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the golden asse-及41准

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 which is culpable察should escape so easily察and after mocke and flowte at your judgement此for I will give you an evident proofe and argument of this present crime。 You shall understand察that when this caytiffe demanded of me a present and strong poyson察considering that it was not my part to give occasion of any others death察but rather to cure and save sicke persons by meane of medicines 此and on the other side察fearing least if I should deny his request察I might minister a further cause of his mischiefe察either that he would buy poyson of some other察or else returne and worke his wicked intent察with a sword or some dangerous weapon察I gave him no poyson察but a doling drinke of Mandragora察which is of such force察that it will cause any man to sleepe as though he were dead。  Neither is it any marvaile if this most desperate man察who is certainly assured to be put to death察ordained by an ancient custome察can suffer and abide these facill and easie torments察but if it be so that the child hath received the drinke as I tempered it with mine owne hands察he is yet alive and doth but sleepe察and after his sleepe he shall returne to life againe察but if he be dead indeed察then may you further enquire of the causes of his death。 The opinion of this ancient Physitian was found good察and every man had a desire to goe to the Sepulchre where the child was layd察there was none of the Justices察none of any  reputation of the towne察nor any of the common people察but went to see this strange sight。  Amongst them all the father of the child remooved with his owne hands the stone of the Sepulchre察and found his Sonne rising up after his dead and soporiferous sleepe察whom when he beheld察he imbraced him in his armes察and presented him before the people察with great joy and consolation察and as he was wrapped and bound in his grave察so he brought him before the Judges察whereupon the wickednesse of the Servant察and察the treason of the stepdame was plainely discovered察and the verity of the matter revealed察whereby the woman was perpetually exiled察the Servant hanged on a Gallowes察and the Physitian had the Crownes察which was prepared to buy the poyson。 Behold how the fortune of the old man was changed察who thinking to be deprived of all his race and posterity察was in one moment made the Father of two Children。  But as for me察I was ruled and handled by fortune察according to her pleasure。


How Apuleius was sold to two brethren察whereof one was a Baker察and the other a Cooke察and how finely and daintily he fared。

 THE Souldier that payed never a peny for me察by the commandement of his Captaine was sent unto Rome察to cary Letters to the great Prince察and Generall of the Campe。  Before he went察he sold me for eleven pence to two of his Companions察being Servants to a man of worship察whereof one was a Baker that baked sweet bread and delicates察the other a Cooke察which dressed fine and excellent meats for his Master。  These two lived in common察and would drive me from place to place察to carry such things as was necessary察insomuch that I was received by these two察as a third Brother察and Companion察and I thought I was never better placed察then with them 此for when night came that Supper was done察and their businesse ended察they would bring many good morsels into their Chamber for themselves。  One would bring Pigs察Chickens察fish察and other good meates察the other fine bread察pasties察tarts察custards and other delicate Junkets dipped in hony。 And when they had shut their chamber doore察and went to the bains 此。O Lord how I would fill my guts with these goodly dishes 此neither was I so much a foole察or so very an Asse察to leave the dainty meats察and to grind my teeth upon hard hay。 In this sort I continued a great space察for I played the honest Asse察taking but a little of one dish察and a little of another察wherby no man distrusted me。  In the end察I was more hardier and began to devoure the whole messes of the sweet delicates察which caused the Baker and the Cooke to suspect察howbeit they nothing mistrusted me察but searched about to apprehend the theefe。 At length they began to accuse one another of theft察and to set the dishes and morsels of meat in order察one by another察because they would learne what was taken away察whereby one of them was compelled to say thus to his fellow 此Is it reason to breake promise and faith in this sort察by stealing away the best meat察and to sell it to augment thy good察and yet neverthelesse to have thy part in the residue that is left 此if our partnership doe mislike thee察we will be partners and brothers in other things察but in this we will breake of 此for I perceive that the great losse which I sustain察will at length be a cause of great discord betweene us。 Then answered the other察Verily I praise thy great constancy and subtilnesse察in that when thou hast secretly taken away the meat thouАdost begin to complaine first察whereas I by long space of time have suffered thee察because I would not seeme to accuse my brother of theft察but I am right glad in that wee are fallen into communication of the matter察least by our silence察like contention might arise betweene us察as fortuned betweene Eteocles and his Brother。  When they had reasoned together in this sort察they swore both earnestly察that neither of them stale or tooke away any jote of the meate察wherefore they concluded to search out the Theefe by all kind of meanes。  For they could not imagin or thinke察the Asse who stood alone there察would eate any such meates察neither could they thinke that Mice or Flyes察were so ravenous察as to devouer whole dishes of meat察like the Birds Harpies which carried away the meates of Phineus the King of Archadia。 In the Meane season while I was fed with dainty morsels察I gathered together my flesh察my skin waxed soft察my haire began to shine察and was gallant on every part察but such faire and comely shape of my body察was cause of my dishonour察for the Baker and Cooke marvelled to see me so slick and fine察considering I did eate no hay at all。 Wherefore on a time at their accustomed houre察they went to the baines察and locked their chamber doore。  It fortuned that ere they departed away察they espyed me through a hole察how I fell roundly to my victuals此then they marvelled greatly察and little esteemed the losse of their meate察laughed exceedingly察calling the servants of the house察to shew them the greedy gorge and appetite of the Asse。 Their laughing was so immoderate that the master of the house heard them察and demanded the cause of their laughter察and when hee understood all the matter察hee looked through the hole likewise察wherewith he took such a delectation that hee commanded the doore to be opened察that hee might see mee at his pleasure。 Then I perceiving every man laugh察was nothing abashed察but rather more bold察whereby I never rested eating察till such time as the master of the house commanded me to be brought into his parler as a novelty察and there caused all kinds of meates which were never touched to be set on the table察which although I had eaten sufficiently before察yet to win the further favour of the master of the house I did greedily devoure and made a cleane riddance of all the delicate meates。 And to prove my nature wholly察they gave met such meates as every Asse doth abhorre此for they put before mee beefe and vinegar察birds and pepper察fish and verjuice此in the meane season they that beheld met at the table did nothing but laugh。 Then one of the servants of the house sayd to his master察I pray you sir give him some drinke to his supper此Marry quoth hee I thinke thou saist true察for it may be察that to his meate hee would drinke likewise a cup of wine。 Hoe boy察wash yonder pot察and fill it with wine察which done察carry it to the Asse察and say that I have drunke to him。 Then all the standers by looked on察to see what would come to passe 此but I as soone as I beheld the cup staied not long察but gathering my lips together察supped up all the wine at one draught。  The master being right joyfull hereat caused the Baker and Cooke which had bought me察to come before him察to whom he delivered foure times as much for me察as they paid察which done he committed me to one of his rich Libertines察and charged him to looke well to me察and that I should lacke nothing察who obeied his masters commandement in every point 此and to the end he would creepe further into his favour察he taught me a thousand qualities。  First he instructed me to sit at the table upon my taile察and how I should leape and dance察holding up my former feete此moreover hee taught me how I should answer when any body spake unto me察with nodding my head察which was a strange and marvailous thing察and if I did lacke drinke察I should looke still upon the pot。  All which things I did willingly bring to passe察and obeyed his doctrine 此howbeit察I could have done all these things without his teaching察but I feared greatly lest in shewing my selfe cunning without a master察I should pretend some great and strange wonder察and thereby be throwne out to wild beasts。  But my fame was spred about in every place察and the qualities which I could doe察insomuch that my master was renowned throughout all the Country by reason of mee。  For every man would say

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