and perplexity。 When the day broke and they looked toward the Christian camp; they saw nothing but a dark smoking mass。  Their scouts came in with the joyful intelligence that the whole camp was a scene of ruin。  In the exultation of the moment they flattered themselves with hopes that the catastrophe would discourage the besiegersthat; as in former years; their invasion would end with the summer and they would withdraw before the autumnal rains。

The measures of Ferdinand and Isabella soon crushed these hopes。 They gave orders to build a regular city upon the site of their camp; to convince the Moors that the siege was to endure until the surrender of Granada。  Nine of the principal cities of Spain were charged with the stupendous undertaking; and they emulated each other with a zeal worthy of the cause。  〃It verily seems;〃 says Fray Antonio Agapida; 〃as though some miracle operated to aid this pious work; so rapidly did arise a formidable city; with solid edifices and powerful walls and mighty towers; where lately had been seen nothing but tents and light pavilions。  The city was traversed by two principal streets in form of a cross; terminating in four gates facing the four winds; and in the centre was a vast square where the whole army might be assembled。  To this city it was proposed to give the name of Isabella; so dear to the army and the nation; but that pious princess;〃 adds Antonio Agapida; 〃calling to mind the holy cause in which it was erected; gave it the name of Santa Fe (or the City of the Holy Faith); and it remains to this day a monument of the piety and glory of the Catholic sovereigns。〃

Hither the merchants soon resorted from all points。  Long trains of mules were seen every day entering and departing from its gates; the streets were crowded with magazines filled with all kinds of costly and luxurious merchandise; a scene of bustling commerce and prosperity took place; while unhappy Granada remained shut up and desolate。



The besieged city now began to suffer the distress of famine。  Its supplies were all cut off; a cavalgada of flocks and herds and mules laden with money; coming to the relief of the city from the mountains of the Alpuxarras; was taken by the marques of Cadiz and led in triumph to the camp in sight of the suffering Moors。  Autumn arrived; but the harvests had been swept from the face of the country; a rigorous winter was approaching and the city was almost destitute of provisions。  The people sank into deep despondency。 They called to mind all that had been predicted by astrologers at the birth of their ill…starred sovereign; and all that had been foretold of the fate of Granada at the time of the capture of Zahara。

Boabdil was alarmed by the gathering dangers from without and by the clamors of his starving people。  He summoned a council; composed of the principal officers of the army; the alcaydes of the fortresses; the xequis or sages of the city; and the alfaquis or doctors of the faith。  They assembled in the great Hall of Audience of the Alhambra; and despair was painted in their countenances。  Boabdil demanded of them what was to be done in the present extremity; and their answer was; 〃Surrender。〃  The venerable Abul Casim; governor of the city; represented its unhappy state: 〃Our granaries are nearly exhausted; and no further supplies are to be expected。  The provender for the war…horses is required as sustenance for the soldiery; the very horses themselves are killed for food; of seven thousand steeds which once could be sent into the field; three hundred only remain。 Our city contains two hundred thousand inhabitants; old and young; with each a mouth that calls piteously for bread。〃

The xequis and principal citizens declared that the people could no longer sustain the labors and sufferings of a defence。  〃And of what avail is our defence;〃 said they; 〃when the enemy is determined to persist in the siege?  What alternative remains but to surrender or to die?〃

The heart of Boabdil was touched by this appeal; and he maintained a gloomy silence。  He had cherished some faint hope of relief from the soldan of Egypt or the Barbary powers; but it was now at an end; even if such assistance were to be sent; he had no longer a seaport where it might debark。  The counsellors saw that the resolution of the king was shaken; and they united their voices in urging him to capitulate。

Muza alone rose in opposition。  〃It is yet too early;〃 said he; 〃to talk of

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