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me此 The priests of the goddesse Siria invented a new meanes to picke mens purses察for they had certaine lotts察whereon were written 

Coniuncti terram proscindunt boves ut in futurum loeta germinent sata

That is to say 此The Oxen tied and yoked together察doe till the ground to the intent it may bring forth his increase 此and by these kind of lottes they deceive many of the simple sort察for if one had demanded whether he should have a good wife or no察they would say that his lot did testifie the same察that he should。 be tyed and yoked to a good woman and have increase of children。  If one demanded whether he should buy lands and possession察they said that he should have much ground that should yeeld his increase。 If one demanded whether he should have a good and prosperous voyage察they said he should have good successe察and it should be for the increase of his profit。  If one demanded whether hee should vanquish his enemies察and prevaile in pursuite of theeves察they said that this enemy should be tyed and yoked to him此and his pursuits after theeves should be prosperous。  Thus by the telling of fortunes察they gathered a great quantity of money察but when they were weary with giving of answers察they drave me away before them next night察through a lane which was more dangerous and stony then the way which we went the night before察for on the one side were quagmires and foggy marshes察on the other side were falling trenches and ditches察whereby my legges failed me察in such sort that I could scarce come to the plaine field pathes。 And behold by and by a great company of inhabitants of the towne armed with weapons and on horsebacke overtooke us察and incontinently arresting Philebus and his Priests察tied them by the necks and beate them cruelly察calling them theeves and robbers察and after they had manacled their hands此Shew us quoth they the cup of gold察which under the colour of your solemne religion ye have taken away察and now ye thinke to escape in the night without punishment for your fact。 By and by one came towards me察and thrusting his hand into the bosome of the goddesse Siria察brought out the cup which they had stole。 Howbeit for all they appeared evident and plaine they would not be confounded nor abashed察but jesting and laughing out the matter察gan say此Is it reason masters that you should thus rigorously intreat us察and threaten for a small trifling cup察which the mother of the Goddesse determined to give to her sister for a present拭Howbeit for all their lyes and cavellations察they were carryed backe unto the towne察and put in prison by the Inhabitants察who taking the cup of gold察and the goddesse which I bare察did put and consecrate them amongst the treasure of the temple。 The next day I was carryed to the market to be sold察and my price was set at seaven pence more then Philebus gave for me。  There fortuned to passe by a Baker of the next village察who after that he had bought a great deale of corne察bought me likewise to carry it home察and when he had well laded me therewith察be drave me through a thorny and dangerous way to his bake house察there I saw a great company of horses that went in the mill day and night grinding of corne察but lest I should be discouraged at the first察my master entertained me well察for the first day I did nothing but fare daintily察howbeit such mine ease and felicity did not long endure察for the next day following I was tyed to the mill betimes in the morning with my face covered察to the end in turning amid winding so often one way察I should not become giddy察but keepe a certaine course察but although when I was a man I had seen many such horsemills and knew well enough how they should be turned察yet feining my selfe ignorant of such kind of toile察I stood still and would not goe察whereby I thought I should be taken from the mill as an Asse unapt察and put to some other light thing察or else to he driven into the fields to pasture察but my subtility did me small good察for by and by when the mill stood still察the servants came about me察crying and beating me forward察in such sort that I could not stay to advise my selfe察whereby all the company laughed to see so suddaine a change。 When a good part of the day was past察that I was not able to endure any longer察they tooke off my harnesse察and tied me to the manger察but although my bones were weary察and that I needed to refresh my selfe with rest and provender察yet I was so curious that I did greatly delight to behold the bakers art察insomuch that I could not eate nor drinke while I looked on。

O good Lord what a sort of poore slaves were there察some had their skinne blacke and blew察some had their backes striped with lashes察some were covered with rugged sackes察some had their members onely hidden此some wore such ragged clouts察that you might perceive all their naked bodies察some were marked and burned in the heads with hot yrons察some had their haire halfe clipped察some had lockes of their legges察some very ugly and evill favoured察that they could scarce see察their eyes and face were so blacke and dimme with smoake察like those that fight in the sands察and know not where they strike by reason of dust 此And some had their faces all mealy。  But how should I speake of the horses my companions察how they being old and weake察thrust their heads into the manger 此they had their neckes all wounded and worne away 此they rated their nosethrilles with a continuall cough察their sides were bare with their harnesse and great travell察their ribs were broken with beating察their hooves were battered broad with incessant labour察and their skinne rugged by reason of their lancknesse。 When I saw this dreadfull sight察I began to feare察least I should come to the like state 此and considering with my selfe the good fortune which I was sometime in when I was a man察I greatly lamented察holding downe my head察and would eate no meate察but I saw no comfort or consolation of my evill fortune察saving that my mind was somewhat recreated to heare and understand what every man said察for they neither feared nor doubted my presence。  At that time I remembred how Homer the divine author of ancient Poetry察described him to be a wise man察which had travelled divers countries and nations察wherefore I gave great thanks to my Asse for me察in that by this meanes I had seene the experience of many things察and was become more wise notwithstanding the great misery and labour which I daily sustained 此but I will tell you a pretty jest察which commeth now to my remembrance察to the intent your eares may be delighted in hearing the same。


How Apuleius was handled by the Bakers wife察which was a harlot。

 The Baker which bought me was an honest and sober man察but his wife was the most pestilent woman in all the world察insomuch that he endured many miseries and afflictions with her察so that I my selfe did secretly pitty his estate察and bewaile his evill fortune 此for she had not one fault alone察but all the mischiefes that could be devised 此shee was crabbed察cruell察lascivious察drunken察obstinate察niggish察covetous察riotous in filthy expenses察and an enemy to faith and chastity察a despise of all the Gods察whom other did honour察one that affirmed that she had a God by her selfe察wherby she deceived all men察but especially her poore husband察one that abandoned her body with continuall whoredome。  This mischievous queane hated me in such sort察that shee commanded every day before she was up察that I should he put into the mill to grind 此and the first thing which she would doe in the morning察was to see me cruelly beaten察and that I should grind when the other beasts did feed and take rest。  When I saw that I was so cruelly handled察she gave me occasion to learne her conversation and life察for I saw oftentimes a yong man which would privily goe into her chamber whose face I did greatly desire to see察but I could not by reason mine eyes were covered every day。  And verily if I had beene free and at liberty察I would have discovered all her abhomination。  She had an old woman察a bawd察a messenger of mischiefe that daily haunted to her house察and made good cheere with her to the utter undoing and impoverishment of her husband察but I that was greatly offended with the negligence of Fotis察who made me an Asse察in stead of a Bird察did yet comfort my selfe by this onely meane察in that to the miserable deformity of my shape察I had long eares察whereby I might heare all things that was done 此On a day I heard the old bawd say to the Bakers wife 

Dame you have chosen without my counsell a young man to your lover察who as me seemeth察is dull察fearefull察without any grace察and dastardlike coucheth at the frowning looke of your odious husband察whereby you have no delight nor pleasure with him 此how farre better is the young man Philesiterus who is comely察beautifull察in the flower of his youth察liberall察courteous察valiant and stout against the diligent pries and watches of your husband察whereby to embrace the worthiest dames of this country察and worthy to weare a crowne of gold察for one part that he played to one that was jealous over his wife。  Hearken how it was and then judge the diversity of these two Lovers 此Know you not one Barbarus a Senator of our towne察whom the vu

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