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the golden asse-及28准

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 by and by all these thy enemies captive unto thee。  Then hee filled wine to the theeves more and more察and never ceased察till as they were all overcome with abundance of meat and drinke察when as hee himselfe abstained and bridled his owne appetite。  And truely I did greatly suspect察least hee had mingled in their cups some deadly poyson察for incontinently they all fell downe asleepe on the ground one after an other察and lay as though they had beene dead。


How the Gentlewoman was carried home by her husband while the theeves were asleepe察and how much Apuleius was made of。

 When the theeves were all asleepe by their great and immoderate drinking察the young man Lepolemus took the Maiden and set her upon  my backe察and went homeward。  When we were come home察all the people of the Citie察especially her Parents察friends察and family察came running forth joyfully察and the children and Maidens of the towne gathered together to see this virgin in great triumph sitting upon an Asse。 Then I willing to shew as much joy as I might察as present occasion served I set and pricked up my long eares察ratled my nosethrils察and cryed stoutly察nay rather I made the towne to ring againe with my shrilling sound 此when wee were come to her fathers house察shee was received in a chamber honourably 此as for me察Lepolemus accompanied with a great number of Citizens did presently after drive me backe againe with other horses to the cave of the theeves察where wee found them all asleepe lying on the ground as wee left them察then they first brought out all the gold察and silver察and other treasure of the house察and laded us withall察which when they had done察they threw many of the theeves downe into the bottome of deepe ditches察and the residue they slew with their swords 此after this wee returned home glad and merry of so great vengeance upon them察and the riches which wee carried was commited to the publike treasurie。  This done察the Maid was married to Lepolemus察according to the law察whom by so much travell he had valiantly recovered 此then my good Mistresse looked about for me察and asking for me commanded the very same day of her marriage察that my manger should be filled with barly察and that I should have hay and oats aboundantly察and she would call me her little Camell。  But how greatly did I curse Fotis察in that shee transformed me into an Asse察and not into a dogge察because I saw the dogges had filled their paunches with the reliks and bones of so worthy a supper。  The next day this new wedded woman my Mistresse did greatly commend me before her Parents and husband察for the kindnesse which I had shewed unto her察and never leaved off untill such time as they promised to reward me with great honours。 Then they called together all their friends察and thus it was concluded 此one said察that I should be closed in a stable and never worke察but continually to be fedde and fatted with fine and chosen barly and beanes and good littour察howbeit another prevailed察who wishing my liberty察perswaded them that it was better for me to runne in the fields amongst the lascivious horses and mares察whereby I might engender some mules for my Mistresse 此then he that had in charge to keepe the horse察was called for察and I was delivered unto him with great care察insomuch that I was right pleasant and joyous察because I hoped that I should carry no more fardels nor burthens察moreover I thought that when I should thus be at liberty察in the spring time of the yeere when the meddows and fields were greene察I should find some roses in some place察whereby I was fully perswaded that if my Master and Mistresse did render to me so many thanks and honours being an Asse察they would much more reward me being turned into a man 此but when he to whom the charge of me was so straightly committed had brought me a good way distant from the City察I perceived no delicate meates nor no liberty which I should have察but by and by his covetous wife and most cursed queane made me a mill Asse察and beating me with a cudgill full of knots would wring bread for her selfe and her husband out of my skinne。 Yet was she not contented to weary me and make me a drudge with carriage and grinding of her owne corne察but I was hired of her neighbours to beare their sackes likewise察howbeit shee would not give me such meate as I should have察nor sufficient to sustaine my life withall察for the barly which I ground for mine owne dinner she would sell to the Inhabitants by。  And after that I had laboured all day察she would set before me at night a little filthy branne察nothing cleane but full of stones。  Being in this calamity察yet fortune worked me other torments察for on a day I was let loose into the fields to pasture察by the commandement of my master。 O how I leaped for joy察how I neighed to see my selfe in such liberty察but especially since I beheld so many Mares察which I thought should be my wives and concubines察and I espied out and chose the fairest before I came nigh them察but this my joyfull hope turned into otter destruction察for incontinently all the stone Horses which were well fedde and made strong by ease of pasture察and thereby much more puissant then a poore Asse察were jealous over me察and having no regard to the law and order of God Jupiter ranne fiercely and terribly against me察one lifted up his forefeete and kicked me spitefully察another turned himselfe察and with his hinder heeles spurned me cruelly察the third threatning with a malicious neighing察dressed his eares and shewing his sharpe and white teeth bit me on every side。  In like sort have I read in Histories how the King of Thrace would throw his miserable ghests to be torne in peeces and devoured of his wild Horses察so niggish was that Tyrant of his provender察that he nourished them  with the bodies of men。


How Apuleius was made a common Asse to fetch home wood察and how he was handled by a boy。

 After that I was thus handled by horses察I was brought home againe to the Mill察but behold fortune insatiable of my torments had devised a  new paine for me。  I was appointed to bring home wood every day from a high hill察and who should drive me thither and home again察but a boy that was the veriest hangman in all the world察who was not contented with the great travell that I tooke in climbing up the hill察neither pleased when he saw my hoofe torne and worne away by sharpe flintes察but he beat me cruelly with a great staffe察insomuch that the marrow of my bones did ake for woe察for he would strike me continually on the right hip察and still in one place察whereby he tore my skinne and made of my wide sore a great hole or trench察or rather a window to looke out at察and although it runne downe of blood察yet would he not cease beating me in that place 此moreover he laded me with such great burthens of wood that you would thinke they had  been rather prepared for Elephants then for me察and when he perceived that my wood hanged more on one side then another察。when he should rather take away the heavy sides察and so ease me察or else lift them up to make them equall with the other he laid great stones upon the weaker side to remedy the matter察yet could be not be contented with this my great misery and immoderate burthens of wood察but when hee came to any river as there were many by the way he to save his feete from water察would leape upon my loynes likewise察which was no small loade upon loade。  And if by adversity I had fell downe in any dirty or myrie place察when he should have pulled me out either with ropes察or lifted me up by the taile察he would never helpe me察but lay me on from top to toe with a mighty staffe察till he had left no haire on all my body察no not so much as on mine eares察whereby I was compelled by force of blowes to stand up。  The same hangman boy did invent another torment for me 此he gathered a great many sharp thornes as sharp as needles and bound them together like a fagot察and tyed them at my tayle to pricke me察then was I afflicted on every side察for if I had indeavoured to runne away察the thornes would have pricked me察if I had stood still察the boy would have beaten mee察and yet the boy beate mee to make me runne察whereby I perceived that the hangman did devise nothing else save only to kill me by some manner of meanes察and he would sweare and threaten to do me worse harme察and because hee might have some occasion to execute his malicious minde察upon a day after that I had endeavoured too much by my patience I lifted up my heeles and spurned him welfavouredly。  Then he invented this vengeance against me察after that he had well laded me with shrubs and rubble察and trussed it round upon my backe察hee brought me out into the way 此then hee stole a burning coale out of a mans house of the next village察and put it into the middle of the rubbell察the rubbell and shrubs being very dry察did fall on a light fire and burned me on every side。  I could see no remedy how I might save my selfe察and in such a case it was not best for me to stand still but fortune was favourable towards me察perhaps to reserve me for more dangers察for I espyed a great hole full of raine water that fell the day before察thither I ranne hastily and plunged my selfe therein察in such sor

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