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chronicle of the conquest of granada-第83节

小说: chronicle of the conquest of granada 字数: 每页4000字

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e of the Moors plied their crossbows and arquebuses to defend the workmen and drive the Christians from the walls; while the latter showered down stones and darts and melted pitch and flaming combustibles on the miners。

The brave Mendo de Quexada had cast many an anxious eye across the Vega in hopes of seeing some Christian force hastening to his assistance。  Not a gleam of spear or helm was to be descried; for no one had dreamt of this sudden irruption of the Moors。  The alcayde beheld his bravest men dead or wounded around him; while the remainder were sinking with watchfulness and fatigue。  In defiance of all opposition; the Moors had accomplished their mine; the fire was brought before the walls that was to be applied to the stanchions in case the garrison persisted in defence。  In a little while the tower would crumble beneath him; and be rent and hurled a ruin to the plain。  At the very last moment the brave alcayde made the signal of surrender。  He marched forth with the remnant of his veteran garrison; who were all made prisoners。  Boabdil immediately ordered the walls of the fortress to be razed and fire to be applied to the stanchions; that the place might never again become a stronghold to the Christians and a scourge to Granada。  The alcayde and his fellow…captives were led in dejected convoy across the Vega; when they heard a tremendous crash behind them。  They turned to look upon their late fortress; but beheld nothing but a heap of tumbling ruins and a vast column of smoke and dust where once had stood the lofty tower of Alhendin。



Boabdil el Chico followed up his success by capturing the two fortresses of Marchena and Albolodny; belonging to Cid Hiaya; he also sent his alfaquis in every direction to proclaim a holy war and to summon all true Moslems of town or castle; mountain or valley; to saddle steed and buckle on armor and hasten to the standard of the faith。  The tidings spread far and wide that Boabdil el Chico was once more in the field and was victorious。  The Moors of various places; dazzled by this gleam of success; hastened to throw off their sworn allegiance to the Castilian Crown and to elevate the standard of Boabdil; and the youthful monarch flattered himself that the whole kingdom was on the point of returning to its allegiance。

The fiery cavaliers of Granada; eager to renew those forays into the Christian lands in which they had formerly delighted; concerted an irruption to the north; into the territory of Jaen; to harass the country about Quezada。  They had heard of a rich convoy of merchants and wealthy travellers on the way to the city of Baza; and anticipated a glorious conclusion to their foray in capturing this convoy。

Assembling a number of horsemen; lightly armed and fleetly mounted; and one hundred foot…soldiers; they issued forth by night from Granada; made their way in silence through the defiles of the mountains; crossed the frontier without opposition; and suddenly appeared; as if fallen from the clouds; in the very heart of the Christian country。

The mountainous frontier which separates Granada from Jaen was at this time under the command of the count de Tendilla; the same veteran who had distinguished himself by his vigilance and sagacity when commanding the fortress of Alhama。  He held his head…quarters at the city of Alcala la Real; in its impregnable fortress perched high among the mountains; about six leagues from Granada; and dominating all the frontier。  From this cloud…capt hold he kept an eagle eye upon Granada; and had his scouts and spies in all directions; so that a crow could not fly over the border without his knowledge。 His fortress was a place of refuge for the Christian captives who escaped by night from the Moorish dungeons of Granada。  Often; however; they missed their way in the defiles of the mountains; and; wandering about bewildered; either repaired by mistake to some Moorish town or were discovered and retaken at daylight by the enemy。  To prevent these accidents; the count had a tower built at his own expense on the top of one of the heights near Alcala; which commanded a view of the Vega and the surrounding country。  Here he kept a light blazing throughout the night as a beacon for all Christian fugitives to guide them to a place of safety。

The count was aroused one night from his repose by shouts and cries which came up from the town and approached the castle walls。  〃To arms! to arms! the Moor is over the border!〃 was the cry。  A Christian soldier; pale and emaciated; who still bore traces of Moorish chains; was brought before the count。  He had been taken as guide by the Moorish cavaliers who had sallied from Granada; but had escaped from them among the mountains; and after much wandering had found his way to Alcala by the signal…fire。

Notwithstanding the bustle and agitation of the moment; the count de Tendilla listened calmly and attentively to the account of the fugitive; and questioned him minutely as to the time of departure of the Moors and the rapidity and direction of their march。  He saw that it was too late to prevent their incursion and ravage; but he determined to await them and give them a warm reception on their return。  His soldiers were always on the alert and ready to take the field at a moment's warning。  Choosing one hundred and fifty lances; hardy and valiant men; well disciplined and well seasonedas indeed were all his troopshe issued forth quietly before break of day; and; descending through the defiles of the mountains; stationed his little force in ambush in a deep barranca; or dry channel of a torrent near Barzina; but three leagues from Granada; on the road by which the marauders would have to return。  In the mean time he sent out scouts to post themselves upon different heights and look out for the approach of the enemy。

All day they remained concealed in the ravine and for a great part of the following night; not a Moor; however; was to be seen; excepting now and then a peasant returning from his labor or a solitary muleteer hastening toward Granada。  The cavaliers of the count began to grow restless and impatient; fearing that the enemy might have taken some other route or might have received intelligence of their ambuscade。  They urged the count to abandon the enterprise and return to Alcala。  〃We are here;〃 said they; 〃almost at the gates of the Moorish capital; our movements may have been descried; and before we are aware Granada may pour forth its legions of swift cavalry and crush us with an overwhelming force。〃  The count; however; persisted in remaining until his scouts should come in。  About two hours before daybreak there were signal…fires on certain Moorish watch…towers of the mountains。  While they were regarding these with anxiety the scouts came hurrying into the ravine。  〃The Moors are approaching;〃 said they; 〃we have reconnoitred them near at hand。  They are between one and two hundred strong; but encumbered with many prisoners and much booty。〃  The Christian cavaliers laid their ears to the ground and heard the distant tramp of horses and the tread of foot…soldiers。 They mounted their horses; braced their shields; couched their lances; and drew near to the entrance of the ravine where it opened upon the road。

The Moors had succeeded in waylaying and surprising the Christian convoy on its way to Baza。  They had captured a great number of prisoners; male and female; with great store of gold and jewels and sumpter mules laden with rich merchandise。  With these they had made a forced march over the dangerous parts of the mountains; but now; finding themselves so near to Granada; fancied themselves in perfect security。  They loitered along the road; therefore; irregularly and slowly; some singing; others laughing and exulting at having eluded the boasted vigilance of the count de Tendilla; while ever and anon was heard the plaint of some female captive bewailing the jeopardy of her honor or the heavy sighing of the merchant at beholding his property in the grasp of ruthless spoilers。

The count waited until some of the escort had passed the ravine; then; giving the signal for assault; his cavaliers set up great shouts and cries and charged into the centre of the foe。  The obscurity of the place and the hour added to the terrors of the surprise。  The Moors were thrown into confusion; some rallied; fought desperately; and fell covered with wounds。  Thirty…six were killed and fifty…five were made prisoners; the rest under cover of the darkness made their escape to the rocks and defiles of the mountains。

The good count unbound the prisoners; gladdening the hearts of the merchants by restoring to them their merchandise。  To the female captives also he restored the jewels of which they had been despoiled; excepting such as had been lost beyond recovery。 Forty…five saddle horses of the choice Barbary breed remained as captured spoils of the Moors; together with costly armor and booty of various kinds。  Having collected everything in haste and arranged his cavalgada; the count urged his way with all speed for Alcala la Real; lest he should be pursued and overtaken by the Moors of Granada。  As he wound up the steep ascent to his mountain…ci

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