chronicle of the conquest of granada-第5节
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The Moorish inhabitants looked jealously at this small but proud array of Spanish chivalry; as it paraded; with that stateliness possessed only by Spanish cavaliers; through the renowned gate of Elvira。 They were struck with the stern and lofty demeanor of Don Juan de Vera and his sinewy frame; which showed him formed for hardy deeds of arms; and they supposed he had come in search of distinction by defying the Moorish knights in open tourney or in the famous tilt with reeds for which they were so renowned; for it was still the custom of the knights of either nation to mingle in these courteous and chivalrous contests during the intervals of war。 When they learnt; however; that he was come to demand the tribute so abhorrent to the ears of the fiery monarch; they observed that it well required a warrior of his apparent nerve to execute such an embassy。
Muley Abul Hassan received the cavalier in state; seated on a magnificent divan and surrounded by the officers of his court; in the Hall of Ambassadors; one of the most sumptuous apartments of the Alhambra。 When De Vera had delivered his message; a haughty and bitter smile curled the lip of the fierce monarch。 〃Tell your sovereigns;〃 said he; 〃that the kings of Granada; who used to pay tribute in money to the Castilian crown; are dead。 Our mint at present coins nothing but blades of scimetars and heads of lances。〃*
*Garibay; 1。 40; c。 29; Conde; Hist。 Arab。; p。 4; c。 34。
The defiance couched in this proud reply was heard with secret satisfaction by Don Juan de Vera; for he was a bold soldier and a devout hater of the infidels; and he saw iron war in the words of the Moorish monarch。 Being master; however; of all points of etiquette; he retained an inflexible demeanor; and retired from the apartment with stately and ceremonious gravity。 His treatment was suited to his rank and dignity: a magnificent apartment in the Alhambra was assigned to him; and before his departure a scimetar was sent to him by the king; the blade of the finest Damascus steel; the hilt of agate enriched with precious stones; and the guard of gold。 De Vera drew it; and smiled grimly as he noticed the admirable temper of the blade。 〃His Majesty has given me a trenchant weapon;〃 said he: 〃I trust a time will come when I may show him that I know how to use his royal present。〃 The reply was considered a compliment; of course: the bystanders little knew the bitter hostility that lay couched beneath。
On his return to Cordova; Don Juan de Vera delivered the reply of the Moor; but at the same time reported the state of his territories。 These had been strengthened and augmented during the weak reign of Henry IV。 and the recent troubles of Castile。 Many cities and strong places contiguous to Granada; but heretofore conquered by the Christians; had renewed their allegiance to Muley Abul Hassan; so that his kingdom now contained fourteen cities; ninety…seven fortified places; besides numerous unwalled towns and villages defended by formidable castles; while Granada towered in the centre as the citadel。
The wary Ferdinand; as he listened to the military report of Don Juan de Vera; saw that the present was no time for hostilities with a warrior kingdom so bristled over with means of defence。 The internal discords of Castile still continued; as did the war with Portugal: under these circumstances he forbore to insist upon the payment of tribute; and tacitly permitted the truce to continue; but the defiance contained in the reply of Muley Abul Hassan remained rankling in his bosom as a future ground of war; and De Vera's description of Granada as the centre of a system of strongholds and rock…built castles suggested to him his plan of conquestby taking town after town and fortress after fortress; and gradually plucking away all the supports before he attempted the capital。 He expressed his resolution in a memorable pun or play upon the name of Granada; which signifies a pomegranate。 〃I will pick out the seeds of this pomegranate one by one;〃 said the cool and crafty Ferdinand。
NOTE。In the first edition of this work the author recounted a characteristic adventure of the stout Juan de Vera as happening on the occasion of this embassy; a further consultation of historical authorities has induced him to transfer it to a second embassy of De Vera's; which the reader will find related in a subsequent chapter。
Though Muley Abul Hassan was at peace in his external relations; a civil war raged in his harem; which it is proper to notice; as it had a fatal effect upon the fortunes of the kingdom。 Though cruel by nature; he was uxorious and somewhat prone to be managed by his wives。 Early in life he had married his kinswoman; Ayxa (or Ayesha); daughter of his great…uncle; the sultan Mohammed VII。; surnamed El Hayzari; or the Left…handed。 She was a woman of almost masculine spirit and energy; and of such immaculate and inaccessible virtue that she was generally called La Horra; or the Chaste。 By her he had a son; Abu Abdallah; or; as he is commonly named by historians; Boabdil。 The court astrologers; according to custom; cast the horoscope of the infant; but were seized with fear and trembling as they regarded it。 〃Allah Akbar! God is great!〃 exclaimed they; 〃he alone controls the fate of empires。 It is written in the book of fate that this child will one day sit upon the throne; but that the downfall of the kingdom will be accomplished during his reign。〃 From that time the prince had been regarded with aversion by his father; and the prediction which hung over him and the persecutions to which he became subjected procured him the surname of El Zogoybi; or the Unfortunate。 He grew up; however; under the protection of his valiant…hearted mother; who by the energy of her character long maintained an undisputed sway in the harem; until; as her youth passed away and her beauty declined; a formidable rival arose。
In one of the forays of the Moorish chivalry into the Christian territories they had surprised a frontier fortress commanded by Sancho Ximenes de Solis; a noble and valiant cavalier; who fell in bravely defending it。 Among the captives was his daughter Isabella; then almost in her infancy; who was brought to Granada; delicately raised; and educated in the Moslem faith。* Her Moorish captors gave her the name of Fatima; but as she grew up her surpassing beauty gained her the surname of Zoraya; or the Morning Star; by which she has become known in history。 Her charms at length attracted the notice of Muley Abul Hassan; and she soon became a member of his harem。 Some have spoken of her as a Christian slave whom he had made his concubine; but others; with more truth; represent her as one of his wives; and ultimately his favorite sultana; and indeed it was often the case that female captives of rank and beauty; when converted to the faith of Islam; became united to the proudest and loftiest of their captors。
*Cronica del Gran Cardinal; cap。 71。
Zoraya soon acquired complete ascendancy over the mind of Muley Abul Hassan。 She was as ambitious as she was beautiful; and; having become the mother of two sons; looked forward to the possibility of one of them sitting on the throne of Granada。 These ambitious views were encouraged; if not suggested; by a faction which gathered round her inspired by kindred sympathies。 The king's vizier; Abul Cacim Vanegas; who had great influence over him; was; like Zoraya; of Christian descent; being of the noble house of Luque。 His father; one of the Vanegas of Cordova; had been captured in infancy and brought up as a Moslem。* From him sprang the vizier; Abul Cacim Vanegas; and his brother; Reduan Vanegas; likewise high in rank in the court of Muley Abul Hassan; and they had about them numerous and powerful connections; all basking in court favor。 Though Moslems in faith; they were all drawn to Zoraya by the tie of foreign and Christian descent; and sought to elevate her and her children to the disparagement of Ayxa la Horra and her son Boabdil。 The latter; on the other hand; were supported by the noble and once…potent family of the Abencerrages and by Aben Comixa; alcayde of the Alhambra; and between these two factions; headed by rival sultanas; the harem of Muley Abul Hassan became the scene of inveterate jealousies and intrigues; which in time; as will be shown; led to popular commotions and civil wars。**
*Cura de los Palacios; Hist。 de los Reyes Catol。; cap。 56。
**It is to be noted that several historians have erroneously represented Zoraya as the mother of Boabdil; instead of Ayxa la Horra; and the Abencerrages as the opponents of Boabdil; instead of his strenuous adherents。 The statement in the text is according to the most reliable authorities。
While these female feuds were threatening Muley Abul Hassan with trouble and disaster at home; his evil genius prompted him to an enterprise which involved him in tenfold danger from abroad。 The reader has already been apprised of a singular clause in the truce existing between the Ch