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tanglewood tales(探戈林故事)-第47节

小说: tanglewood tales(探戈林故事) 字数: 每页4000字

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dazzling   gleam   from   a   vast   number   of   polished   brass   helmets;   beneath 

which; as they grew farther out of the soil; appeared the dark and bearded 

visages   of   warriors;   struggling   to   free   themselves   from   the   imprisoning 

earth。 The first look that they gave at the upper world was a glare of wrath 

and defiance。 Next were seen their bright breastplates; in every right hand 

there was a sword or a spear; and on each left arm a shield; and when this 

strange     crop    of  warriors     had   but   half   grown     out  of   the   earth;   they 

struggledsuch   was   their   impatience   of   restraintand;   as   it   were;   tore 

themselves   up   by   the   roots。  Wherever   a   dragon's   tooth   had   fallen;   there 

stood   a   man   armed   for   battle。   They   made   a   clangor   with   their   swords 

against their shields; and eyed one another fiercely; for they had come into 

this   beautiful   world;   and   into   the   peaceful   moonlight;   full   of   rage   and 

stormy   passions;   and   ready   to   take   the   life   of   every   human   brother;   in 

recompense of the boon of their own existence。 


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     There     have   been    many    other   armies    in  the  world    that  seemed     to 

possess the same fierce nature with the one which had now sprouted from 

the dragon's teeth; but these; in the moonlit field; were the more excusable; 

because they never had women for their mothers。 And how it would have 

rejoiced   any   great   captain;   who   was   bent   on   conquering   the   world;   like 

Alexander or Napoleon; to raise a crop of armed soldiers as easily as Jason 

did!   For   a   while;   the   warriors   stood   flourishing   their   weapons;   clashing 

their swords against their shields; and boiling over with the red…hot thirst 

for battle。 Then they began to shout〃Show us the enemy! Lead us to the 

charge! Death or victory!〃 〃Come on; brave comrades! Conquer or die!〃 

and a hundred other outcries; such as men always bellow forth on a battle 

field; and which these dragon people seemed to have at their tongues' ends。 

At last; the front rank caught sight of Jason; who; beholding the flash of so 

many weapons in the moonlight; had thought it best to draw his sword。 In 

a moment all the sons of the dragon's teeth appeared to take Jason for an 

enemy; and crying with one voice; 〃Guard the Golden Fleece!〃 they ran at 

him with uplifted swords and protruded spears。 Jason knew that it would 

be impossible to withstand this blood…thirsty battalion with his single arm; 

but    determined;     since   there   was   nothing    better   to  be  done;    to  die  as 

valiantly as if he himself had sprung from a dragon's tooth。 

     Medea; however; bade him snatch up a stone from the ground。 

     〃Throw it among them quickly!〃 cried she。 〃It is the only way to save 


     The   armed   men   were   now   so   nigh   that   Jason   could   discern   the   fire 

flashing out   of their enraged   eyes;   when he let   fly  the stone;   and saw   it 

strike   the   helmet   of   a   tall   warrior;   who   was   rushing   upon   him   with   his 

blade aloft。 The stone glanced from this man's helmet to the shield of his 

nearest   comrade;   and   thence   flew   right   into   the   angry   face   of   another; 

hitting   him   smartly   between   the   eyes。   Each   of   the   three   who   had   been 

struck by the stone took it for granted that his next neighbor had given him 

a blow; and instead of running any farther towards Jason; they began to 

fight among themselves。 The confusion spread through the host; so that it 

seemed   scarcely   a   moment   before   they   were   all   hacking;   hewing;   and 

stabbing at one another; lopping off arms; heads; and legs and doing such 


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memorable deeds that Jason was filled with immense admiration; although; 

at the same time; he could not help laughing to behold these mighty men 

punishing each other for an offense which he himself had committed。 In 

an incredibly short space of time (almost as short; indeed; as it had taken 

them   to   grow   up);   all   but   one   of   the   heroes   of   the   dragon's   teeth   were 

stretched lifeless on the field。 The last survivor; the bravest and strongest 

of the whole; had just force enough to wave his crimson sword over his 

head and give a shout of exultation; crying; 〃Victory! Victory! Immortal 

fame!〃      when    he   himself    fell  down;     and   lay   quietly    among     his   slain 


     And there was the end of the army that had sprouted from the dragon's 

teeth。 That   fierce   and   feverish   fight   was   the   only  enjoyment   which   they 

had tasted on this beautiful earth。 

     〃Let them sleep in the bed of honor;〃 said the Princess Medea; with a 

sly smile at Jason。 〃The world will always have simpletons enough; just 

like them; fighting and dying for they know not what; and fancying that 

posterity   will   take   the   trouble   to   put   laurel   wreaths   on   their   rusty   and 

battered   helmets。   Could   you   help   smiling;   Prince   Jason;   to   see   the   self… 

conceit of that last fellow; just as he tumbled down?〃 

     〃It made me very sad;〃 answered Jason; gravely。 〃And; to tell you the 

truth;   princess;    the   Golden     Fleece    does   not   appear    so  well    worth    the 

winning; after what I have here beheld!〃 

     〃You   will   think   differently   in   the   morning;〃   said   Medea。   〃True;   the 

Golden   Fleece   may  not   be   so   valuable   as   you   have   thought   it;   but   then 

there is nothing better in the world; and one must needs have an object; 

you   know。   Come!   Your   night's   work   has   been   well   performed;   and   to… 

morrow you can inform King Aetes that the first part of your allotted task 

is fulfilled。〃 

     Agreeably  to   Medea's   advice;   Jason   went   betimes   in   the   morning   to 

the palace of King Aetes。 Entering the presence chamber; he stood at the 

foot of the throne; and made a low obeisance。 

     〃Your eyes look heavy; Prince Jason;〃 observed the king; 〃you appear 

to   have   spent   a   sleepless   night。   I   hope   you   have   been   considering   the 

matter     a  little  more    wisely;    and   have    concluded      not   to  get   yourself 


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scorched to a cinder; in attempting to tame my brazen…lunged bulls。〃 

     〃That   is   already   accomplished;   may   it   please   your   majesty;〃   replied 

Jason。 〃The bulls have been tamed and yoked; the field has been plowed; 

the dragon's teeth have been sown broadcast; and harrowed into the soil; 

the   crop   of   armed    warriors    have   sprung    up;   and   they   have   slain  one 

another;  to   the   last   man。 And   now  I   solicit   your   majesty's   permission   to 

encounter the dragon; that I may take down the Golden Fleece from the 

tree; and depart; with my nine and forty comrades。〃 

     King Aetes scowled; and looked very angry and excessively disturbed; 

for he knew that; in accordance with his kingly promise; he ought now to 

permit Jason to win the Fleece; if his courage and skill should enable him 

to do so。  But; since the young man   had met   with such good   luck in  the 

matter of the brazen bulls and the dragon's teeth; the king feared that he 

would be equally successful in slaying the dragon。 And therefore; though 

he    would    gladly   have    seen   Jason   snapped     up   at  a  mouthful;    he   was 

resolved (and it was a very wrong thing of this wicked potentate) not to 

run any further risk of losing his beloved Fleece。 

     〃You never would have succeeded in this business; young man;〃 said 

he;    〃if  my   undutiful     daughter    Medea      had   not   helped    you   with    her 

enchantments。 Had you acted fairly; you would have been; at this instant; a 

black cinder; or a handful of white ashes。 I forbid you; on pain of death; to 

make   any   more   attempts   to   get   the   Golden   Fleece。   To   speak   my   mind 

plainly; you shall never set eyes on so much as one of its glistening locks。〃 

     Jason left the king's presence in great sorrow and anger。 He could think 

of nothing better to be done than to summon together his forty…nine brave 

Argonauts;   march   at   once   to   the   Grove   of   Mars;   slay   the   dragon;   take 

possession of the Golden Fleece; get on board the Argo; and spread all sail 

for   Iolchos。    The   success    of   this  scheme     depended;     it  is  true;  

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