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The Golden Asse
by Lucius Apuleius
Translated by William Adlington
To the Right Honourable and Mighty Lord察THOMAS EARLE OF SUSSEX察Viscount Fitzwalter察Lord of Egremont and of Burnell察Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter察 Iustice of the forrests and Chases from Trent Southward察Captain of the Gentleman Pensioners of the House of the QUEENE our Soveraigne Lady。
After that I had taken upon me right Honourable in manner of that unlearned and foolish Poet察Cherillus察who rashly and unadvisedly wrought a big volume in verses察of the valiant prowesse of Alexander the Great察to translate this present booke察contayning the Metamorphosis of Lucius Apuleius察being mooved thereunto by the right pleasant pastime and delectable matter therein察I eftsoones consulted with myself察to whom I might best offer so pleasant and worthy a work察devised by the author察it being now barbarously and simply framed in our English tongue。 And after long deliberation had察your honourable lordship came to my remembrance察a man much more worthy察than to whom so homely and rude a translation should be presented。 But when I again remembred the jesting and sportfull matter of the booke察unfit to be offered to any man of gravity and wisdome察I was wholly determined to make no Epistle Dedicatory at all察till as now of late perswaded thereunto by my friends察I have boldly enterprised to offer the same to your Lordship察who as I trust wil accept the same察than if it did entreat of some serious and lofty matter察light and merry察yet the effect thereof tendeth to a good and vertuous moral察as in the following Epistle to the reader may be declared。 For so have all writers in times past employed their travell and labours察that their posterity might receive some fruitfull profit by the same。 And therfore the poets feined not their fables in vain察considering that children in time of their first studies察 are very much allured thereby to proceed to more grave and deepe studies and disciplines察whereas their mindes would quickly loath the wise and prudent workes of learned men察wherein in such unripe years they take no spark of delectation at all。 And not only that profit ariseth to children by such feined fables察but also the vertues of men are covertly thereby commended察and their vices discommended and abhorred。 For by the fable of Actaeon察where it is feigned that he saw Diana washing her selfe in a well察 hee was immediately turned into an Hart察and so was slain of his own Dogs察may bee meant察That when a man casteth his eyes on the vain and soone fading beauty of the world察consenting thereto in his minde察hee seemeth to bee turned into a brute beast察and so to be slain by the inordinate desire of his owne affects。 By Tantalus that stands in the midst of the floud Eridan察having before him a tree laden with pleasant apples察he being neverthelesse always thirsty and hungry察betokeneth the insatiable desires of covetous persons。 The fables of Atreus察Thiestes察Tereus and Progne signifieth the wicked and abhominable facts wrought and attempted by mortall men。 The fall of Icarus is an example to proud and arrogant persons察that weeneth to climb up to the heavens。 By Mydas察who obtained of Bacchus察that all things which he touched might be gold察is carped the foul sin of avarice。 By Phaeton察that unskilfully took in hand to rule the chariot of the Sunne察are represented those persons which attempt things passing their power and capacity。 By Castor and Pollux察turned into a signe in heaven called Gemini察is signified察that vertuous and godly persons shall be rewarded after life with perpetuall blisse。 And in this feined jest of Lucius Apuleius is comprehended a figure of mans life察ministring most sweet and delectable matter察to such as shall be desirous to reade the same。 The which if your honourable lordship shall accept ant take in good part察I shall not onely thinke my small travell and labour well employed察but also receive a further comfort to attempt some more serious matter察which may be more acceptable to your Lordship 此desiring the same to excuse my rash and bold enterprise at this time察as I nothing doubt of your Lordships goodnesse。 To whome I beseech Almighty God to impart long life察with encrease of much honour。
〃From Vniversity Colledge in Oxenforde察the xviij。 of September察1566。
Your Honours most bounden
The Life of Lucius Apuleius Briefly Described
LUCIUS APULEIUS African察an excellent follower of Plato his sect察born in Madaura察a Countrey sometime inhabited by the Romans察 and under the jurisdiction of Syphax察scituate and lying on the borders of Numidia and Getulia察whereby he calleth himself half a Numidian and half a Getulian 此and Sidonius named him the Platonian Madaurence 此his father called Theseus had passed all offices of dignity in his countrey with much honour。 His mother named Salvia was of such excellent vertue察that she passed all the Dames of her time察borne of an ancient house察and descended from the philosopher Plutarch察and Sextus his nephew。 His wife called Prudentila was endowed with as much vertue and riches as any woman might be。 Hee himselfe was of an high and comely stature察gray eyed察his haire yellow察and a beautiful personage。 He flourished in Carthage in the time of Iolianus Avitus and Cl。 Maximus Proconsuls察where he spent his youth in learning the liberall sciences察and much profited under his masters there察whereby not without cause hee calleth himself the Nource of Carthage察and the celestial Muse and venerable mistresse of Africke。 Soone after察at Athens where in times past the well of all doctrine flourished he tasted many of the cups of the muses察he learned the Poetry察Geometry察Musicke察Logicke察and the universall knowledge of Philosophy察and studied not in vaine the nine Muses察that is to say察the nine noble and royal disciplines。
Immediately after he went to Rome察and studied there the Latine tongue察with such labour and continuall study察that he achieved to great eloquence察and was known and approved to be excellently learned察whereby he might worthily be called Polyhistor察that is to say察one that knoweth much or many things。
And being thus no lesse endued with eloquence察than with singular learning察he wrote many books for them that should come after 此whereof part by negligence of times be now intercepted and part now extant察doe sufficiently declare察with how much wisdome and doctrine hee flourished察and with how much vertue hee excelled amongst the rude and barbarous people。 The like was Anacharsis amongst the most luskish Scythes。 But amongst the Bookes of Lucius Apuleius察which are perished and prevented察howbeit greatly desired as now adayes察one was intituled Banquetting questions察another entreating of the nature of fish察another of the generation of beasts察another containing his Epigrams察another called 'Hermagoras' 此but such as are now extant are the foure books named 'Floridorum'察 wherein is contained a flourishing stile察and a savory kind of learning察which delighteth察holdeth察and rejoiceth the reader marvellously察wherein you shall find a great variety of things察as leaping one from another 此One excellent and copious Oration察containing all the grace and vertue of the art Oratory察where he cleareth himself of the crime of art Magick察which was slanderously objected against him by his Adversaries察wherein is contained such force of eloquence and doctrine察as he seemeth to passe and excell himselfe。 There is another booke of the god of the spirit of Socrates察whereof St。 Augustine maketh mention in his booke of the definition of spirits察and description of men。 Two other books of the opinion of Plato察wherein is briefly contained that which before was largely expressed。 One booke of Cosmography察comprising many things of Aristotles Meteors。 The Dialogue of Trismegistus察translated by him out of Greeke into Latine察so fine察that it rather seemeth with more eloquence turned into Latine察than it was before written in Greeke。 But principally these eleven Bookes of the 'Golden Asse'察are enriched with such pleasant matter察with such excellency and variety of flourishing tales察that nothing may be more sweet and delectable察whereby worthily they may be intituled The Bookes of the 'Golden Asse'察 for the passing stile and matter therein。 For what can be more acceptable than this Asse of Gold indeed。 Howbeit there be many who would rather intitule it 'Metamorphosis'察that is to say察a transfiguration or transformation察by reason of the argument and matter within。
The Preface of the Author To His Sonne察Faustinus And unto the Readers of this Book
THAT I to thee some joyous jests may show in gentle gloze察 And frankly feed thy bended eares with passing pleasant prose 此 So that thou daine in seemly sort this wanton booke to view察 That is set out and garnisht fine察 with written phrases new。 I will declare how one by hap his humane figure lost察 And how in brutish formed shape察 his loathed life he tost。 And how he was in course of time f