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ge the diversity of these two Lovers 此Know you not one Barbarus a Senator of our towne察whom the vulgar people call likewise Scorpion for his severity of manners拭This Barbarus had a gentlewoman to his wife察whom he caused daily to be enclosed within his house察with diligent custody。 Then the Bakers wife said察I know her very well察for we two dwelleth together in one house此 Then you know quoth the old woman the whole tale of Philesiterus拭No verily said she but I greatly desire to know it 此therefore I pray you mother tell me the whole story。  By and by the old woman which knew well to babble察began to tell as followeth。


How Barbarus being jealous over his wife察commanded that shee should be kept close in his house察and what happened。

You shall understand that on a day this Barbarus preparing himselfe to ride abroad察and willing to keepe the chastity of his wife whom he so well loved alone to himselfe察called his man Myrmex whose faith he had tryed and proved in many things and secretly committed to him the custody of his wife察willing him that he should threaten察that if any man did but touch her with his finger as he passed by察he would not onely put him in prison察and bind him hand and foote察but also cause him to be put to death察or else to be famished for lacke of sustenance察which words he confirmed by an oath of all the Gods in heaven察and so departed away 此When Barbarus was gone察Myrmex being greatly astonied of his masters threatnings察would not suffer his mistresse to goe abroad察but as she sate all day a Spinning察he was so carefull that he sate by her察when night came he went with her to the baines察holding her by the garment察so faithfull he was to fulfill the commandement of his master 此Howbeit the beauty of this matron could not be hidden from the burning eyes of Philesiterus察who considering her great chastity and how she was diligently kept by Myrmex察thought it impossible to have his purpose察yet indeavouring by all kind of meanes to enterprise the matter察and remembring the fragility of man察that might be intised and corrupted with money察since as by gold the adamant gates may be opened on a day察when he found Myrmex alone察he discovered his love察desiring him to shew his favour察。otherwise he should certainly dye with assurance that he need not to feare when as he might privily be let in and out in the night察without knowledge of any person。  When he thought察with these and other gentle words to allure and prick forward the obstinate mind of Myrmex he shewed him glittering gold in his hand察saying that he would give his mistresse twenty crowns and him ten察but Myrmex hearing these words察was greatly troubled察abhorring in his mind to commit such a mischiefe此 wherfore he stopped his eares察and turning his head departed away此 howbeit the glittering view of these crownes could never be out of his mind察but being at home he seemed to see the money before his eyes察which was so worthy a prey察wherefore poore Myrmex being in divers opinions could not tell what to doe察for on the one side lie considered the promise which he made to his master察and the punishment that should ensue if he did contrary。  On the other side he thought of the gaine察and the passing pleasure of the crownes of gold察in the end the desire of the money did more prevaile then the feare of death察for the beauty of the flowrishing crownes did so sticke in his mind察that where the menaces of his master compelled him to tarry at home察the pestilent avarice of gold egged him out a doores察wherefore putting all shame aside察without further delay察he declared all the whole matter to his Mistresse察who according to the nature of a woman察when she heard him speake of so great a summe she bound chastity in a string察and gave authority to Myrmex to rule her in that case。 Myrmex seeing the intent of his Mistresse察was very glad察and for great desire of the gold察he ran hastily to Philesiterus察declaring that his Mistresse was consented to his mind察wherefore he demanded the gold which he promised。 Then incontinently Philesiterus delivered him tenne Crownes察and when night came察Myrmex brought him disguised into his mistresses Chamber。  About Midnight when he and she were naked together察making sacrifice unto the Goddesse Venus察behold her husband contrary to their expectation came and knocked at the doore察calling with a loud voice to his Servant Myrmex 此whose long tarrying increased the suspition of his Master察in such sort that he threatned to beat Myrmex cruelly 此but he being troubled with feare察and driven to his latter shifts察excused the matter saying 此that he could not find the key 此by reason it was so darke。 In the meane season Philesiterus hearing the noise at the doore察slipt on his coat and privily ran out of the Chamber。 When Myrmex had opened the doore to his Master that threatned terribly察and had let him in察he went into the Chamber to his wife 此In the mean while Myrmex let out Philesiterus察and barred the doores fast察and went againe to bed。  The next morning when Barbarus awaked察he perceived two unknown slippers lying under his bed察which Philesiterus had forgotten when he went away。 Then he conceived a great suspition and jealousie in mind察howbeit he would not discover it to his wife察neither to any other person察but putting secretly the slippers into his bosome察commanded his other Servants to bind Myrmex incontinently察and to bring him bound to the Justice after him察thinking verily that by the meane of the slippers he might boult out the matter。  It fortuned that while Barbarus went towards the Justice in a fury and rage察and Myrmex fast bound察followed him weeping察not because he was accused before his master察but by reason he knew his owne conscience guilty 此behold by adventure Philesiterus going about earnest businesse fortuned to meet with them by the way察who fearing the matter which he committed the night before察and doubting lest it should be knowne察did suddainly invent a meane to excuse Myrmex察for he ran upon him and beate him about the head with his fists察saying 此Ah mischievous varlet that thou art察and perjured knave。  It were a good deed if the Goddesse and thy master here察would put thee to death察for thou art worthy to be imprisoned and to weare out these yrons察that stalest my slippers away when thou werest at my baines yester night。 Barbarus hearing this returned incontinently home察and called his servant Myrmex察commanding him to deliver the slippers againe to the right owner。

 The old woman had scant finished her tale when the Bakers wife gan say 此Verily she is blessed and most blessed察that hath the fruition of so worthy a lover察but as for me poore miser察I am fallen into the hands of a coward察who is not onely afraid of my husband but also of every clap of the mill察and dares not doe nothing察before the blind face of yonder scabbed Asse。  Then the old woman answered察I promise you certainly if you will察you shall have this young man at your pleasure察and therewithall when night came察she departed out of her chamber。  In the meane season察the Bakers wife made ready a supper with abundance of wine and exquisite fare 此so that there lacked nothing察but the comming of the young man察for her husband supped at one of her neighbours houses。 When time came that my harnesse should be taken off and that I should rest my selfe察I was not so joyfull of my liberty察as when the vaile was taken from mine eyes察I should see all the abhomination of this mischievous queane。  When night was come and the Sunne gone downe察behold the old bawd and the young man察who seemed to be but a child察by reason he had no beard察came to the doore。 Then the Bakers wife kissed him a thousand times and received him courteously察placed him downe at the table 此but he had scarce eaten the first morsell察when the good man contrary to his wives expectation returned home察for she thought he would not have come so soone 此but Lord how she cursed him察praying God that he might breake his necke at the first entry in。  In the meane season察she caught her lover and thrust him into the bin where she bolted her flower察and dissembling the matter察finely came to her husband demanding why he came home so soone。 I could not abide quoth he to see so great a mischiefe and wicked fact察which my neighbours wife committed察but I must run away 此O harlot as she is察how hath she dishonoured her husband察I sweare by the goddesse Ceres察that if I had notАseene it with mine eyes察I would never I have beleeved it。  His wife desirous to know the matter察desired him to tell what she had done此then hee accorded to the request of his wife察and ignorant of the estate of his own house察declared the mischance of another。  You shall understand quoth he that the wife of the Fuller my companion察who seemed to me a wise and chast woman察regarding her own honesty and profit of her house察was found this night with her knave。  For while we went to wash our hands察hee and she were together 此who being troubled with our presence ran into a corner察and she thrust him into a mow made with twigs察appoynted to lay on clothes to make them white with the smoake of fume and brymstone。  Then she sate down with us at the table t

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