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called Psyches。  Then Venus with indignation cried out察What is it she拭the usurper of my beauty察the Vicar of my name拭What did he think that I was a bawd察by whose shew he fell acquainted with the maid拭 And immediately she departed and went to her chamber察where she found her son wounded as it was told unto her察whom when she beheld she cries out in this sort。

Is this an honest thing察is this honourable to thy parents拭is this reason察that thou hast violated and broken the commandement of thy mother and soveraign mistresse 此and whereas thou shouldst have vexed my enemy with loathsom love察thou hast done otherwise

For being of tender and unripe yeares察thou hast with too licentious appetite embraced my most mortall Foe察to whome I shall bee made a mother察and she a Daughter。

Thou presumest and thinkest察thou trifling boy察thou Varlet察and without all reverence察that thou art most worthy and excellent察and that I am not able by reason of myne age to have another son察which if I should have察thou shouldst well understand that I would beare a more worthier than thou。  But to worke thee a greater despight察I do determine to adopt one of my servants察and to give him these wings察this fire察this bow察and these Arrowes察and all other furniture which I gave to thee察not to this purpose察neither is any thing given thee of thy father for this intent 此but first thou hast been evill brought up and instructed in thy youth thou hast thy hands ready and sharpe。  Thou hast often offended thy antients察and especially me that am thy mother察thou hast pierced mee with thy darts thou contemnest me as a widow察neither dost t thou regard thy valiant and invincible father察and to anger me more察thou art amorous of harlots and wenches 此hot I will cause that thou shalt shortly repent thee察and that this marriage shal be dearely bought。 To what a point am I now driven拭What shall I do拭 Whither shall I goe拭 How shall I represse this beast拭 Shall I aske ayd of myne enemy Sobriety察whom I have often offended to engender thee拭Or shall I seeke for counsel of every poore rusticall woman拭No察no察yet had I rather dye察howbeit I will not cease my vengeance察to her must I have recourse for helpe察and to none other I meane to Sobriety察who may correct thee sharpely察take away thy quiver察deprive thee of thy arrowes察unbend thy bow察quench thy fire察and which is more subdue thy body with punishment 此and when that l have rased and cut off this thy haire察which I have dressed with myne owne hands察and made to glitter like gold察and when I have clipped thy wings察which I my selfe have caused to burgen察then shall I thinke to have revenged my selfe sufficiently  upon thee for the injury which thou hast done。  When shee had spoken these words shee departed in a great rage out of her chamber。

Immediatelie as she was going away came Juno and Ceres察demaunding the cause of her anger。  Then Venus answered察Verily you are come to comfort my sorrow察but I pray you with all diligence to seeke out one whose name is Psyches察who is a vagabond察and runneth about the Countries察and  as I thinke you are not ignorant of the brute of my son Cupid察and of his demeanour察which I am ashamed to declare。  Then they understanding the whole matter察endeavoured to mitigate the ire of Venus in this sort 此What is the cause Madam察or how hath your son so offended察that you shold so greatly accuse his love察and blame him by reason that he is amorous拭and why should you seeke the death of her察whom he doth fancie拭 We most humbly intreat you to pardon his fault if he have accorded to the mind of any maiden 此what do you not know that he is a young man拭 Or have you forgotten of what yeares he is拭 Doth he seeme alwayes unto you to be a childe拭 You are his mother察and a kind woman察will you continually search out his dalliance拭 Will you blame his luxury拭 Will you bridle his love拭and will you reprehend your owne art and delights in him拭 What God or man is hee察that can endure that you should sowe or disperse your seed of love in every place察and to make restraint thereof within your owne doores拭certes you will be the cause of the suppression of the publike paces of young Dames。  In this sort this goddesse endeavoured to pacifie her mind察and to excuse Cupid with al their power although he were absent for feare of his darts and shafts of love。  But Venus would in no wise asswage her heat察but thinking that they did rather trifle and taunt at her injuries she departed from them察and tooke her voiage towards the sea in all haste。  In the meane season Psyches hurled her selfe hither and thither察to seeke her husband察the rather because she thought that if he would not be appeased with the sweet flattery of his wife察yet he would take mercy on her at her servile and continuall prayers。  And espying a Church on the top of a high hill she said察What can I tell whether my husband and master be there or no拭wherefore she went thitherward察and with great paine and travell察moved by hope察after that she climbed to the top of the mountaine察she came to the temple察and went in察wheras behold she espied sheffes of corn lying on a heap察blades withered with garlands察and reeds of barly察moreover she saw hooks察sithes察sickles察and other instruments察to reape察but every thing lay out of order察and as it were cast in by the hands of laborers which when Psyches saw she gathered up and put everything in order察thinking that she would not despise or contemne the temples of any of the Gods察but rather get the favour and benevolence of them all 此by and by Ceres came in察and beholding her busie and curious in her chapell察cried out a far off察and said察O Psyches needfull of mercy察Venus searcheth for thee in every place to revenge her selfe and to punish thee grievously察but thou hast more mind to be heere察and carest for nothing lesse察then for thy safety。  Then Psyches fell on her knees before her察watring her feet with her teares察wiping the ground with her haire察and with great weeping and lamentation desired pardon察saying察O great and holy Goddesse察l pray thee by thy plenteous and liberall right hand察by the joyfull ceremonies of thy harvest察by the secrets of thy Sacrifice察by the flying chariots of thy dragons察by the tillage of the ground of Sicilie察which thou hast invented察by the marriage of Proserpin察by the diligent inquisition of thy daughter察and by the other secrets which are within the temple of Eleusis in the land of Athens察take pitty on me thy servant Psyches察and let me hide my selfe a few dayes amongst these sheffes of corne察untill the ire of so great a Goddesse be past察or until that I be refreshed of my great labour and travell。 Then answered Ceres察Verely Psyches察I am greatly moved by thy prayers and teares察and desire with all my heart to aide thee察but if I should suffer thee to be hidden here察I should increase the displeasure of my Cosin察with whom I have made a treatie of peace察and an ancient promise of amity 此wherefore I advise thee to depart hence and take it not in evil part in that I will not suffer thee to abide and remaine here within my temple。  Then Psyches driven away contrary to her hope察was double afflicted with sorrow and so she returned back againe。  And behold she perceived a far off in a vally a Temple standing within a Forest察faire and curiously wrought察and minding to over´passe no place whither better hope did direct her察and to the intent she would desire pardon of every God察she approached nigh unto the sacred doore察whereas she saw pretious riches and vestiments ingraven with letters of gold察hanging upon branches of trees察and the posts of the temple testifying the name of the goddesse Juno察to whom they were dedicate察then she kneeled downe upon her knees察and imbraced the Alter with her hands察and wiping her teares察gan pray in this sort 此O deere spouse and sister of the great God Jupiter which art adored and worshipped amongst the great temples of Samos察called upon by women with child察worshipped at high Carthage察because thou wast brought from heaven by the lyon察the rivers of the floud Inachus do celebrate thee 此and know that thou art the wife of the great god察and the goddesse of goddesses察all the east part of the world have thee in veneration察all the world calleth thee Lucina 此I pray thee to be my advocate in my tribulations察deliver me from the great danger which pursueth me察and save me that am weary with so long labours and sorrow察for I know that it is thou that succorest and helpest such women as are with child and in  danger。   Then Juno hearing the prayers of Psyches察appeared unto her in all her royalty察saying察Certes Psyches I would gladly help thee察but I am ashamed to do any thing contrary to the will of my daughter in law Venus察whom alwaies I have loved as mine owne child察moreover I shall incurre the danger of the law察intituled察De servo corrupto察whereby am forbidden to retaine any servant fugitive察against the will of his Master。  Then Psyches cast off likewise by Juno察as without all hope of the recovery of her husband察reasoned with her selfe in this sort 此Now what comfort or remedy is left to my afflictions察when as my prayers will nothing availe with the goddesses拭what shall I do拭whither shall 

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