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the golden asse-及27准

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ead察and of more bignesse in body察his beard began to burgen察but hee was poorely apparelled察insomuch that you might see all his belly naked。 As soone as he was entred in he said察God speed yee souldiers of Mars and my faithfull companions察I pray you make me one of your band察and I will ensure you察that you shall have a man of singular courage and lively audacity 此for I had rather receive stripes upon my backe察then money or gold in my hands。  And as for death which every man doth feare I passe nothing at all察yet thinke you not that I am an abject or a begger察neither judge you my vertue and prowesse by ragged clothes察for I have beene a Captaine of a great company察and subdued all the countrey of Macedonia。  I am the renowned theefe Hemes the Thracian察whose name all countreys and nations do so greatly feare 此I am the sonne of Theron the noble theefe察nourished with humane bloud察entertained amongst the stoutest察finally I am inheritour and follower of all my fathers vertues察yet I lost in a short time all my company and all my riches察by one assault察which I made upon a Factor of the Prince察which sometime had beene Captaine of two hundred men察for fortune was cleane against me察harken and I will tell you the whole matter。  There was a certaine man in the court of the Emperour察which had many offices察and in great favour察who at last by the envy of divers persons察was banished away and compelled to forsake the court 此his wife Platina察a woman of rare faith and singular shamefastnes having borne ten children to her husband察despised all worldly Pompe and delicacy察and determined to follow her husband察and to be partaker of his perils and danger察wherefore shee cut off her haire察disguised her selfe like a man察and tooke with her all her treasure察passing through the hands of the souldiers察and the naked swords without any feare察whereby she endured many miseries察and was partaker of much affliction察to save the life of her husband察such was her love which she bare unto him。  And when they had escaped many perillous dangers察as well by land as by sea察they went together towards Zacynthe察to continue there according as fortune had appointed。  But when they were arived on the sea coast of Actium where we in our returne from Macedony were roving about when night came察they returned into a house not far distant from their ship察where they lay all night。  Then we entred in and tooke away all their substance察but verely we were in great danger 此for the good matron perceiving us incontinently by the noise of the gate察went into the chamber察and called up every man by his name察and likewise the neighbors that dwelled round about察insomuch that by reason of the feare that every one was in察we hardly escaped away察but this most holy woman察faithfull and true to her husband as the truth must be declared returned to Caesar察desiring his aid and puissance察and demanding vengeance of the injury done to her husband察who granted all her desire 此then went my company to wracke察insomuch that every man was slaine察so great was the authority and word of the Prince。  Howbeit察when all my band was lost察and taken by search of the Emperours army察I onely stole away and delivered my selfe from the violence of the souldiers察for I clothed my selfe in a womans attire察and mounted upon an Asse察that carryed barly sheafes察and passing through the middle of them all I escaped away察because every one deemed that I was a woman by reason I lacked a beard。  Howbeit I left not off for all this察nor did degenerate from the glory of my father察or mine own vertue察but freshly comming from the bloody skirmish察and disguised like a woman察I invaded townes and castles alone to get some pray。  And therewithall he pulled out two thousand crownes察which he had under his coate察saying 此Hold here the dowry which I present unto you察hold eke my person察which you shall alwayes find trusty and faithfull察if you willingly receive me此and I will ensure you that in so doing察within short space I wilt make and turne this stony house of yours into gold。  Then by and by every one consented to make him their Captaine察and so they gave him better garments察and threw away his old。  When they had changed his attire察hee imbraced them one after another察then placed they him in the highest roome of the table察and drunk unto him in token of good lucke。


How the death of the Asse察and the Gentlewoman was stayed。

After supper they began to talke察and declare unto him the going away of the Gentlewoman察and how I hare her upon my backe察and what death was ordained for us two。  Then he desired to see her察whereupon the Gentlewoman was brought forth fast bound察whom as soone as he beheld察he turned himselfe wringing his nose察and blamed them saying 此I am not so much a beast察or so rash a fellow to drive you quite from your purpose察but my conscience will not suffer me to conceale any thing that toucheth your profit察since I am as carefull for you察howbeit if my counsell doe displease you察you may at your liberty proceed in your enterprise。  I doubt not but all theeves察and such as have a good judgement察will preferre their owne lucre and gain above all things in the world察and above their vengeance察which purchaseth damage to divers persons。  Therefore if you put this virgin in the Asses belly察you shall but execute your indignation against her察without all manner of profit察But I would advise you to carry the virgin to some towne and to sell her 此and such a brave girle as she is察may be sold for a great quantity of money。  And I my selfe know certaine bawdy Marchants察amongst whom peradventure one will give us summes of gold for her。  This is my opinion touching this affaire 此but advise you what you intend to do察for you may rule me in this case。  In this manner the good theefe pleaded and defended our cause察being a good Patron to the silly virgin察and to me poore Asse。  But they staied hereupon a good space察with long deliberation察which made my heart God wot and spirit greatly to quaile。  Howbeit in the end they consented to his opinion察and by and by the Maiden was unloosed of her bonds察who seeing the young man察and hearing the name of brothels and bawdy Merchants察began to wax joyfull察and smiled with herself。  Then began I to deeme evill of the generation of women察when as I saw the Maiden who was appointed to be married to a young Gentleman察and who so greatly desired the same was now delighted with the talke of a wicked brothel house察and other things dishonest。  In this sort the consent and manners of women depended in the judgement of an Asse。


 How all the Theeves were brought asleepe by their new companion。

Then the young man spake againe察saying察Masters察why goe wee not about to make our prayers unto Mars察touching this selling of the Maiden察and to seeke for other companions。 But as farre as I see察here is no other manner of beast to make sacrifice withall察nor wine sufficient for us to drinke。  Let me have quoth hee tenne more with me察and wee will goe to the next Castle察to provide for meat and other things necessary。  So he and tenne more with him察went their way 此In the meane season察the residue made a great fire and an Alter with greene turfes in the honour of Mars。  By and by after they came againe察bringing with them bottles of wine察and a great number of beasts察amongst which there was a big Ram Goat察fat察old察and hairy察which they killed and offered unto Mars。  Then supper was prepared sumptuously察and the new companion said unto the other察You ought to accompt me not onely your Captaine in robbery and fight察but also in pleasures and jolity察whereupon by and by with pleasant cheere he prepared meat察and trimming up the house he set all things in order察and brought the pottage and dainty dishes to the Table此but above all he plyed them wel with great pots and jugs of wine。  Sometimes seeming to fetch somewhat hee would goe to the Maiden and give her pieces of meate察which he privily tooke away察and would drinke unto her察which she willingly tooke in good part。  Moreover察hee kissed her twice or thrice whereof she was well pleased but I not well contented thereat thought in my selfe 此O wretched Maid察thou hast forgotten thy marriage察and doest esteeme this stranger and bloudy theefe above thy husband which thy Parents ordained for thee察now perceive I well thou hast no remorse of conscience察but more delight to tarry and play the harlot heere amongst so many swords。  What拭knowest thou not how the other theeves if they knew thy demeanour would put thee to death as they had once appointed察and so worke my destruction likewise拭 Well now I perceive thou hast a pleasure in the dammage and hurt of other。 While I did angerly devise with my selfe all these things察I perceived by certaine signes and tokens not ignorant to so wise an Asse that he was not the notable theefe Hemus察but rather Lepolemus her husband察for after much communication he beganne to speake more franckly察not fearing at all my presence察and said察Be of good cheere my sweete friend Charites察for thou shalt have by and by all these thy enemies captive unto thee。  Then hee filled wine to the theeves more and mo

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