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chronicle of the conquest of granada-第84节

小说: chronicle of the conquest of granada 字数: 每页4000字

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e pursued and overtaken by the Moors of Granada。  As he wound up the steep ascent to his mountain…city the inhabitants poured forth to meet him with shouts of joy。  His triumph was doubly enhanced by being received at the gates of the city by his wife; the daughter of the marques of Villena; a lady of distinguished merit; whom he had not seen for two years; during which he had been separated from his home by the arduous duties of these iron wars。

We have yet another act to relate of this good count de Tendilla; who was in truth a mirror of knightly virtue。  One day a Christian soldier; just escaped from captivity in Granada; brought word to the count that an illustrious damsel named Fatima; niece of the alcayde Aben Comixa; was to leave the city on a certain day; escorted by a numerous party of relatives and friends of distinguished rank; on a journey to Almunecar; there to embark for the African coast to celebrate her nuptials with the alcayde of Tetuan。  This was too brilliant a prize to be neglected。  The count accordingly sallied forth with a light company of cavalry; and; descending the defiles of the mountains; stationed himself behind the rocky sierra of Elvira; not far from the eventful bridge of Pinos; within a few short miles of Granada。  Hence he detached Alonso de Cardenas Ulloa; with fifty light horsemen; to post himself in ambush by the road the bridal party had to travel。  After a time the latter came in sight; proving less numerous than had been expected; for the damsel was escorted merely by four armed domestics and accompanied by a few relatives and two female attendants。  The whole party was surrounded and captured almost without resistance; and carried off to the count at the bridge of Pinos。  The good count conveyed his beautiful captive to his stronghold at Alcala; where he treated her and her companions with all the delicacy and respect due to their rank and to his own character as a courteous cavalier。

The tidings of the capture of his niece gave poignant affliction to the vizier Aben Comixa。  His royal master; Boabdil; of whom he was the prime favorite and confidential adviser; sympathized in his distress。 With his own hand he wrote a letter to the count; offering in exchange for the fair Fatima one hundred Christian captives to be chosen from those detained in Granada。  This royal letter was sent by Don Francisco de Zuniga; an Aragonese cavalier; whom Aben Comixa held in captivity; and who was set at liberty for the purpose。

On receiving the letter of Boabdil the count de Tendilla at once gave freedom to the Moorish maid; making her a magnificent present of jewels; and sending her and her companions under honorable escort to the very gates of Granada。

Boabdil; exceeding his promises; immediately set free twenty captive priests; one hundred and thirty Castilian and Aragonian cavaliers; and a number of peasant…women。  His favorite and vizier; Aben Comixa; was so rejoiced at the liberation of his niece; and so struck with the chivalrous conduct of her captor; that he maintained from that day a constant and amicable correspondence with the count de Tendilla; and became in the hands of the latter one of the most efficacious agents in bringing the war of Granada to a triumphant close。*

*This interesting anecdote of the count de Tendilla; which is a key  to the subsequent conduct of the vizier Aben Comixa; and had a  singular influence on the fortunes of Boabdil and his kingdom; is  originally given in a manuscript history of the counts of Tendilla;  written about the middle of the sixteenth century by Gabriel  Rodriguez de Ardila; a Granadine clergyman。  It has been brought  to light recently by the researches of Alcantara for his History of  Granada (vol。 4; cap。 18)。



King Boabdil found that his diminished territory was too closely dominated by Christian fortresses like Alcala la Real; and too strictly watched by vigilant alcaydes like the count of Tendilla; to be able to maintain itself by internal resources。  His foraging expeditions were liable to be intercepted and defeated; while the ravage of the Vega had swept off everything on which the city depended for future sustenance。  He felt the want of a seaport through which; as formerly; he might keep open a communication with Africa and obtain reinforcements and supplies from beyond the sea。  All the ports and harbors were in the hands of the Christians; and Granada and its remnant of dependent territory were completely landlocked。

In this emergency the attention of Boabdil was called by circumstances to the seaport of Salobrena。  This redoubtable town has already been mentioned in this chronicle as a place deemed impregnable by the Moors; insomuch that their kings were accustomed in time of peril to keep their treasures in its citadel。  It was situated on a high rocky hill dividing one of those rich little vegas or plains which lie open to the Mediterranean; but run like deep green bays into the stern bosoms of the mountains。  The vega was covered with beautiful vegetation; with rice and cotton; with groves of oranges; citrons; figs; and mulberries; and with gardens enclosed by hedges of reeds; of aloes; and the Indian fig。  Running streams of cool water from the springs and snows of the Sierra Nevada kept this delightful valley continually fresh and verdant; while it was almost locked up by mountain…barriers and lofty promontories stretching far into the sea。

Through the centre of this rich vega the rock of Salobrena reared its rugged back; nearly dividing the plain and advancing to the margin of the sea; with just a strip of sandy beach at its foot laved by the blue waves of the Mediterranean。

The town covered the ridge and sides of the rocky hill; and was fortified by strong walls and towers; while on the highest and most precipitate part stood the citadel; a huge castle that seemed to form a part of the living rock; the massive ruins of which at the present day attract the gaze of the traveller as he winds his way far below along the road through the vega。

This important fortress had been entrusted to the command of Don Francisco Ramirez de Madrid; captain…general of the artillery and the most scientific of all the Spanish leaders。  That experienced veteran; however; was with the king at Cordova; having left a valiant cavalier as alcayde of the place。

Boabdil had full information of the state of the garrison and the absence of its commander。  Putting himself at the head of a powerful force; therefore; he departed from Granada; and made a rapid march through the mountains; hoping to seize upon Salobrena before King Ferdinand could come to its assistance。

The inhabitants of Salobrena were mudexares; or Moors who had sworn allegiance to the Christians。  Still; when they heard the sound of the Moorish drums and trumpets; and beheld the squadrons of their countrymen advancing across the vega; their hearts yearned toward the standard of their nation and their faith。  A tumult arose in the place; the populace shouted the name of Boabdil el Chico and; throwing open the gates; admitted him within the walls。

The Christian garrison was too few in number to contend for the possession of the town: they retreated to the citadel and shut themselves within its massive walls; which were considered impregnable。  Here they maintained a desperate defence; hoping to hold out until succor should arrive from the neighboring fortresses。

The tidings that Salobrena was invested by the Moorish king spread along the sea…coast and filled the Christians with alarm。  Don Francisco Enriquez; uncle of the king; commanded the city of Velez Malaga; about twelve leagues distant; but separated by ranges of those vast rocky mountains which are piled along the Mediterranean and tower in steep promontories and precipices above its waves。

Don Francisco summoned the alcaydes of his district to hasten with him to the relief of this important fortress。  A number of cavaliers and their retainers answered to his call; among whom was Hernan Perez del Pulgar; surnamed 〃El de las hazanas〃 (He of the exploits) the same who had signalized himself in a foray by elevating a handkerchief on a lance for a banner and leading on his disheartened comrades to victory。  As soon as Don Francisco beheld a little band collected round him; he set out with all speed for Salobrena。  The march was rugged and severe; climbing and descending immense mountains; and sometimes winding along the edge of giddy precipices; with the surges of the sea raging far below。  When Don Francisco arrived with his followers at the lofty promontory that stretches along one side of the little vega of Salobrena; he looked down with sorrow and anxiety upon a Moorish army of great force encamped at the foot of the fortress; while Moorish banners on various parts of the walls proved that the town was already in possession of the infidels。  A solitary Christian standard alone floated on the top of the castle…keep; showing that the brave garrison were hemmed up in their rock…built citadel。  They were; in fact; reduced to great extremity through want of water and provisions。

Don Francisco

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