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chronicle of the conquest of granada-第41节

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oic drama; where the curtain rises to the inspiring sound of martial melody and the whole stage glitters with the array of warriors and the pomp of arms。  The ancient city of Cordova was the place appointed by the sovereigns for the assemblage of the troops; and early in the spring of 1486 the fair valley of the Guadalquivir resounded with the shrill blast of trumpet and the impatient neighing of the war…horse。  In this splendid era of Spanish chivalry there was a rivalship among the nobles who most should distinguish himself by the splendor of his appearance and the number and equipments of his feudal followers。 Every day beheld some cavalier of note; the representative of some proud and powerful house; entering the gates of Cordova with sound of trumpet; and displaying his banner and device renowned in many a contest。  He would appear in sumptuous array; surrounded by pages and lackeys no less gorgeously attired; and followed by a host of vassals and retainers; horse and foot; all admirably equipped in burnished armor。

Such was the state of Don Inigo Lopez de Mendoza; duke of Infantado; who may be cited as a picture of a warlike noble of those times。  He brought with him five hundred men…at…arms of his household armed and mounted 〃a la gineta〃 and 〃a la guisa。〃  The cavaliers who attended him were magnificently armed and dressed。  The housings of fifty of his horses were of rich cloth embroidered with gold; and others were of brocade。  The sumpter mules had housings of the same; with halters of silk; while the bridles; head…pieces; and all the harnessing glittered with silver。

The camp equipage of these noble and luxurious warriors was equally magnificent。  Their tents were gay pavilions of various colors; fitted up with silken hangings and decorated with fluttering pennons。  They had vessels of gold and silver for the service of their tables; as if they were about to engage in a course of stately feasts and courtly revels; instead of the stern encounters of rugged and mountainous warfare。 Sometimes they passed through the streets of Cordova at night in splendid cavalcade; with great numbers of lighted torches; the rays of which; falling upon polished armor and nodding plumes and silken scarfs and trappings of golden embroidery; filled all beholders with admiration。*

*Pulgar; part 3; cap。 41; 56。

But it was not the chivalry of Spain alone which thronged the streets of Cordova。  The fame of this war had spread throughout Christendom: it was considered a kind of crusade; and Catholic knights from all parts hastened to signalize themselves in so holy a cause。  There were several valiant chevaliers from France; among whom the most distinguished was Gaston du Leon; seneschal of Toulouse。  With him came a gallant train; well armed and mounted and decorated with rich surcoats and panaches of feathers。  These cavaliers; it is said; eclipsed all others in the light festivities of the court: they were devoted to the fair; but not after the solemn and passionate manner of the Spanish lovers; they were gay; gallant; and joyous in their amours; and captivated by the vivacity of their attacks。  They were at first held in light estimation by the grave and stately Spanish knights until they made themselves to be respected by their wonderful prowess in the field。 

The most conspicuous of the volunteers; however; who appeared in Cordova on this occasion was an English knight of royal connection。 This was the Lord Scales; earl of Rivers; brother to the queen of England; wife of Henry VII。  He had distinguished himself in the preceding year at the battle of Bosworth Field; where Henry Tudor; then earl of Richmond; overcame Richard III。  That decisive battle having left the country at peace; the earl of Rivers; having conceived a passion for warlike scenes; repaired to the Castilian court to keep his arms in exercise in a campaign against the Moors。  He brought with him a hundred archers; all dextrous with the longbow and the cloth…yard arrow; also two hundred yeomen; armed cap…a…pie; who fought with pike and battle…axemen robust of frame and of prodigious strength。  The worthy padre Fray Antonio Agapida describes this stranger knight and his followers with his accustomed accuracy and minuteness。

〃This cavalier;〃 he observes; 〃was from the far island of England; and brought with him a train of his vassals; men who had been hardened in certain civil wars which raged in their country。  They were a comely race of men; but too fair and fresh for warriors; not having the sunburnt; warlike hue of our old Castilian soldiery。 They were huge feeders also and deep carousers; and could not accommodate themselves to the sober diet of our troops; but must fain eat and drink after the manner of their own country。  They were often noisy and unruly also in their wassail; and their quarter of the camp was prone to be a scene of loud revel and sudden brawl。 They were; withal; of great pride; yet it was not like our inflammable Spanish pride: they stood not much upon the 〃pundonor;〃 the high punctilio; and rarely drew the stiletto in their disputes; but their pride was silent and contumelious。  Though from a remote and somewhat barbarous island; they believed themselves the most perfect men upon earth; and magnified their chieftain; the Lord Scales; beyond the greatest of their grandees。  With all this; it must be said of them that they were marvellous good men in the field; dextrous archers and powerful with the battle…axe。  In their great pride and self…will they always sought to press in the advance and take the post of danger; trying to outvie our Spanish chivalry。 They did not rush on fiercely to the fight; nor make a brilliant onset like the Moorish and Spanish troops; but they went into the fight deliberately and persisted obstinately and were slow to find out when they were beaten。  Withal; they were much esteemed; yet little liked; by our soldiery; who considered them stanch companions in the field; yet coveted but little fellowship with them in the camp。

〃Their commander; Lord Scales; was an accomplished cavalier; of gracious and noble presence and fair speech: it was a marvel to see so much courtesy in a knight brought up so far from our Castilian court。  He was much honored by the king and queen; and found great favor with the fair dames about the court; who; indeed; are rather prone to be pleased with foreign cavaliers。  He went always in costly state; attended by pages and esquires; and accompanied by noble young cavaliers of his country; who had enrolled themselves under his banner to learn the gentle exercise of arms。  In all pageants and festivals the eyes of the populace were attracted by the singular bearing and rich array of the English earl and his train; who prided themselves in always appearing in the garb and manner of their country; and were; indeed; something very magnificent; delectable; and strange to behold。〃

The worthy chronicler is no less elaborate in his description of the masters of Santiago; Calatrava; and Alcantara and their valiant knights; armed at all points and decorated with the badges of their orders。  These; he affirms; were the flower of Christian chivalry: being constantly in service; they became more steadfast and accomplished in discipline than the irregular and temporary levies of the feudal nobles。  Calm; solemn; and stately; they sat like towers upon their powerful chargers。  On parades they manifested none of the show and ostentation of the other troops; neither in battle did they endeavor to signalize themselves by any fiery vivacity or desperate and vainglorious exploit: everything with them was measured and sedate; yet it was observed that none were more warlike in their appearance in the camp or more terrible for their achievements in the field。

The gorgeous magnificence of the Spanish nobles found but little favor in the eyes of the sovereigns。  They saw that it caused a competition in expense ruinous to cavaliers of moderate fortune; and they feared that a softness and effeminacy might thus be introduced incompatible with the stern nature of the war。  They signified their disapprobation to several of the principal noblemen; and recommended a more sober and soldier…like display while in actual service。

〃These are rare troops for a tourney; my lord;〃 said Ferdinand to the duke of Infantado as he beheld his retainers glittering in gold and embroidery; 〃but gold; though gorgeous; is soft and yielding: iron is the metal for the field。〃

〃Sire;〃 replied the duke; 〃if my men parade in gold; Your Majesty will find they fight with steel。〃  The king smiled; but shook his head; and the duke treasured up his speech in his heart。

It remains now to reveal the immediate object of this mighty and chivalrous preparation; which had; in fact; the gratification of a royal pique at bottom。  The severe lesson which Ferdinand had received from the veteran Ali Atar before the walls of Loxa; though it had been of great service in rendering him wary in his attacks upon fortified places; yet rankled sorely in his mind; and he had ever since held Loxa in peculiar odium。  It was; in truth; one of the most belligerent and troublesome cities on the borders; incessantly harassing Andalusia by its incursions。  It al

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