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the man who was thursday-第25节

小说: the man who was thursday 字数: 每页4000字

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 armies and police。〃

〃Mere mobs!〃 repeated his new friend with a snort of scorn。 〃So you talk about mobs and the working classes as if they were the question。 You've got that eternal idiotic idea that if anarchy came it would come from the poor。 Why should it? The poor have been rebels; but they have never been anarchists; they have more interest than anyone else in there being some decent government。 The poor man really has a stake in the country。 The rich man hasn't; he can go away to New Guinea in a yacht。 The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all。 Aristocrats were always anarchists; as you can see from the barons' wars。〃

〃As a lecture on English history for the little ones;〃 said Syme; 〃this is all very nice; but I have not yet grasped its application。〃

〃Its application is;〃 said his informant; 〃that most of old Sunday's right…hand men are South African and American millionaires。 That is why he has got hold of all the communications; and that is why the last four champions of the anti…anarchist police force are running through a wood like rabbits。〃

〃Millionaires I can understand;〃 said Syme thoughtfully; 〃they are nearly all mad。 But getting hold of a few wicked old gentlemen with hobbies is one thing; getting hold of great Christian nations is another。 I would bet the nose off my face (forgive the allusion) that Sunday would stand perfectly helpless before the task of converting any ordinary healthy person anywhere。〃

〃Well;〃 said the other; 〃it rather depends what sort of person you mean。〃

〃Well; for instance;〃 said Syme; 〃he could never convert that person;〃 and he pointed straight in front of him。

They had come to an open space of sunlight; which seemed to express to Syme the final return of his own good sense; and in the middle of this forest clearing was a figure that might well stand for that common sense in an almost awful actuality。 Burnt by the sun and stained with perspiration; and grave with the bottomless gravity of small necessary toils; a heavy French peasant was cutting wood with a hatchet。 His cart stood a few yards off; already half full of timber; and the horse that cropped the grass was; like his master; valorous but not desperate; like his master; he was even prosperous; but yet was almost sad。 The man was a Norman; taller than the average of the French and very angular; and his swarthy figure stood dark against a square of sunlight; almost like some allegoric figure of labour frescoed on a ground of gold。

〃Mr。 Syme is saying;〃 called out Ratcliffe to the French Colonel; 〃that this man; at least; will never be an anarchist。〃

〃Mr。 Syme is right enough there;〃 answered Colonel Ducroix; laughing; 〃if only for the reason that he has plenty of property to defend。 But I forgot that in your country you are not used to peasants being wealthy。〃

〃He looks poor;〃 said Dr。 Bull doubtfully。

〃Quite so;〃 said the Colonel; 〃that is why he is rich。〃

〃I have an idea;〃 called out Dr。 Bull suddenly; 〃how much would he take to give us a lift in his cart? Those dogs are all on foot; and we could soon leave them behind。〃

〃Oh; give him anything!〃 said Syme eagerly。 〃I have piles of money on me。〃

〃That will never do;〃 said the Colonel; 〃he will never have any respect for you unless you drive a bargain。〃

〃Oh; if he haggles!〃 began Bull impatiently。

〃Erie haggles because he is a free man;〃 said the other。 〃You do not understand; he would not see the meaning of generosity。 He is not being tipped。〃

And even while they seemed to hear the heavy feet of their strange pursuers behind them; they had to stand and stamp while the French Colonel talked to the French wood…cutter with all the leisurely badinage and bickering of market…day。 At the end of the four minutes; however; they saw that the Colonel was right; for the wood…cutter entered into their plans; not with the vague servility of a tout too…well paid; but with the seriousness of a solicitor who had been paid the proper fee。 He told them that the best thing they could do was to make their way down to the little inn on the hills above Lancy; where the innkeeper; an old soldier who had become devot in his latter years; would be certain to sympathise with them; and even to take risks in their support。 The whole company; therefore; piled themselves on top of the stacks of wood; and went rocking in the rude cart down the other and steeper side of the woodland。 Heavy and ramshackle as was the vehicle; it was driven quickly enough; and they soon had the exhilarating impression of distancing altogether those; whoever they were; who were hunting them。 For; after all; the riddle as to where the anarchists had got all these followers was still unsolved。 One man's presence had sufficed for them; they had fled at the first sight of the deformed smile of the Secretary。 Syme every now and then looked back over his shoulder at the army on their track。

As the wood grew first thinner and then smaller with distance; he could see the sunlit slopes beyond it and above it; and across these was still moving the square black mob like one monstrous beetle。 In the very strong sunlight and with his own very strong eyes; which were almost telescopic; Syme could see this mass of men quite plainly。 He could see them as separate human figures; but he was increasingly surprised by the way in which they moved as one man。 They seemed to be dressed in dark clothes and plain hats; like any common crowd out of the streets; but they did not spread and sprawl and trail by various lines to the attack; as would be natural in an ordinary mob。 They moved with a sort of dreadful and wicked woodenness; like a staring army of automatons。

Syme pointed this out to Ratcliffe。

〃Yes;〃 replied the policeman; 〃that's discipline。 That's Sunday。 He is perhaps five hundred miles off; but the fear of him is on all of them; like the finger of God。 Yes; they are walking regularly; and you bet your boots that they are talking regularly; yes; and thinking regularly。 But the one important thing for us is that they are disappearing regularly。〃

Syme nodded。 It was true that the black patch of the pursuing men was growing smaller and smaller as the peasant belaboured his horse。

The level of the sunlit landscape; though flat as a whole; fell away on the farther side of the wood in billows of heavy slope towards the sea; in a way not unlike the lower slopes of the Sussex downs。 The only difference was that in Sussex the road would have been broken and angular like a little brook; but here the white French road fell sheer in front of them like a waterfall。 Down this direct descent the cart clattered at a considerable angle; and in a few minutes; the road growing yet steeper; they saw below them the little harbour of Lancy and a great blue arc of the sea。 The travelling cloud of their enemies had wholly disappeared from the horizon。

The horse and cart took a sharp turn round a clump of elms; and the horse's nose nearly struck the face of an old gentleman who was sitting on the benches outside the little cafe of 〃Le Soleil d'Or。〃 The peasant grunted an apology; and got down from his seat。 The others also descended one by one; and spoke to the old gentleman with fragmentary phrases of courtesy; for it was quite evident from his expansive manner that he was the owner of the little tavern。

He was a white…haired; apple…faced old boy; with sleepy eyes and a grey moustache; stout; sedentary; and very innocent; of a type that may often be found in France; but is still commoner in Catholic Germany。 Everything about him; his pipe; his pot of beer; his flowers; and his beehive; suggested an ancestral peace; only when his visitors looked up as they entered the inn…parlour; they saw the sword upon the wall。

The Colonel; who greeted the innkeeper as an old friend; passed rapidly into the inn…parlour; and sat down ordering some ritual refreshment。 The military decision of his action interested Syme; who sat next to him; and he took the opportunity when the old innkeeper had gone out of satisfying his curiosity。

〃May I ask you; Colonel;〃 he said in a low voice; 〃why we have come here?〃

Colonel Ducroix smiled behind his bristly white moustache。

〃For two reasons; sir;〃 he said; 〃and I will give first; not the most important; but the most utilitarian。 We came here because this is the only place within twenty miles in which we can get horses。〃

〃Horses!〃 repeated Syme; looking up quickly。

〃Yes;〃 replied the other; 〃if you people are really to distance your enemies it is horses or nothing for you; unless of course you have bicycles and motor…cars in your pocket。〃

〃And where do you advise us to make for?〃 asked Syme doubtfully。

〃Beyond question;〃 replied the Colonel; 〃you had better make all haste to the police station beyond the town。 My friend; whom I seconded under somewhat deceptive circumstances; seems to me to exaggerate very much the possibilities of a general rising; but even he would hardly maintain; I suppose; that you were not safe with the gendarmes。〃

Syme nodded gravely; then he said abruptly

〃And your other reason for coming here?〃

〃My other reason for coming here;〃 said Ducroix soberly; 〃is tha

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