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ch that my master was renowned throughout all the Country by reason of mee。  For every man would say此Behold the Gentleman that hath an Asse察that will eate and drinke with him察that will dance察and understand what is said to him察will shew his fantasie by signes。  But first I will tell you which I should have done before who my master was察and of what country。  His name was Thiasus察hee was borne at Corinth察which is a principall towne of Achaia察and he had passed many offices of honor察till hee had taken upon him the degree Quinquenuall察according as his birth and dignity required察who to shew his worthinesse察and to purchase the benevolence of every person察appointed publike joyes and triumphs察to endure the space of three dayes察and to bring his endeavour to passe察he came into Thessaly to buy excellent Beasts察and valiant fighters for the purpose。


How a certaine Matron fell in love with Apuleius察how hee had his pleasure with her察and what other things happened。

When he had bought such things as was necessary察he would not returne home into his Countrey in Chariots察or waggon察neither would he ride upon Thessalian Horses察or Jenets of France察or Spanish Mules察which be most excellent as can be found察but caused me to be garnished and trimmed with trappers and barbs of Gold察with brave harnesse察with purple coverings察with a bridle of silver察with pictured cloths察and with shrilling bells察and in this manner he rode upon me lovingly察speaking and intreating me with gentle words察but above all things he did greatly rejoyce in that I was his Servant to beare him upon my backe察and his Companion to feed with him at the Table 此After long time when we had travelled as well by Sea as Land察and fortuned to arrive at Corinth察the people of the Towne came about us on every side察not so much to doe honour to Thiasus察as to see me 此For my fame was so greatly spread there察that I gained my master much money察and when the people was desirous to see me play prankes察they caused the Gates to be shut察and such as entered in should pay money察by meanes whereof I was a profitable companion to them every day 此There fortuned to be amongst the Assembly a noble and rich Matron that conceived much delight to behold me察and could find no remedy to her passions and disordinate appetite察but continually desired to have her pleasure with me察as Pasiphae had with a Bull。  In the end she promised a great reward to my keeper for the custody of me one night察who for gaine of a little money accorded to her desire察and when I had supped in a Parler with my Master察we departed away and went into our Chamber察where we found the faire Matron察who had tarried a great space for our comming 此I am not able to recite unto you how all things were prepared 此there were foure Eunuches that lay on a bed of downe on the ground with Boulsters accordingly for us to lye on察the Coverlet was of cloth of Gold察and the pillowes soft and tender察whereon the delicate Matron had accustomed to lay her head。  Then the Eunuches not minding to delay any longer the pleasure of their Mistresse closed the doores of the Chamber and departed away此within the Chamber were Lamps that gave a cleare light all the place over 此Then she put off all her Garments to her naked skinne察and taking the Lampe that stood next to her察began to annoint all her body with balme察and mine likewise察but especially my nose察which done察she kissed me察not as they accustome to doe at the stews察or in brothel houses察or in the Curtain Schools for gaine of money察but purely察sincerely察and with great affection察casting out these and like loving words 此Thou art he whom I love察thou art he whom I onely desire察without thee I cannot live察and other like preamble of talke as women can use well enough察when as they mind to shew or declare their burning passions and great affection of love此Then she tooke me by the halter and cast me downe upon the bed察which was nothing strange unto me察considering that she was so beautifull a Matron and I so wel bolded out with wine察and perfumed with balme察whereby I was readily prepared for the purpose此But nothing grieved me so much as to think察how I should with my huge and great legs imbrace so faire a Matron察or how I should touch her fine察dainty察and silken skinne察with my hard hoofes察or how it was possible to kisse her soft察pretty and ruddy lips察with my monstrous mouth and stony teeth察or how she察who was young and tender察could be able to receive me。

And I verily thought察if I should hurt the woman by any kind of meane察I should be throwne to the wild Beasts 此But in the meane season she kissed me察and looked in my mouth with burning eyes察saying 此I hold thee my canny察I hold thee my noose察my sparrow察and therewithall she eftsoones imbraced my body round about察and had her pleasure with me察whereby I thought the mother of Miniatures did not ceaseless quench her inordinate desire with a Bull。  When night was passed察with much joy and small sleepe察the Matron went before day to my keeper to bargain with him another night察which he willingly granted察partly for gaine of money察and partly to finde new pastime for my master。  Who after he was informed of all the history of my luxury察was right glad察and rewarded my keeper well for his paine察minding to shew before the face of all the people察what I could doe 此but because they would not suffer the Matron to abide such shame察by reason of her dignity察and because they could finde no other that would endeavour so great a reproach察at length they obtained for money a poore woman察which was condemned to be eaten of wilde beasts察with whom I should openly have to doe 此But first I will tell you what tale I heard concerning this woman。  This woman had a husband察whose father minding to ride forth察commanded his wife which he left at home great with child察that if she were delivered of a daughter察it should incontinently be killed。  When the time of her delivery came察it fortuned that she had a daughter察whom she would not suffer to be slaine察by reason of the naturall affection which she hare unto her child察but secretly committed her to one of her neighbours to nurse。  And when her husband returned home察shee declared unto him that shee was delivered of a daughter察whom as hee commanded察shee had caused to be put to death。  But when this child came to age察and ready to be married察the mother knew not by what meanes shee should endow her daughter察but that her husband should understand and perceive it。  Wherefore shee discovered the matter to her sonne察who was the husband of this woman察condemned to be eaten of wild beasts 此For shee greatly feared least hee should unawares fancie or fall in love with his owne sister。  The young man understanding the whole matter to please and gratify his mother went immediately to the young maiden察keeping the matter secret in his heart察for feare of inconvenience察and lamenting to see his sister forsaken both of mother and father incontinently after endowed her with part of his owne goods察and would have married her to one of his especial and trusty friends 此But although hee brought this to passe very secretly and sagely察yet in the end cruell fortune sowed great sedition in his house。  For his wife who was now condemned to beasts察waxed jealous of her husband and began to suspect the young woman as a harlot and common queane察insomuch that shee invented all manner of meanes to dispatch her out of the way。  And in the end shee invented this kind of mischiefe 此She privily stale away her husbands ring察and went into the country察whereas she commanded one of her trusty servants to take the ring and carry it to the mayden。  To whom he should declare that her brother did pray her to come into the country to him察and that she should come alone without any person。  And to the end shee should not delay but come with all speed he should deliver her the ring察which should be a sufficient testimony of the message。  This mayden as soone as she had received the ring of her brother察being very willing and desirous to obey his commandement 此。For she knew no otherwise but that he had sent for her went in all hast as the messenger willed her to doe。 But when she was come to the snare and engine which was prepared for her察the mischievous woman察like one that were mad察and possessed with some ill spirit察when the poore maiden called for helpe with a loud voyce to her brother察the wicked harlot weening that she had invented and feined the matter tooke a burning firebrand and thrust it into her secret place察whereby she died miserably。  The husband of this maiden but especially her brother察advertised of her death察came to the place where she was slain察and after great lamentation and weeping察they caused her to be buried honourably。  This yong man her brother taking in ill part the miserable death of his sister察as it was convenient he should察conceived so great dolour within his mind and was strucken with so pestilent fury of bitter anguish察that he fell into the burning passions of a dangerous ague察whereby he seemed in such necessity察that he needed to have some speedy remedy to save his life。  The woman that slew the Maiden having lost the name of wife toge

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