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lictions察when as my prayers will nothing availe with the goddesses拭what shall I do拭whither shall I go拭 In what cave or darknesse shall I hide my selfe察to avoid the furor of Venus拭 Why do I not take a good heart察and offer my selfe with humilitie unto her察whose anger I have wrought拭 What do I know whether he whom I seeke for be in his mothers house or no拭Thus being in doubt察poore Psyches prepared her selfe to her owne danger察and devised how she might make her orison and prayer unto Venus。  After that Venus was weary with searching by Sea and Land for Psyches察shee returned toward heaven察and commanded that one should prepare her Chariot察which her husband Vulcanus gave unto her by reason of marriage察so finely wrought that neither gold nor silver could be compared to the brightnesse therof。 Four white pigeons guided the chariot with great diligence察and when Venus was entred in a number of sparrowes flew chirping about察making signe of joy察and all other kind of birds sang sweetly察foreshewing the comming of the great goddesse此the clouds gave place察the heavens opened察and received her joyfully察the birds that followed nothing feared the Eagle察Hawkes察or other ravenous foules of the aire。 Incontinently she went unto the royall Pallace of God Jupiter察and with a proud and bold petition demanded the service of Mercury察in certaine of her affaires察whereunto Jupiter consented此then with much joy shee descended from Heaven with Mercury察and gave him an earnest charge to put in execution her words察saying 此O my Brother察borne in Arcadia察thou knowest well察that I who am thy sister did never enterprise to doe any thing without thy presence察thou knowest also how long I have sought for a girle and cannot finde her察wherefore there resteth nothing else save that thou with thy trumpet doe pronounce the reward to such as take her此see thou put in execution my commandment察and declare that whatsoever he be that retaineth her wittingly察against my will shall not defend himselfe by any meane or excusation此which when she had spoken察she delivered unto him a libell察wherein was contained the name of Psyches察and the residue of his publication察which done察she departed away to her lodging。  By and by察Mercurius not delaying the matter proclaimed throughout all the world察that whatsoever hee were that could tell any tydings of a Kings fugitive Daughter察the servant of Venus察named Psyches察should bring word to Mercury察and for reward of his paines察he should receive。 seaven sweet kisses of Venus After that Mercury had pronounced。 these things察every man was enflamed with desire to search out Psyches。

This proclamation was the cause that put all doubt from Psyches察who was scantly come in the sight of the house of Venus察but one of her servants called Custome came out察who espying Psyches察cried with a loud voyce察saying此O wicked harlot as thou art察now at length thou shalt know that thou hast a mistresse above thee。 What察dost thou make thy selfe ignorant察as though thou didst not understand what travell wee have taken in searching for thee拭I am glad that thou art come into my hands察thou art now in the golfe of hell察and shalt abide the paine and punishment of thy great contumacy察and therewithall she tooke her by the haire察and brought her in察before the presence of the goddesse Venus。  When Venus spied her察shee began to laugh察and as angry persons accustome to doe察she shaked her head察and scratched her right eare saying察O goddesse察goddesse察you are now come at length to visit your husband that is in danger of death察by your meanes 此bee you assured察I will handle you like a daughter 此where be my maidens察Sorrow and Sadnesse拭 To whom when they came she delivered Psyches to be cruelly tormented察then they fulfilled the commandement of their Mistresse察and after they had piteously scourged her with rods and whips察they presented her againe before Venus察then she began to laugh againe察saying 此Behold she thinketh that by reason of her great belly察which she hath gotten by playing the whore to move me to pitty察and to make me a grandmother to her childe。  Am not I happy察that in the flourishing time of al mine age察shall be called a grandmother察and the sonne of a vile harlot shall bee accounted the nephew of Venus 此howbeit I am a foole to tearm him by the name of my son察since as the marriage was made betweene unequall persons察in the field without witnesses察and not by the consent of parents察wherefore the marriage is illegitimate察and the childe that shall be borne a bastard察if we fortune to suffer thee to live so long till thou be delivered。  When Venus had spoken these words she leaped upon the face of poore Psyches察and tearing her apparell tooke her by the haire察and dashed her head upon the ground。  Then she tooke a great quantity of wheat察of barly察poppy seede察peason察lintles察and beanes察and mingled them altogether on a heape saying 此Thou evil favoured girle察thou seemest unable to get the grace of thy lover察by no other meanes察but only by diligent and painefull service察wherefore I will prove what thou canst doe 此see that thou separate all these graines one from another察disposing them orderly in their quantity察and let it be done before night。  When she had appointed this taske unto Psyches察she departed to a great banket that was prepared that day。  But Psyches went not about to dissever the graine察。as being a thing impossible to be brought to passe by reason it lay so confusedly scattered but being astonyed at the cruell commandement of Venus察sate still and said nothing。  Then the little pismire the emote察taking pitty of her great difficulty and labour察cursing the cruellnesse of the daughter of Jupiter察and of so evill a mother察ran about察hither and thither察and called to all her friends察Yee quick sons of the ground察the mother of all things察take mercy on this poore maid察espouse to Cupid察who is in great danger of her person察I pray you helpe her with all diligence。 Incontinently one came after another察dissevering and dividing the graine察and after that they had put each kinde of corne in order察they ranne away againe in all haste。 When night came察Venus returned home from the banket wel tippled with wine察smelling of balme察and crowned with garlands of roses察who when shee had espied what Psyches had done察gan say察This is not the labour of thy hands察but rather of his that is amorous of thee 此then she gave her a morsel of brown bread察and went to sleep。  In the mean season察Cupid was closed fast in the surest chamber of the house察partly because he should not hurt himself with wanton dalliance察and partly because he should not speake with his love 此so these two lovers were divided one from another。  When night was passed Venus called Psyches察and said察Seest thou yonder Forest that extendeth out in length with the river拭there be great sheepe shining like gold察and kept by no manner of person。  I command thee that thou go thither and bring me home some of the wooll of their fleeces。  Psyches arose willingly not to do her commandement察but to throw her selfe headlong into water to end her sorrows。  Then a green reed inspired by divine inspiration察with a gratious tune and melody gan say察O Psyches I pray thee not to trouble or pollute  my water by the death of thee察and yet beware that thou goe not towards the terrible sheepe of this coast察untill such time as the heat of the sunne be past察for when the sunne is in his force察then seeme they most dreadfull and furious察with their sharpe hornes察their stony foreheads and their gaping throats察wherewith they arme themselves to the destruction of mankinde。    But untill they have refreshed themselves in the river察thou must hide thy selfe here by me察under this great plaine tree察and as soone as their great fury is past察thou maist goe among the thickets and bushes under the wood side and gather the lockes their golden Fleeces察which thou shalt finde hanging upon the briers。  Then spake the gentle and benigne reed察shewing a mean to Psyches to save her life察which she bore well in memory察and with all diligence went and gathered up such lockes as shee found察and put them in her apron察and carried them home to Venus。  Howbeit the danger of this second labour did not please her察nor give her sufficient witnesse of the good service of Psyches察but with a sower resemblance of laughter察did say 此Of a certaine I know that this is not thy fact察but I will prove if that thou bee of so stout察so good a courage察and singular prudency as thou seemest to bee。  Then Venus spake unto Psyches againe saying 此Seest thou the toppe of yonder great Hill察from whence there runneth downe waters of blacke and deadly colour察which nourisheth the floods of Stix察Cocytus拭I charge thee to goe thither察and bring me a vessell of that water 此wherewithall she gave her a bottle of Christall察menacing and threatening her rigorously。  Then poor Psyches went in all haste to the top of the mountaine察rather to end her life察then to fetch any water察and when she was come up to the ridge of the hill察she perceived that it was impossible to bring it to passe 此for she saw a great rocke gushing out most horrible fountaines of waters察which ran downe and fell by many stops 

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