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the golden asse-及40准

弌傍 the golden asse 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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 he to rid himselfe entirely from her hands察would find alwayes excuses察till in the end she understood by the messengers that came in and out察that he nothing regarded her。  Then she by how much she loved him before察by so much and more she hated him now。 And by and by she called one of her servants察ready to all mischiefes 此To whom she declared all her secrets。  And there it was concluded betweene them two察that the surest way was to kill the young man 此Whereupon this varlet went incontinently to buy poyson察which he mingled with wine察to the intent he would give it to the young man to drinke察and thereby presently to kill him。  But while they were in deliberation how they might offer it unto him察behold here happened a strange adventure。  For the young sonne of the woman that came from schoole at noone being very thirsty tooke the pot wherein the poyson was mingled察and ignorant of the venim察dranke a good draught thereof察which was prepared to kill his brother 此whereby he presently fell downe to the ground dead。 His schoolemaster seeing his suddaine change察called his mother察and all the servants of the house with a lowd voyce。  Incontinently every man declared his opinion察touching the death of the child 此but the cruell woman the onely example of stepmothers malice察was nothing moved by the bitter death of her sonne察or by her owne conscience of paracide察or by the misfortune of her house察or by the dolour of her husband察but rather devised the destruction of all her family。  For by and by shee sent a messenger after her husband to tell him the great misfortune which happened after his departure。 And when lie came home察the wicked woman declared that his sonne had empoysoned his brother察because he would not consent to his will察and told him divers other leasings察adding in the end that hee threatned to kill her likewise察because she discovered the fact 此Then the unhappy father was stroken with double dolour of the death of his two children察for on the one side he saw his younger sonne slaine before his eyes察on the other side察he seemed to see the elder condemned to dye for his offence 此Againe察where he beheld his wife lament in such sort察it gave him further occasion to hate his sonne more deadly察but the funerals of his younger sonne were scarce finished察when the old man  the father with weeping eyes even at the returne from  the grave察went to the Justice and accused his sonne of the slaughter of his brother察and how he threatned to slay his wife察whereby the rather at his weeping and lamentation察he moved all the Magistrates and people to pitty察insomuch that without any delay察or further inquisition they cryed all that hee should be stoned to death察but the Justices fearing a farther inconvenience to arise by the particular vengeance察and to the end there might fortune no sedition amongst the people察prayed the decurions and other Officers of the City察that they might proceed by examination of witnesses察and with order of justice according to the ancient custome before the judging of any hasty sentence or judgment察without the hearing of the contrary part察like as the barbarous and cruell tyrants accustome to use此otherwise they should give an ill example to their successours。 This opinion pleased every man察wherefore the Senatours and counsellors were called察who being placed in order according to their dignity察caused the accuser and defender to be brought forth察and by the example of the Athenian law察and judgement materiall察their Advocates were commanded to plead their causes briefly without preambles or motions of the people to pitty察which were too long a processe。 And if you demand how I understood all this matter察you shall understand that I heard many declare the same察but to recite what words the accuser used in his invective察what answer the defender made察the orations and pleadings of each party察verily I am not able to doe 此for I was fast bound at the manger。  But as I learned and knew by others察I will God willing declare unto you。  So it was ordered察that after the pleadings of both sides was ended察they thought best to try and boult out the verity by witnesses察all presumptions and likelihood set apart察and to call in the servant察who onely was reported to know all the matter 此by and by the servant came in察who nothing abashed察at the feare of so great a judgment察or at the presence of the Judges察or at his owne guilty conscience察which hee so finely fained察but with a bold countenance presented himselfe before the justices and confirmed the accusation against the young man察saying此O yee judges察on a day when this young man loathed and hated his stepmother察hee called mee察desiring mee to poyson his brother察whereby hee might revenge himselfe察and if I would doe it and keepe the matter secret察hee promised to give me a good reward for my paines 此but when the young man perceived that I would not accord to his will察he threatned to slay mee察whereupon hee went himselfe and bought poyson察and after tempered it with wine察and then gave it me to give the child察which when I refused he offered it to his brother with his own hands。  When the varlet with a trembling countenance had ended these words which seemed a likelihood of truth察the judgement was ended 此neither was there found any judge or counsellor察so mercifull to the young  man accused察as would not judge him culpable察but that he should be put and sowne in a skin察with a dogge察a Cocke察a Snake察and an Ape察according to the law against parricides 此wherefore they wanted nothing but as the ancient custome was to put white stones and black into a pot察and to take them out againe察to see whether the young´man accused should be acquitted by judgment or condemned察which was a thing irrevocable。

 In the mean season he was delivered to the hands of the executioner。  But there arose a sage and ancient Physitian察a man of a good conscience and credit throughout all the  City察that stopped the mouth of the pot wherein the stones were cast察saying此I am right glad ye reverend judges察that I am a man of name and estimation amongst you察whereby I am accompted such a one as will not suffer any person to be put to death by false and untrue accusations察considering there hath bin no homicide or murther committed by this yong man in this case察neither you being  sworn to judge uprightly to be misinformed and abused by invented lyes and tales。  For I cannot but declare and open my conscience察least I should be found to beare small honour and faith to the Gods察wherefore I pray you give eare察and I will shew you the whole truth of the matter。 You shall understand that this servant which hath merited to be hanged察came one of these dayes to speake with me察promising to give me a hundred crownes察if I would give him present poyson察which would cause a man to dye suddenly察saying察that he would have it for one that was sicke of an incurable disease察to the end he might be delivered from all torment察but I smelling his crafty and subtill fetch察and fearing least he would worke some mischiefe withall察gave him a drinke察but to the intent I might cleare my selfe from all danger that might happen察I would not presently take the money which he offered。 But least any of the crownes should lacke weight or be found counterfeit察I willed him to scale the purse wherein they were put察with his manuell signe察whereby the next day we might goe together to the Goldsmith to try them察which he did察wherefore understanding that he was brought present before you this day察I hastily commanded one of my servants to fetch the purse which he had sealed察and here I bring it unto you to see whether he will deny his owne signe or no此and you may easily conject that his words are untrue察which he alleadged against the young man察touching the buying of the poyson察considering hee bought the poyson himselfe。  When the Physitian had spoken these words you might perceive how the trayterous knave changed his colour察how hee sweat for feare察how he trembled in every part of his body此and how he set one leg upon another察scratching Ibis head and grinding his teeth察whereby there was no person but would judge him culpable。  In the end察when he was somewhat returned to his former subtility察he began to deny all that was said察and stoutly affirmed察that the Physitian did lye。 But the Physitian perceiving that he was rayled at and his words denyed察did never cease to confirme his sayings察and to disprove the varlet察till such time as the Officers by the commandment of the Judges察bound his hands and brought out the seale察wherewith he had sealed the purse which augmented suspition which was conceived of him first。 Howbeit察neither the feare of the wheele or any other torment according to the use of the Grecians察which were ready prepared察no察nor yet the fire could enforce him to confesse the matter察so obstinate and grounded was he in his mischievous mind。  But the Physitian perceiving that the menaces of these torments did nothing prevaile察gan say此I cannot suffer or abide that this young man who is innocent察should against all law and conscience察be punished and condemned to die察and the other which is culpable察should escape so easily察and after mocke and flowte at your judgement此for I wil

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