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masterman ready-第39节

小说: masterman ready 字数: 每页4000字

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 morning。 One hour before sunset they arrived at the house; where they found Mr。 and Mrs。 Seagrave sitting outside; and Juno standing on the beach with the two children; who were amusing themselves with picking up the shells which were strewed about。 William gave a very clear account of all they had seen; and showed his father the specimens of the plants which he had collected。

〃This;〃 said Mr。 Seagrave; 〃is a well…known plant; and I wonder Ready did not recognize it; it is hemp。〃

〃I never saw it except in the shape of rope;〃 replied Ready。 〃I know the seed well enough。〃

〃Well; if we require it; I can tell you how to dress it;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave。 〃Now; William; what is the next?〃

〃This odd…looking; rough thing。〃

〃That's the egg…plant: it bears fruit of a blue colour。 I am told they eat it in the hot countries。〃

〃Yes; sir; they do; they fry it with pepper and salt; they call it bringal。 I think it must be that。〃

〃I do not doubt but you are right;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave。 〃Why; William; you should know this。〃

〃It is like the grape…vine。〃

〃Yes; and it is so; it is the wild grape; we shall eat them by and bye。〃

〃I have only one more; papa: what is this?〃

〃You don't know it; because it has sprung up so high; William; but it is the common mustard plant; … what we use in England; and is sold as mustard and cress。 I think you have now made a famous day's work of it; and we have much to thank God for。〃

As soon as they had returned to the house; a consultation was held as to their future proceedings; and; after some debate; it was agreed that it would be advisable that they should take the boat out of the sand; and; as soon as it was ready; examine the reef on the southward; to see if they could find a passage through it; as it would take a long while to go round it; and; as soon as that was accomplished; Mr。 Seagrave; Ready; William; and Juno should all go through the wood; carrying with them a tent to pitch on the newly…discovered piece of ground: and that they should set up a flag…staff at the little harbour; to point out its position。 Of course; that would be a hard day's work; but that they would; nevertheless; return the same night; and not leave Mrs。 Seagrave alone with the children。 Having accomplished this; Ready and William would then put the wheels and axle in the boat; and other articles required; such as saw; hatchets; and spades; and row round to the south side of the island; to find the little harbour。 As soon as they had landed them; and secured the boat; they would then return by the path through the wood。

The next job would be to rail in the yam plantation to keep off the pigs; and; at the same time; to drive the sheep and goats through the wood; that they might feed on the new pasture ground。 Ready and William were then to cut down cocoa…nut trees sufficient for the paling; fix up the posts; and when that was done; Mr。 Seagrave was to come to them and assist them in railing it in; and drawing the timber。 This they expected would be all done in about a month; and during that time; as Mrs。 Seagrave and Juno would be; for the greatest part of it; left at the house; they were to employ themselves in clearing the garden of weeds; and making preparation for fencing it in。

As soon as this important work had been completed; the boat would return to the bay with a load of prickly pears for the garden fence; and then they were to direct their attention to the stores which had been saved from the wreck; and were lying in the cove where they had first landed。 When they had examined them; and brought round what were required; and secured them in the storehouse; they would then have a regular survey of the island by land and by water。 But man proposes and God disposes; as will be shown by the interruption of their intended projects which we shall have to narrate in the ensuing chapter。

Chapter XLIII

As usual; Ready was the first up on the following morning; and having greeted Juno; who followed him out of the house; he set off on his accustomed rounds; to examine into the stock and their other possessions。 He was standing in the garden at the point。 First he thought that it would be necessary to get ready some sticks for the peas; which were now seven or eight inches out of the ground; he had proceeded a little farther; to where the calivances; or French haricot beans; had been sown; and had decided upon the propriety of hoeing up the earth round them; as they were a very valuable article of food; that would keep; and afford many a good dish during the rainy or winter season。 He had gone on to ascertain if the cucumber seeds had shown themselves above…ground; and was pleased to find that they were doing well。 He said to himself; 〃We have no vinegar; that I know of; but we can preserve them in salt and water; as they do in Russia; it will be a change; at all events;〃 and then he raised his eyes and looked out to the offing; and; as usual; scanned the horizon。 He thought he saw a ship to the north…east; and he applied his telescope to his eye。 He was not mistaken … it was a vessel。

The old man's heart beat quick; he dropped his telescope on his arm; and fetched some heavy breaths before he could recover from the effect of this unexpected sight。 After a minute; he again put his telescope to his eye; and then made her out to be a brig; under top…sails and top…gallant sails; steering directly for the island。

Ready walked to the rocky point; from which they fished; and sat down to reflect。 Could it be that the vessel had been sent after them; or that she had by mere chance come among the islands? He decided after a short time that it must be chance; for none could know that they were saved; much less that they were on the island。 Her steering towards the island must then be either that she required water or something else; perhaps she would alter her course and pass by them。 〃At all events;〃 thought the old man; 〃we are in the hands of God; who will; at his own time and in his own way; do with us as he thinks fit。 I will not at present say anything to Mr。 and Mrs。 Seagrave。 It would be cruel to raise hopes which might end in disappointment。 A few hours will decide。 And yet I cannot do without help … I must trust William。〃

Ready rose; examined the vessel with his telescope; and then walked towards the house。 William was up; and the remainder of the family were stirring。

〃William;〃 said Ready to him; as they walked away from the house; 〃I have a secret to tell you; which you will at once see the necessity of not telling to anyone at present。 A few hours will decide the question。〃 William readily gave his promise。 〃There is a vessel off the island; she may be the means of rescuing us; or she may pass without seeing us。 It would be too cruel a disappointment to your father and mother; if the latter were the case。〃

William stared at Ready; and for a moment could not speak; his excitement was so great。

〃Oh; Ready; how grateful I am! I trust that we may he taken away; for you have no idea how my poor father suffers in silence … and so does my mother。〃

〃I know it; William; I know it; and it is natural; they do their best to control their yearnings; and they can do no more。 But now we must be quick; and at work before breakfast。 But stop; I will show you the vessel。〃

Ready caught the vessel in the field of the telescope; which he leant against the trunk of a cocoa…nut; and William put his eye to the glass。

〃Do you see her?〃

〃Oh yes; Ready; and she is coming this way。〃

〃Yes; she is steering right for the island。 I will put the telescope down here; and we will go about our work。〃

William and Ready went to the storehouse for the axe。 Ready selected a very slight cocoa…nut tree nearest to the beach; which he cut down; and as soon as the top was taken off with the assistance of William he carried it down to the point。

〃Now; William; go for a shovel and dig a hole here; that we may fix it up as a flag…staff。 When all is ready; I will go for a small block and some rope for halyards to hoist up the flags as soon as the vessel is likely to see them。 At breakfast…time; I shall propose that you and I get the boat out of the sand and examine her; and give Mr。 Seagrave some work indoors。〃

〃But the flags; Ready; they are round my mother's bed。 How shall we get them?〃

〃Suppose I say that it is time that the house should be well cleaned; and that the canvas hangings of the beds should he taken out to be aired this fine day。 Ask your father to take the direction of the work while we dig out the boat; that will employ them all inside the house。〃

〃Yes; that will do; Ready。〃

During breakfast…time; Ready observed that he intended to get the boat out of the sand; and that William should assist him。

〃And what am I to do; Ready?〃 said Mr。 Seagrave。

〃Why; sir; I think; now that the rains are over; it would not be a bad thing if we were to air bedding; as they say at sea; it is a fine; warm day; and if all the bedding was taken out of the house and well shaken; and then left out to air; it would be a very good job over; for you see; sir; I have thought more than once that the house does smell a little close。〃

〃It will be a very good thing; Ready;〃 observed Mrs。 Seagrave; 〃

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